{"version":3,"names":["scPasswordCss","ScPasswordStyle0","showHintTimer","showVerificationTimer","wp","i18n","__","this","hintText","help","confirmationHelp","placeholder","confirmationPlaceholder","size","type","value","onScInput","handleVerification","required","disabled","verifyText","h","key","class"],"sources":["src/components/ui/sc-password/sc-password.scss?tag=sc-password&encapsulation=shadow","src/components/ui/sc-password/sc-password.tsx"],"sourcesContent":[":host {\n display: block;\n}\n\n.password {\n display: grid;\n gap: var(--sc-form-row-spacing, 0.75em);\n &__hint {\n padding-top: 0.36rem;\n color: red;\n }\n}\n","import { Component, Prop, h, Method, State, Watch } from '@stencil/core';\nimport { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';\nimport { speak } from '@wordpress/a11y';\n\nlet showHintTimer, showVerificationTimer;\n\n@Component({\n tag: 'sc-password',\n styleUrl: 'sc-password.scss',\n shadow: true,\n})\nexport class ScPassword {\n private input: HTMLScInputElement;\n private confirmInput: HTMLScInputElement;\n\n /** The input's size. */\n @Prop({ reflect: true }) size: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' = 'medium';\n\n /** The input's value attribute. */\n @Prop({ mutable: true }) value = '';\n\n /** Draws a pill-style input with rounded edges. */\n @Prop({ reflect: true }) pill = false;\n\n /** The input's label. */\n @Prop() label: string;\n\n /** Should we show the label */\n @Prop() showLabel: boolean = true;\n\n /** The input's help text. */\n @Prop() help: string = '';\n\n /** The input's placeholder text. */\n @Prop() placeholder: string;\n\n /** Disables the input. */\n @Prop({ reflect: true }) disabled: boolean = false;\n\n /** Makes the input readonly. */\n @Prop({ reflect: true }) readonly: boolean = false;\n\n /** Makes the input a required field. */\n @Prop({ reflect: true }) required = false;\n\n /** The input's autofocus attribute. */\n @Prop() autofocus: boolean;\n\n /** The input's password confirmation attribute. */\n @Prop({ reflect: true }) confirmation = false;\n\n /** The name for the input. */\n @Prop() name: string = 'password';\n\n /** The input's confirmation label text. */\n @Prop() confirmationLabel: string;\n\n /** The input's confirmation placeholder text. */\n @Prop() confirmationPlaceholder: string;\n\n /** The input's confirmation help text. */\n @Prop() confirmationHelp: string;\n\n /** Ensures strong password validation. */\n @Prop({ reflect: true }) enableValidation = true;\n\n /** Hint Text. */\n @State() hintText: string;\n\n /** Verify Text. */\n @State() verifyText: string;\n\n /** Sets focus on the input. */\n @Method()\n async triggerFocus(options?: FocusOptions) {\n return this.input.triggerFocus(options);\n }\n\n @Method()\n async reportValidity() {\n this.input?.setCustomValidity?.('');\n this.confirmInput?.setCustomValidity?.('');\n\n // confirmation is enabled.\n if (this.confirmation) {\n if (this.confirmInput?.value && this.input?.value !== this.confirmInput?.value) {\n this.confirmInput.setCustomValidity(__('Password does not match.', 'surecart'));\n speak(__('Password does not match.', 'surecart'), 'assertive');\n }\n }\n\n // hint text is not empty.\n if (!!this.hintText) {\n this.input.setCustomValidity(__(this.hintText, 'surecart'));\n }\n\n const valid = await this.input.reportValidity();\n if (!valid) {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (this.confirmInput) {\n return this.confirmInput.reportValidity();\n }\n\n return valid;\n }\n\n /** Handle password verification. */\n handleVerification() {\n clearTimeout(showVerificationTimer);\n // show hint text after some delay\n showVerificationTimer = setTimeout(() => {\n this.verifyPassword();\n }, 500);\n }\n\n /** Handle password validation. */\n handleValidate() {\n this.handleVerification();\n // clear existing timeout\n clearTimeout(showHintTimer);\n\n // show hint text after some delay\n showHintTimer = setTimeout(() => {\n this.validatePassword();\n }, 500);\n }\n\n /** Validate the password input. */\n validatePassword() {\n if (!this.enableValidation) return;\n\n // nothing entered.\n if (this.input?.value.trim().length === 0) {\n this.hintText = '';\n return;\n }\n\n // must be at least 6 characters.\n if (this.input?.value.trim().length < 6) {\n return (this.hintText = __('The password must be at least 6 characters in length.', 'surecart'));\n }\n\n // must contain a special charater.\n const regex = /[-'`~!#*$@_%+=.,^&(){}[\\]|;:”<>?\\\\]/;\n if (!regex.test(this.input?.value)) {\n return (this.hintText = __('Passwords must contain a special character.', 'surecart'));\n }\n\n this.hintText = '';\n }\n\n /** Verify the password confirmation. */\n verifyPassword() {\n if (this.confirmInput?.value && this.input?.value !== this.confirmInput?.value) {\n this.verifyText = __('Password does not match.', 'surecart');\n speak(this.verifyText, 'assertive');\n return;\n }\n\n if (!!this.input?.value && !!this.confirmInput?.value && this.input?.value === this.confirmInput?.value) {\n speak(__('Password is matched.', 'surecart'), 'assertive');\n }\n\n this.verifyText = '';\n }\n\n @Watch('hintText')\n handleHintTextChange() {\n speak(this.hintText, 'assertive');\n }\n\n render() {\n return (\n
\n (this.input = el as HTMLScInputElement)}\n label={this.label}\n help={this.help}\n autofocus={this.autofocus}\n placeholder={this.placeholder}\n showLabel={this.showLabel}\n size={this.size ? this.size : 'medium'}\n type=\"password\"\n name=\"password\"\n value={this.value}\n required={this.required}\n disabled={this.disabled}\n onScInput={() => this.handleValidate()}\n />\n {!!this.hintText && {this.hintText}}\n
\n\n {this.confirmation && (\n
\n (this.confirmInput = el as HTMLScInputElement)}\n label={this.confirmationLabel ?? __('Confirm Password', 'surecart')}\n help={this.confirmationHelp}\n placeholder={this.confirmationPlaceholder}\n size={this.size ? this.size : 'medium'}\n type=\"password\"\n value={this.value}\n onScInput={() => this.handleVerification()}\n required={this.required}\n disabled={this.disabled}\n />\n {!!this.verifyText && {this.verifyText}}\n
\n )}\n