Conversation Questions

600 Best ESL Conversation Questions on Talking about Business

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Learning to talk about business in English is crucial for ESL students. It helps them understand business terminology, discuss workplace scenarios, and engage in meaningful conversations about the corporate world and entrepreneurial activities.

ESL teachers can use these conversation questions to help students practice speaking and participating in discussions about business topics, including management, marketing, finance, and entrepreneurship. These questions are excellent for building vocabulary and boosting confidence in discussing business concepts and practices.

This resource has 600 questions in 10 categories for all skill levels, from beginners to advanced learners, ensuring that every student can participate. These questions create fun and interactive learning experiences when used in varied speaking exercises like class discussions, business role-plays, or presentations.

By using these questions in the classroom, students will improve their ability to talk about business in English. This will help them become more knowledgeable about business practices, confident speakers, and effective communicators in various professional contexts.

This set of 600 business conversation questions, divided into 10 categories and six proficiency levels, is a valuable tool for ESL teachers to teach communication skills and promote business literacy among ESL students.

Category 1: Talking about Business Introduction

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is business?
  2. Do you know any famous businesses?
  3. Why do people start businesses?
  4. What do businesses sell?
  5. Where can you find businesses in your city?
  6. Do you buy things from businesses? Why?
  7. Can you name some common business professions?
  8. What is the difference between a small business and a big business?
  9. How do businesses make money?
  10. Why is business important?

Elementary (A2):

  1. What are the main types of businesses?
  2. Can you describe a typical day in a business?
  3. How do businesses help the economy?
  4. Have you ever visited a business? Which one?
  5. What skills do you think are important for working in a business?
  6. Do you know any famous entrepreneurs? Who?
  7. Why do businesses need customers?
  8. What are some challenges businesses face?
  9. How do businesses communicate with customers?
  10. What do you think the future of business looks like?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How do businesses attract customers?
  2. What role does marketing play in a business?
  3. Can you explain the concept of supply and demand?
  4. How do businesses decide how much to charge for their products or services?
  5. What are some common business strategies?
  6. How do businesses handle competition?
  7. Can you describe the process of starting a new business?
  8. Why is customer service important in business?
  9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working for a large corporation?
  10. How do businesses adapt to changes in the market?

Advanced (C1):

  1. How do businesses navigate complex geopolitical and economic challenges?
  2. Can you discuss the role of corporate governance in ensuring transparency and accountability in business?
  3. How do businesses address issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in their operations and workforce?
  4. What strategies do businesses use to manage crises and reputation risks?
  5. Can you analyze the impact of mergers and acquisitions on business growth and consolidation?
  6. How do businesses leverage data analytics and business intelligence for strategic decision-making?
  7. What role does corporate social responsibility play in shaping consumer perceptions and brand loyalty?
  8. How do businesses adapt to regulatory changes and compliance requirements?
  9. Can you discuss the impact of corporate culture on organizational performance and employee engagement?
  10. How do businesses balance short-term financial goals with long-term sustainability and value creation?

Proficient (C2):

  1. How do businesses foster innovation ecosystems and collaborate with startups and incubators?
  2. Can you discuss the role of business leaders in driving organizational change and transformation?
  3. How do businesses contribute to shaping public policy and advocacy agendas?
  4. What strategies do businesses use to address systemic inequalities and promote social justice?
  5. Can you analyze the impact of disruptive technologies and business models on established industries?
  6. How do businesses navigate ethical dilemmas and uphold integrity in their operations and decision-making?
  7. What role does corporate diplomacy play in managing international relations and business partnerships?
  8. How do businesses foster a culture of continuous learning and adaptability in a rapidly changing world?
  9. Can you discuss the potential of purpose-driven business models to drive positive social and environmental impact?
  10. How do businesses contribute to shaping a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future for all?

Category 2: Talking about Entrepreneurship

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is an entrepreneur?
  2. Do you know anyone who has started their own business?
  3. Why do people become entrepreneurs?
  4. What is a startup?
  5. Can you name some basic business ideas?
  6. Why is entrepreneurship important?
  7. How do entrepreneurs make money?
  8. What are some qualities of a successful entrepreneur?
  9. Have you ever thought about starting your own business?
  10. What do you think is the first step to becoming an entrepreneur?

Elementary (A2):

  1. Can you describe a successful entrepreneur you admire?
  2. What are some common challenges entrepreneurs face?
  3. How do entrepreneurs come up with business ideas?
  4. Do you think anyone can become an entrepreneur?
  5. What is the difference between an entrepreneur and a business owner?
  6. How do entrepreneurs find customers for their businesses?
  7. What skills do you think are important for entrepreneurs to have?
  8. Have you ever had an idea for a business?
  9. What do you think makes a business idea good?
  10. How do entrepreneurs deal with failure?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. Can you explain the concept of risk-taking in entrepreneurship?
  2. What are some ways entrepreneurs finance their businesses?
  3. How important is market research for entrepreneurs?
  4. What role does innovation play in entrepreneurship?
  5. How do entrepreneurs build and grow their networks?
  6. Can you describe the process of creating a business plan?
  7. What are some common mistakes new entrepreneurs make?
  8. How do entrepreneurs balance work and personal life?
  9. What are some examples of successful entrepreneurial ventures?
  10. How do entrepreneurs contribute to the economy?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. What are some emerging trends in entrepreneurship?
  2. How do entrepreneurs identify opportunities in the market?
  3. Can you discuss the concept of scalability in business?
  4. What are the different stages of business growth for startups?
  5. How do entrepreneurs measure success?
  6. Can you describe a successful entrepreneurial ecosystem?
  7. What role does mentorship play in entrepreneurship?
  8. How do entrepreneurs pivot their businesses when necessary?
  9. Can you discuss the impact of entrepreneurship on society?
  10. What ethical considerations do entrepreneurs face?

Advanced (C1):

  1. How do entrepreneurs navigate regulatory environments and legal challenges?
  2. Can you discuss the concept of disruptive innovation in entrepreneurship?
  3. How do entrepreneurs manage intellectual property rights for their innovations?
  4. What strategies do entrepreneurs use to scale their businesses internationally?
  5. How do entrepreneurs assess and manage financial risks in their ventures?
  6. Can you analyze the role of venture capital in supporting entrepreneurship?
  7. What are some strategies for building a sustainable and socially responsible business?
  8. How do entrepreneurs leverage technology to drive innovation in their businesses?
  9. Can you discuss the psychological aspects of entrepreneurship, such as resilience and perseverance?
  10. How do entrepreneurs contribute to job creation and economic development?

Proficient (C2):

  1. How do entrepreneurs influence public policy and shape regulatory frameworks?
  2. Can you analyze the role of entrepreneurship in addressing global challenges such as climate change and inequality?
  3. How do entrepreneurs cultivate a culture of innovation and creativity within their organizations?
  4. Can you discuss the impact of globalization on entrepreneurial opportunities and strategies?
  5. How do entrepreneurs balance the pursuit of profit with social and environmental responsibility?
  6. Can you evaluate different models of corporate governance in entrepreneurial ventures?
  7. How do entrepreneurs navigate complex geopolitical dynamics and international trade relations?
  8. Can you discuss the role of storytelling and branding in building successful entrepreneurial ventures?
  9. How do entrepreneurs foster diversity, equity, and inclusion within their organizations?
  10. Can you envision the future of entrepreneurship and its potential societal implications?

Category 3: Talking about Marketing and Advertising

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is marketing?
  2. Do you like seeing advertisements?
  3. Why do companies advertise their products?
  4. Where do you see advertisements in your city?
  5. Can you name some common marketing techniques?
  6. Why is advertising important?
  7. How do companies attract customers?
  8. What do you think makes a good advertisement?
  9. Have you ever bought something because of an advertisement?
  10. What is your favorite advertisement?

Elementary (A2):

  1. How do companies promote their products?
  2. Can you describe a memorable advertisement you’ve seen?
  3. What role does social media play in marketing?
  4. How do companies target specific audiences with their advertisements?
  5. What are some examples of successful marketing campaigns?
  6. How do companies measure the effectiveness of their advertisements?
  7. Can you explain the difference between marketing and advertising?
  8. Why do companies use slogans and logos in their advertisements?
  9. How do advertisements influence consumer behavior?
  10. What do you think makes a bad advertisement?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. Can you discuss the concept of branding in marketing?
  2. How do companies use storytelling in their advertisements?
  3. What ethical considerations should companies consider when advertising?
  4. How do companies use data analysis in marketing?
  5. Can you explain the concept of target demographics in marketing?
  6. How do companies create a marketing strategy?
  7. What role do influencers play in modern marketing?
  8. How do companies use customer feedback in their marketing efforts?
  9. Can you discuss the impact of digital marketing on traditional advertising methods?
  10. How do companies adapt their marketing strategies to different cultures and languages?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. How do companies build brand loyalty among consumers?
  2. Can you discuss the psychology behind consumer decision-making in marketing?
  3. How do companies use content marketing to engage with customers?
  4. What are some emerging trends in digital marketing?
  5. How do companies integrate online and offline marketing efforts?
  6. Can you analyze the effectiveness of celebrity endorsements in advertising?
  7. How do companies use storytelling to create emotional connections with consumers?
  8. What role does customer relationship management (CRM) play in marketing?
  9. How do companies use search engine optimization (SEO) to improve their online visibility?
  10. Can you discuss the concept of integrated marketing communications (IMC)?

Advanced (C1):

  1. How do companies measure return on investment (ROI) in marketing?
  2. Can you discuss the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on marketing automation?
  3. How do companies leverage data-driven marketing to personalize customer experiences?
  4. What are some ethical dilemmas in targeted advertising and personalized marketing?
  5. How do companies use neuromarketing techniques to understand consumer behavior?
  6. Can you analyze the role of market research in informing marketing strategies?
  7. How do companies navigate privacy concerns and regulations in digital marketing?
  8. What strategies do companies use to create viral marketing campaigns?
  9. Can you discuss the role of storytelling in building brand narratives and identities?
  10. How do companies use experiential marketing to engage with consumers in unique ways?

Proficient (C2):

  1. How do companies create omnichannel marketing experiences for consumers?
  2. Can you evaluate the impact of cultural and social trends on marketing strategies?
  3. How do companies use augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in marketing campaigns?
  4. What are some examples of successful guerrilla marketing tactics?
  5. How do companies use data visualization and storytelling to communicate insights from marketing analytics?
  6. Can you discuss the role of marketing in shaping societal values and norms?
  7. How do companies engage in cause-related marketing and corporate social responsibility initiatives?
  8. What strategies do companies use to maintain brand consistency across global markets?
  9. Can you analyze the role of emotion and persuasion in effective marketing communication?
  10. How do companies use predictive analytics and machine learning in marketing automation?

Category 4: Talking about Finance and Accounting

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is money?
  2. Do you save money? Why?
  3. Why is it important to have a budget?
  4. What is a bank?
  5. Can you name some common expenses?
  6. Why do people need to pay taxes?
  7. How do you pay for things?
  8. What is a loan?
  9. Have you ever received money as a gift?
  10. What is the difference between saving and spending money?

Elementary (A2):

  1. How do banks help people manage their money?
  2. Can you explain the concept of interest?
  3. What is a credit card?
  4. How do people earn money?
  5. What is the difference between income and expenses?
  6. How do people keep track of their money?
  7. What are some ways to save money?
  8. Can you discuss the importance of financial planning?
  9. How do people invest their money?
  10. What do you think is the best way to spend money?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. Can you explain the concept of inflation?
  2. How do people prepare for retirement?
  3. What is the stock market?
  4. How do people calculate profit and loss?
  5. Can you discuss the role of insurance in financial planning?
  6. How do people manage debt?
  7. What are some common financial goals?
  8. Can you explain the concept of compound interest?
  9. How do people create a personal budget?
  10. What are some risks associated with investing money?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. Can you discuss the impact of economic factors on personal finances?
  2. How do people diversify their investment portfolios?
  3. What are some strategies for minimizing taxes?
  4. How do people evaluate the financial health of a company?
  5. Can you explain the concept of cash flow?
  6. How do people calculate return on investment (ROI)?
  7. What role do financial advisors play in personal finance?
  8. How do people plan for major life events, like buying a house or starting a family?
  9. Can you discuss the concept of financial independence?
  10. How do people manage risk in their investment strategies?

Advanced (C1):

  1. How do people analyze financial statements?
  2. Can you discuss the impact of globalization on financial markets?
  3. How do people use derivatives in investment strategies?
  4. What are some strategies for hedging against financial risks?
  5. Can you analyze the role of central banks in monetary policy?
  6. How do people assess the value of a company’s stock?
  7. What ethical considerations should investors take into account?
  8. How do people navigate regulatory frameworks in international finance?
  9. Can you discuss the role of behavioral economics in personal finance decisions?
  10. How do people manage complex financial portfolios?

Proficient (C2):

  1. How do people analyze macroeconomic trends to inform investment decisions?
  2. Can you evaluate the impact of fiscal policy on financial markets?
  3. How do people use quantitative analysis in financial modeling?
  4. What are some emerging trends in fintech and financial innovation?
  5. Can you discuss the role of cryptocurrencies in the future of finance?
  6. How do people navigate geopolitical risks in international finance?
  7. What strategies do people use for sustainable and ethical investing?
  8. Can you analyze the impact of demographic shifts on financial planning?
  9. How do people manage currency risk in international investments?
  10. What are some strategies for optimizing asset allocation in investment portfolios?

Category 5: Talking about Management and Leadership

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is a leader?
  2. Do you know anyone who is a leader?
  3. Why do people need leaders?
  4. What is a team?
  5. Can you name some common leadership qualities?
  6. Why is teamwork important?
  7. How do leaders help their teams?
  8. What is a goal?
  9. Have you ever been part of a team?
  10. What do you think makes a good leader?

Elementary (A2):

  1. How do leaders communicate with their teams?
  2. Can you describe a time when you worked with a leader?
  3. What is the difference between a manager and a leader?
  4. How do leaders motivate their teams?
  5. What are some common leadership styles?
  6. How do leaders make decisions?
  7. Can you explain the importance of trust in leadership?
  8. Why is it important for leaders to listen to their teams?
  9. How do leaders handle conflicts within their teams?
  10. What role do leaders play in setting goals for their teams?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. Can you discuss the concept of servant leadership?
  2. How do leaders delegate tasks effectively?
  3. What are some strategies for giving feedback as a leader?
  4. How do leaders foster a positive work culture?
  5. Can you analyze the role of emotional intelligence in leadership?
  6. How do leaders manage change within their organizations?
  7. What are some common challenges leaders face?
  8. How do leaders prioritize tasks and manage their time?
  9. Can you discuss the importance of accountability in leadership?
  10. How do leaders develop and mentor their team members?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. How do leaders create and articulate a vision for their organizations?
  2. Can you discuss the concept of transformational leadership?
  3. How do leaders build effective teams?
  4. What strategies do leaders use to promote diversity and inclusion?
  5. Can you analyze the impact of culture on leadership styles?
  6. How do leaders navigate power dynamics within their organizations?
  7. What role does ethical leadership play in decision-making?
  8. How do leaders balance autonomy and control within their teams?
  9. Can you discuss the importance of continuous learning for leaders?
  10. How do leaders foster innovation and creativity in their organizations?

Advanced (C1):

  1. How do leaders navigate complex organizational structures and dynamics?
  2. Can you analyze the role of leadership in driving organizational change?
  3. How do leaders manage crisis situations and maintain resilience?
  4. What strategies do leaders use to build strategic partnerships and alliances?
  5. Can you discuss the impact of globalization on leadership challenges?
  6. How do leaders cultivate a culture of accountability and responsibility?
  7. What role does systems thinking play in leadership decision-making?
  8. How do leaders negotiate effectively in high-stakes situations?
  9. Can you discuss the concept of distributed leadership and its implications?
  10. How do leaders address issues of sustainability and corporate social responsibility?

Proficient (C2):

  1. How do leaders navigate ethical dilemmas and moral complexities?
  2. Can you analyze the role of leadership in driving organizational innovation and entrepreneurship?
  3. How do leaders cultivate and empower future leaders within their organizations?
  4. What strategies do leaders use to promote organizational agility and adaptability?
  5. Can you discuss the role of leadership in fostering organizational resilience and sustainability?
  6. How do leaders address systemic inequalities and promote social justice within their organizations?
  7. What are some strategies for building a culture of continuous improvement and learning?
  8. How do leaders foster collaboration and cooperation across diverse teams and stakeholders?
  9. Can you discuss the concept of authentic leadership and its impact on organizational culture?
  10. How do leaders navigate the complexities of global leadership in a rapidly changing world?

Category 6: Talking about Global Business

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is global business?
  2. Do you know any companies that operate internationally?
  3. Why do companies do business in other countries?
  4. What is an export?
  5. Can you name some common products that are imported?
  6. Why is international trade important?
  7. How do companies communicate with people from other countries?
  8. What is a multinational company?
  9. Have you ever bought something from another country?
  10. What do you think makes a successful global business?

Elementary (A2):

  1. How do companies expand into international markets?
  2. Can you describe a time when you interacted with a global company?
  3. What are some benefits of global business?
  4. How do companies deal with different languages and cultures?
  5. What are some challenges of doing business internationally?
  6. How do companies transport goods across borders?
  7. Can you explain the concept of outsourcing in global business?
  8. Why do countries trade with each other?
  9. How do companies adapt their products for different markets?
  10. What role do international organizations play in global business?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. Can you discuss the impact of globalization on global business?
  2. How do companies conduct market research in other countries?
  3. What strategies do companies use to enter new international markets?
  4. How do companies manage currency exchange rates in global business?
  5. Can you analyze the role of government regulations in international trade?
  6. How do companies build and maintain relationships with international partners?
  7. What are some examples of successful international joint ventures?
  8. How do companies address cultural differences in global business negotiations?
  9. Can you discuss the concept of global supply chains?
  10. What strategies do companies use to mitigate risks in global business?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. How do companies navigate geopolitical risks in global business?
  2. Can you discuss the impact of trade agreements on global business?
  3. How do companies manage intellectual property rights in international markets?
  4. What role does technology play in facilitating global business operations?
  5. Can you analyze the impact of global financial markets on international trade?
  6. How do companies address environmental and social sustainability in global business?
  7. What are some strategies for building a global brand presence?
  8. How do companies adapt their marketing strategies for different cultural contexts?
  9. Can you discuss the role of corporate social responsibility in global business?
  10. How do companies measure success in global business ventures?

Advanced (C1):

  1. How do companies navigate complex legal and regulatory frameworks in international business?
  2. Can you discuss the impact of cultural diplomacy on global business relationships?
  3. How do companies manage political and economic risks in global business?
  4. What strategies do companies use to negotiate international trade agreements?
  5. Can you analyze the impact of emerging technologies like blockchain and AI on global business?
  6. How do companies address ethical dilemmas in global supply chains?
  7. What role does cross-cultural leadership play in managing global teams?
  8. How do companies leverage data analytics to inform global business strategies?
  9. Can you discuss the role of sustainable finance in supporting global business initiatives?
  10. How do companies contribute to sustainable development goals through global business practices?

Proficient (C2):

  1. How do companies navigate geopolitical tensions and conflicts in global business operations?
  2. Can you discuss the impact of pandemics and global crises on international trade and business?
  3. How do companies address human rights concerns in global supply chains?
  4. What strategies do companies use to promote inclusive and equitable global economic development?
  5. Can you analyze the role of corporate diplomacy in managing international business relationships?
  6. How do companies address challenges related to cybersecurity and data privacy in global business?
  7. What role does innovation play in driving sustainable development through global business?
  8. How do companies promote cross-cultural understanding and diversity in global business environments?
  9. Can you discuss the role of international financial institutions in supporting global business initiatives?
  10. How do companies contribute to shaping global governance and policy frameworks through their business practices?

Category 7: Talking about Ethics in Business

Beginner (A1):

  1. What are ethics?
  2. Do you think it’s important for businesses to be ethical?
  3. Why do companies need to follow rules?
  4. Can you name some common ethical values?
  5. Why should businesses treat their customers fairly?
  6. How do businesses show that they care about their employees?
  7. What is honesty?
  8. Why should businesses be honest?
  9. Have you ever seen someone do something dishonest at work?
  10. What do you think makes a business trustworthy?

Elementary (A2):

  1. Can you describe a time when you had to make an ethical decision?
  2. How do companies demonstrate integrity in their business practices?
  3. What are some examples of unethical behavior in business?
  4. How do businesses ensure product safety and quality for consumers?
  5. Can you explain the concept of corporate social responsibility?
  6. Why is it important for businesses to be transparent about their actions?
  7. What role do ethics play in building long-term relationships with customers?
  8. How do businesses address conflicts of interest?
  9. Can you discuss the importance of fair competition in business?
  10. What are some ways businesses can give back to their communities?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How do companies establish ethical codes of conduct for their employees?
  2. Can you discuss the impact of unethical behavior on a company’s reputation?
  3. How do businesses balance profit-making with ethical considerations?
  4. What are some strategies for promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace?
  5. Can you analyze the role of whistleblowers in exposing unethical practices?
  6. How do businesses address environmental sustainability concerns?
  7. What role do stakeholders play in holding businesses accountable for their actions?
  8. How do businesses ensure fair treatment of workers throughout their supply chains?
  9. Can you discuss the ethical implications of outsourcing and offshoring?
  10. How do businesses respond to ethical dilemmas in their decision-making processes?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. Can you analyze the role of leadership in fostering an ethical corporate culture?
  2. How do businesses measure and report their social and environmental impact?
  3. What strategies do businesses use to prevent bribery and corruption?
  4. How do companies navigate ethical challenges in international business operations?
  5. Can you discuss the ethical considerations of emerging technologies like AI and biotechnology?
  6. How do businesses address conflicts between shareholder interests and societal well-being?
  7. What role does corporate governance play in ensuring ethical business practices?
  8. How do businesses address ethical issues related to data privacy and cybersecurity?
  9. Can you discuss the impact of globalization on ethical standards in business?
  10. How do businesses promote ethical decision-making among their employees?

Advanced (C1):

  1. How do businesses integrate ethics into their strategic planning processes?
  2. Can you analyze the ethical implications of corporate lobbying and political influence?
  3. How do businesses address human rights concerns in their global supply chains?
  4. What strategies do businesses use to promote ethical innovation and responsible technology development?
  5. Can you discuss the role of business in addressing systemic inequalities and social justice issues?
  6. How do businesses navigate ethical dilemmas in emerging fields like gene editing and artificial intelligence?
  7. What role do business leaders play in advocating for ethical business practices on a global scale?
  8. How do businesses respond to criticism and public pressure regarding their ethical conduct?
  9. Can you discuss the ethical implications of corporate restructuring and layoffs?
  10. How do businesses contribute to shaping ethical norms and standards in society?

Proficient (C2):

  1. How do businesses promote a culture of ethical leadership and accountability throughout their organizations?
  2. Can you analyze the ethical implications of business decisions in complex and ambiguous situations?
  3. How do businesses address systemic injustices and promote equity and inclusion in their operations?
  4. What role does corporate citizenship play in driving positive social and environmental impact?
  5. Can you discuss the ethical considerations of business involvement in political and social issues?
  6. How do businesses foster ethical behavior and integrity among their suppliers and partners?
  7. What strategies do businesses use to align their values with those of their stakeholders and society?
  8. How do businesses address ethical challenges related to emerging fields like biotechnology and artificial intelligence?
  9. Can you discuss the ethical responsibilities of multinational corporations operating in diverse cultural contexts?
  10. How do businesses contribute to advancing ethical norms and values in a rapidly changing global landscape?

Category 8: Talking about Technology and Business

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is technology?
  2. How do businesses use technology?
  3. Why is technology important for businesses?
  4. Can you name some common types of technology?
  5. How do you use technology in your daily life?
  6. Why do businesses need computers?
  7. What is the internet?
  8. How do businesses use the internet?
  9. Have you ever used a smartphone?
  10. What do you think is the future of technology in business?

Elementary (A2):

  1. Can you describe a time when you used technology to solve a problem?
  2. How do businesses use email for communication?
  3. What are some examples of software that businesses use?
  4. How do businesses use social media for marketing?
  5. Can you explain the concept of e-commerce?
  6. Why is cybersecurity important for businesses?
  7. What role do smartphones play in business communication?
  8. How do businesses use technology to store and manage data?
  9. Can you discuss the impact of technology on the retail industry?
  10. What are some ways businesses can use technology to improve efficiency?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How do businesses use data analytics to make decisions?
  2. Can you discuss the impact of cloud computing on business operations?
  3. How do businesses use customer relationship management (CRM) software?
  4. What role does artificial intelligence (AI) play in business automation?
  5. Can you analyze the impact of mobile apps on consumer behavior?
  6. How do businesses use technology for remote work and virtual collaboration?
  7. What are some emerging technologies that businesses are exploring?
  8. How do businesses use technology to personalize customer experiences?
  9. Can you discuss the ethical implications of using technology in business?
  10. What challenges do businesses face when adopting new technologies?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. How do businesses use big data to gain insights into consumer behavior?
  2. Can you discuss the role of blockchain technology in supply chain management?
  3. How do businesses use predictive analytics to forecast market trends?
  4. What are some examples of successful digital transformation initiatives in business?
  5. Can you analyze the impact of automation on employment patterns in different industries?
  6. How do businesses address cybersecurity threats and data breaches?
  7. What role does the Internet of Things (IoT) play in business operations and efficiency?
  8. How do businesses leverage augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) for marketing?
  9. Can you discuss the ethical considerations of using facial recognition technology in business?
  10. What strategies do businesses use to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving technological landscape?

Advanced (C1):

  1. How do businesses use machine learning algorithms to optimize processes and decision-making?
  2. Can you discuss the impact of 5G technology on business innovation and connectivity?
  3. How do businesses harness the power of quantum computing for complex problem-solving?
  4. What are some strategies for managing and analyzing unstructured data in business?
  5. Can you analyze the role of digital twins in improving product design and performance?
  6. How do businesses navigate regulatory challenges and compliance issues related to technology?
  7. What role does open-source software play in business software development and innovation?
  8. How do businesses use sentiment analysis and natural language processing for customer insights?
  9. Can you discuss the impact of technology on the future of work and workforce transformation?
  10. What strategies do businesses use to ensure responsible and ethical use of emerging technologies?

Proficient (C2):

  1. How do businesses leverage immersive technologies like extended reality (XR) for training and simulation?
  2. Can you discuss the role of quantum encryption in ensuring cybersecurity for sensitive data?
  3. How do businesses use digital twins and simulation models for predictive maintenance and optimization?
  4. What are some strategies for integrating AI and human intelligence in business decision-making processes?
  5. Can you analyze the impact of biometric authentication and identification technologies on security and privacy?
  6. How do businesses harness the potential of edge computing for real-time data processing and analytics?
  7. What role does explainable AI play in ensuring transparency and accountability in automated decision-making?
  8. How do businesses address the digital divide and ensure equitable access to technology and digital resources?
  9. Can you discuss the potential of blockchain technology for revolutionizing supply chain transparency and traceability?
  10. What strategies do businesses use to foster a culture of continuous innovation and adaptability in a technology-driven world?

Category 9: Talking about Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is sustainability?
  2. Why is it important for companies to care about the environment?
  3. How do businesses contribute to pollution?
  4. Can you name some ways companies can reduce waste?
  5. Why should companies care about the well-being of their communities?
  6. What is recycling?
  7. How do companies use resources like water and electricity?
  8. Why should companies think about future generations?
  9. Have you ever heard about companies planting trees?
  10. What do you think businesses can do to help protect the environment?

Elementary (A2):

  1. Can you describe a time when you saw a company being environmentally friendly?
  2. How do businesses support local communities?
  3. What is corporate social responsibility?
  4. Why is it important for companies to be transparent about their practices?
  5. Can you explain the concept of sustainable development?
  6. How do businesses reduce their carbon footprint?
  7. What are some examples of sustainable packaging?
  8. How do companies promote diversity and inclusion?
  9. Can you discuss the importance of ethical sourcing for businesses?
  10. How do businesses support employee well-being and work-life balance?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How do businesses integrate sustainability into their core strategies?
  2. Can you discuss the concept of triple bottom line accounting?
  3. How do companies measure and report their environmental impact?
  4. What role do stakeholders play in holding companies accountable for their sustainability efforts?
  5. Can you analyze the impact of sustainable business practices on long-term profitability?
  6. How do companies engage with governments and NGOs to address social and environmental challenges?
  7. What are some examples of companies leading the way in sustainable innovation?
  8. How do businesses address human rights issues in their supply chains?
  9. Can you discuss the concept of fair trade and its impact on global supply chains?
  10. How do companies ensure transparency and accountability in their sustainability reporting?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. How do businesses incorporate sustainable design principles into product development?
  2. Can you discuss the role of circular economy principles in reducing waste and resource consumption?
  3. How do companies address social inequalities and promote inclusive economic growth?
  4. What strategies do companies use to mitigate climate change risks in their operations?
  5. Can you analyze the impact of sustainable investing on corporate decision-making and financial performance?
  6. How do businesses engage with consumers to promote sustainable lifestyles and consumption patterns?
  7. What are some challenges companies face in implementing sustainable supply chain practices?
  8. How do businesses address water scarcity and pollution issues in their operations and supply chains?
  9. Can you discuss the role of innovation and technology in advancing sustainable business solutions?
  10. How do companies promote environmental and social stewardship among their employees and partners?

Advanced (C1):

  1. How do businesses align their sustainability goals with global frameworks like the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
  2. Can you discuss the role of corporate governance in ensuring sustainable business practices?
  3. How do companies measure and manage their social impact beyond financial metrics?
  4. What are some examples of successful collaborative initiatives addressing complex sustainability challenges?
  5. Can you analyze the role of supply chain transparency in promoting sustainable sourcing and production?
  6. How do businesses navigate the complexities of sustainability certification and labeling schemes?
  7. What strategies do companies use to address social justice issues and promote human rights in their operations?
  8. How do businesses incorporate indigenous knowledge and traditional practices into their sustainability initiatives?
  9. Can you discuss the potential of regenerative business models to restore ecosystems and communities?
  10. How do companies promote sustainability literacy and awareness among their stakeholders and the wider public?

Proficient (C2):

  1. How do businesses leverage emerging technologies like blockchain and IoT for sustainable supply chain management?
  2. Can you analyze the role of policy advocacy and lobbying in advancing corporate sustainability agendas?
  3. How do companies address systemic inequalities and promote equitable access to resources and opportunities?
  4. What strategies do companies use to address social and environmental justice issues in their value chains?
  5. Can you discuss the potential of biomimicry and nature-inspired design principles for sustainable innovation?
  6. How do businesses navigate the ethical complexities of offsetting and carbon trading in climate mitigation efforts?
  7. What role do businesses play in fostering cross-sectoral collaboration for sustainable development?
  8. How do companies embed principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion into their organizational cultures and practices?
  9. Can you discuss the role of transformative leadership in driving systemic change towards sustainability?
  10. How do businesses contribute to building resilient and regenerative economies that prioritize people and planet?

Category 10: Talking about Career Development and Networking

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is a career?
  2. Why is it important to have a job?
  3. How do people find jobs?
  4. Can you name some common jobs?
  5. Why do people work?
  6. What is a resume?
  7. How do people prepare for job interviews?
  8. Why is it important to have skills?
  9. Have you ever talked to someone about their job?
  10. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Elementary (A2):

  1. Can you describe a time when you applied for a job?
  2. How do people write a cover letter?
  3. What are some skills employers look for?
  4. How do people prepare for a job interview?
  5. Can you explain the concept of networking?
  6. Why is it important to have goals in your career?
  7. What role do internships play in career development?
  8. How do people improve their skills for their career?
  9. Can you discuss the importance of professionalism in the workplace?
  10. What are some common career paths in your country?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How do people create a career development plan?
  2. Can you discuss the impact of technology on the future of work?
  3. How do people negotiate salary and benefits?
  4. What are some strategies for building a professional network?
  5. Can you analyze the role of mentorship in career growth?
  6. How do people manage work-life balance in their careers?
  7. What role does continuous learning play in career advancement?
  8. How do people navigate career transitions and changes?
  9. Can you discuss the importance of personal branding in career development?
  10. How do people leverage social media for career networking?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. How do people identify and pursue opportunities for career advancement?
  2. Can you discuss the impact of globalization on career opportunities?
  3. How do people manage their online presence and reputation for professional networking?
  4. What are some effective strategies for building relationships with colleagues and industry professionals?
  5. Can you analyze the role of emotional intelligence in career success?
  6. How do people develop leadership skills in their careers?
  7. What role does self-assessment play in career planning and development?
  8. How do people navigate challenges and setbacks in their careers?
  9. Can you discuss the importance of adaptability and resilience in a dynamic work environment?
  10. How do people stay motivated and engaged in their careers over the long term?

Advanced (C1):

  1. How do people leverage strategic career moves to achieve their long-term goals?
  2. Can you discuss the impact of artificial intelligence and automation on job markets and career paths?
  3. How do people cultivate a personal board of advisors for career guidance and support?
  4. What are some strategies for managing and leveraging workplace diversity for career growth?
  5. Can you analyze the role of corporate culture and values in career satisfaction and fulfillment?
  6. How do people navigate ethical dilemmas and integrity challenges in their careers?
  7. What role does innovation and entrepreneurial thinking play in shaping career trajectories?
  8. How do people manage cross-cultural communication and collaboration in globalized work environments?
  9. Can you discuss the importance of continuous networking and relationship-building throughout one’s career?
  10. How do people contribute to creating inclusive and equitable workplaces through their career choices and actions?

Proficient (C2):

  1. How do people navigate complex power dynamics and organizational politics in their careers?
  2. Can you discuss the impact of macroeconomic trends and geopolitical shifts on career opportunities and challenges?
  3. How do people foster a growth mindset and embrace lifelong learning in their career journeys?
  4. What strategies do people use to cultivate a personal brand and thought leadership in their industries?
  5. Can you analyze the role of social responsibility and sustainability in shaping career decisions and priorities?
  6. How do people leverage disruptive technologies and emerging trends to innovate in their careers?
  7. What role does cross-sectoral experience and interdisciplinary knowledge play in shaping career paths?
  8. How do people advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion in their workplaces and industries?
  9. Can you discuss the importance of mentorship and sponsorship in advancing careers and fostering talent development?
  10. How do people contribute to shaping the future of work and creating meaningful impact through their careers?


By integrating these conversation questions into daily conversations, ESL students will gain a deeper understanding of business topics while building vocabulary and boosting confidence.

These questions enable engaging and interactive speaking activities, making it easier to teach speaking skills and discuss business matters.

This resource will help students become more knowledgeable and articulate about business experiences in English, preparing them for real-world professional discussions.

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