Conversation Questions

600 ESL Conversation Questions on Talking about Science and Research

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Learning to talk about science and research in English is crucial for ESL students. It helps them understand scientific concepts, discuss research findings, and engage in meaningful conversations about various scientific disciplines.

ESL teachers can use these conversation questions to help students practice speaking and participating in daily conversations about science and research, including scientific discoveries, research methodologies, technological advancements, and environmental issues. These questions are excellent for building vocabulary and boosting confidence in discussing scientific topics.

This resource has 600 questions in 10 categories for all skill levels, from beginners to advanced learners, ensuring that every student can participate. These questions create fun and interactive learning experiences when used in different speaking activities like class discussions, science debates, or presentations.

By using these questions in the classroom, students will improve their ability to talk about science and research in English. This will help them become more scientifically literate, critical thinkers, and effective communicators in various settings.

This set of 600 science and research conversation questions, divided into 10 categories and six proficiency levels, is a valuable tool for ESL teachers to teach speaking skills and promote discussions about science among ESL students.

Category 1: Talking about Basic Concepts in Science

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is science?
  2. Can you name some things you see in nature?
  3. What is a plant?
  4. Do you know what the sun is?
  5. What color is the sky?
  6. Can you name some animals?
  7. What do you know about water?
  8. What happens when you mix blue and yellow paint?
  9. Can you name some things that are hot?
  10. Do you like learning about science?

Elementary (A2):

  1. What do scientists do?
  2. Can you name the planets in our solar system?
  3. What are the three states of matter?
  4. What is the difference between living and non-living things?
  5. How do plants grow?
  6. What do you know about the weather?
  7. Why do we need air?
  8. Can you name some animals that live in the water?
  9. What is electricity used for?
  10. What is the purpose of doing experiments?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How do scientists use observations in their work?
  2. What are the main branches of science?
  3. How does the water cycle work?
  4. Why is the scientific method important?
  5. How do plants make their own food?
  6. What is gravity and how does it affect us?
  7. Can you explain the difference between a solid, liquid, and gas?
  8. What are some ways science helps us in everyday life?
  9. How do scientists classify animals?
  10. Why is it important to recycle?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. What are some ethical considerations in scientific research?
  2. How has science changed the way we live?
  3. What role does science play in solving global issues like climate change?
  4. How does scientific knowledge build over time?
  5. Can you describe a famous scientific experiment and its significance?
  6. How does technology influence scientific research?
  7. What is the difference between a hypothesis and a theory?
  8. How do scientists use data to make conclusions?
  9. What are some challenges scientists face today?
  10. How do scientific discoveries impact our understanding of the world?

Advanced (C1):

  1. How do interdisciplinary studies contribute to scientific advancements?
  2. What are the limitations of scientific research?
  3. How do cultural perspectives influence scientific research?
  4. What is the role of peer review in scientific research?
  5. How has the public perception of science changed over the years?
  6. How do funding and politics affect scientific research?
  7. Can you discuss the ethical implications of genetic modification?
  8. How does science education vary around the world?
  9. How can science communication be improved to the general public?
  10. What are the implications of scientific discoveries on policy-making?

Proficient (C2):

  1. Discuss the philosophical foundations of scientific inquiry.
  2. How do paradigm shifts occur in science, according to Thomas Kuhn?
  3. What are the epistemological challenges in scientific research?
  4. How do different scientific disciplines approach the concept of causality?
  5. Discuss the role of falsifiability in the philosophy of science.
  6. How does the replication crisis affect scientific credibility?
  7. What is the significance of Occam’s razor in scientific theory formulation?
  8. How do scientific revolutions shape our understanding of the natural world?
  9. What are the implications of post-normal science in contemporary research?
  10. How does science intersect with ethics and morality in modern society?

Category 2: Talking about Famous Scientists and Their Contributions

Beginner (A1):

  1. Who is a famous scientist you know?
  2. Can you name a scientist who studied the stars?
  3. Do you know a scientist who worked with plants?
  4. Who invented the light bulb?
  5. Who is Albert Einstein?
  6. Can you name a scientist who helped with medicine?
  7. Who discovered gravity?
  8. Have you heard of Marie Curie?
  9. What did Thomas Edison invent?
  10. Who is Isaac Newton?

Elementary (A2):

  1. What did Albert Einstein discover?
  2. Who is known as the father of modern physics?
  3. What did Marie Curie discover?
  4. Why is Charles Darwin famous?
  5. Who is known for the theory of relativity?
  6. What did Louis Pasteur contribute to science?
  7. Can you name a famous female scientist?
  8. What did Galileo study?
  9. Who is known for discovering penicillin?
  10. What did Nikola Tesla invent?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How did Isaac Newton contribute to science?
  2. What is Stephen Hawking known for?
  3. What are some contributions of Leonardo da Vinci to science?
  4. How did Alexander Fleming impact medicine?
  5. Who was Rosalind Franklin and what was her contribution to science?
  6. What are some inventions of Thomas Edison?
  7. How did Ada Lovelace contribute to computer science?
  8. What discoveries did Jane Goodall make?
  9. Who is Neil deGrasse Tyson and what is he known for?
  10. How did Dmitri Mendeleev contribute to chemistry?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. What are the major contributions of Carl Sagan to science?
  2. How did Rachel Carson influence environmental science?
  3. What were the key discoveries of James Watson and Francis Crick?
  4. How did Richard Feynman impact physics?
  5. Who is Katherine Johnson and what was her role in space exploration?
  6. How did Jonas Salk contribute to public health?
  7. What are the achievements of Chien-Shiung Wu in physics?
  8. How did George Washington Carver impact agriculture?
  9. What was the significance of Edwin Hubble’s discoveries?
  10. How did Tim Berners-Lee influence modern technology?

Advanced (C1):

  1. Discuss the scientific contributions of Niels Bohr to atomic theory.
  2. How did Barbara McClintock’s work on genetics revolutionize biology?
  3. What is the legacy of Richard Dawkins in evolutionary biology?
  4. How did Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar contribute to our understanding of stars?
  5. What are the key contributions of Dorothy Hodgkin to chemistry?
  6. How did Stephen Jay Gould’s work impact paleontology?
  7. Discuss the importance of Linus Pauling’s research in chemistry and peace.
  8. How did Henrietta Lacks’ cells change medical research?
  9. What are the contributions of Jane Goodall to primatology?
  10. How did Carl Linnaeus’ classification system influence biology?

Proficient (C2):

  1. Analyze the impact of Alan Turing’s work on modern computing and cryptography.
  2. Discuss the contributions of Robert Hooke to cell theory and microscopy.
  3. Evaluate the influence of Alhazen’s (Ibn al-Haytham) work on optics in the scientific method.
  4. How did Lise Meitner’s research contribute to our understanding of nuclear fission?
  5. What were the implications of J.J. Thomson’s discovery of the electron on modern physics?
  6. Discuss the contributions of Florence Nightingale to the field of statistics and healthcare.
  7. Evaluate the impact of Jonas Salk’s development of the polio vaccine on global health.
  8. Analyze the significance of Erwin Schrödinger’s contributions to quantum mechanics.
  9. Discuss the role of Barbara McClintock’s discovery of transposable elements in genetics.
  10. Evaluate the contributions of Frances Arnold in the field of directed evolution and biotechnology.

Category 3: Talking about Scientific Discoveries and Inventions

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is your favorite invention?
  2. Can you name an invention that helps people communicate?
  3. What is a discovery in science that you know about?
  4. Do you know who invented the telephone?
  5. What invention helps us see in the dark?
  6. Can you name an invention that helps us travel?
  7. What is electricity used for?
  8. Do you know any inventions that help us cook food?
  9. What invention is used to keep food cold?
  10. Can you name a discovery related to the human body?

Elementary (A2):

  1. Who invented the airplane?
  2. What are some inventions that help us stay healthy?
  3. Can you name an invention that changed the way we live?
  4. What did Alexander Graham Bell invent?
  5. What is the significance of the discovery of fire?
  6. Can you name some scientific discoveries related to space?
  7. What invention allows us to watch movies at home?
  8. How does the invention of the wheel help us?
  9. Who invented the first car?
  10. What are some important discoveries in medicine?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How did the invention of the internet change the world?
  2. What are some important scientific discoveries related to water?
  3. How did the invention of the printing press impact society?
  4. What is the significance of the discovery of DNA?
  5. How did the invention of the steam engine contribute to the industrial revolution?
  6. What are some recent scientific discoveries you find interesting?
  7. How does the discovery of antibiotics affect our lives?
  8. What are some important inventions in the field of communication?
  9. How did the discovery of electricity change the world?
  10. What are some key inventions in the history of transportation?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. How did the discovery of penicillin revolutionize medicine?
  2. What are the impacts of the invention of the computer on modern life?
  3. How did the invention of the telescope contribute to our understanding of the universe?
  4. What are some ethical considerations in scientific discoveries and inventions?
  5. How did the discovery of radioactivity change science?
  6. What are the social impacts of the invention of social media?
  7. How did the invention of the camera influence art and society?
  8. What are some key discoveries in the field of genetics?
  9. How did the discovery of the structure of DNA impact biology?
  10. What are some challenges in turning scientific discoveries into practical inventions?

Advanced (C1):

  1. Discuss the implications of the discovery of the Higgs boson particle.
  2. How have scientific discoveries influenced modern medicine?
  3. What are the environmental impacts of technological inventions?
  4. How do scientific discoveries in physics impact our daily lives?
  5. Discuss the significance of the invention of renewable energy technologies.
  6. How do discoveries in neuroscience influence our understanding of human behavior?
  7. What are the global implications of discoveries in climate science?
  8. How do scientific discoveries drive technological innovation?
  9. Discuss the historical impact of the invention of the microscope.
  10. How do inventions in information technology shape the modern economy?

Proficient (C2):

  1. Analyze the long-term impacts of the invention of the internet on society and culture.
  2. Evaluate the ethical implications of genetic engineering as a scientific discovery.
  3. Discuss the role of interdisciplinary research in major scientific discoveries.
  4. How do scientific discoveries challenge existing paradigms in various fields?
  5. Evaluate the impact of space exploration on scientific knowledge and technology.
  6. Discuss the societal impacts of artificial intelligence as an invention.
  7. How do scientific discoveries influence public policy and global governance?
  8. Analyze the contribution of nanotechnology to scientific advancements.
  9. Discuss the relationship between scientific discovery and economic development.
  10. Evaluate the potential future impacts of current scientific research on society.

Category 4: Talking about The Scientific Method and Research Practices

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is an experiment?
  2. Can you name a place where scientists work?
  3. What do scientists use to write down their observations?
  4. Do you know what a microscope is used for?
  5. What do you think scientists do in a lab?
  6. What is a question you might ask in science?
  7. Do you know what a hypothesis is?
  8. Why do scientists collect data?
  9. What tools do scientists use to measure things?
  10. Can you name a step in the scientific method?

Elementary (A2):

  1. What are the steps of the scientific method?
  2. Why is it important to ask questions in science?
  3. What does it mean to make a prediction in an experiment?
  4. Can you describe how scientists test their ideas?
  5. What do scientists do with their results after an experiment?
  6. Why is it important to repeat experiments?
  7. What is an observation in science?
  8. How do scientists use graphs and charts?
  9. What is the difference between an experiment and a theory?
  10. Why is it important to keep notes during an experiment?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How do scientists come up with research questions?
  2. What is the role of a control group in an experiment?
  3. How do scientists analyze data from their experiments?
  4. What is the importance of peer review in scientific research?
  5. How do scientists share their findings with others?
  6. What are some common tools used in scientific research?
  7. How do scientists ensure their experiments are fair?
  8. What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative data?
  9. How do scientists use models in their research?
  10. What are some challenges scientists face in conducting research?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. What is the significance of having a clear research hypothesis?
  2. How do ethical considerations influence scientific research?
  3. What are the main components of a scientific research paper?
  4. How do scientists decide on the sample size for their experiments?
  5. What are some methods scientists use to collect data?
  6. How do scientists deal with variables in an experiment?
  7. What is the importance of reproducibility in science?
  8. How do scientists use statistical analysis in their research?
  9. What is the role of a literature review in scientific research?
  10. How do scientists address bias in their experiments?

Advanced (C1):

  1. Discuss the importance of experimental design in scientific research.
  2. How do funding and resources impact scientific research?
  3. What are the ethical responsibilities of scientists when conducting research?
  4. How do scientists balance creativity and rigor in their work?
  5. Discuss the role of interdisciplinary research in advancing scientific knowledge.
  6. How do scientists address conflicting data in their research?
  7. What is the significance of open access in scientific publishing?
  8. How do scientists use computational models in their research?
  9. What are some strategies for effective science communication?
  10. How do scientific collaborations enhance research outcomes?

Proficient (C2):

  1. Analyze the philosophical underpinnings of the scientific method.
  2. Discuss the role of falsifiability in scientific research.
  3. Evaluate the impact of paradigm shifts on scientific progress.
  4. How do scientific theories evolve over time?
  5. Discuss the relationship between scientific research and technological innovation.
  6. Analyze the influence of social and cultural factors on scientific research practices.
  7. Evaluate the effectiveness of current peer review processes in maintaining scientific integrity.
  8. Discuss the implications of replicability issues in modern science.
  9. How do advancements in technology shape scientific research methodologies?
  10. Evaluate the role of scientific advisory panels in policy-making.

Category 5: Talking about Branches of Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc.)

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is biology?
  2. Can you name some animals studied in biology?
  3. What is chemistry?
  4. What do chemists study?
  5. What is physics?
  6. Can you name something a physicist studies?
  7. What is astronomy?
  8. What do astronomers look at?
  9. Can you name a branch of science that studies plants?
  10. What is the study of rocks called?

Elementary (A2):

  1. What does a biologist do?
  2. What do chemists mix in their experiments?
  3. How do physicists study motion?
  4. What do scientists study in astronomy?
  5. What is the study of weather called?
  6. How do biologists study animals?
  7. What do chemists use in their laboratories?
  8. What is the study of the earth called?
  9. What do physicists study about light?
  10. Can you name some jobs in different branches of science?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. What are the main branches of biology?
  2. How do chemists study chemical reactions?
  3. What are some important concepts in physics?
  4. How do astronomers study stars and planets?
  5. What is the role of a meteorologist?
  6. What are some key topics in environmental science?
  7. How do geologists study rocks and minerals?
  8. What is the focus of marine biology?
  9. How do physicists study forces and energy?
  10. What do scientists study in ecology?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. How do biologists use genetics in their research?
  2. What are the main areas of study in organic chemistry?
  3. How does quantum physics differ from classical physics?
  4. What tools do astronomers use to study space?
  5. How do meteorologists predict the weather?
  6. What is the importance of studying environmental science?
  7. How do geologists understand the history of the earth?
  8. What are some current topics in marine biology research?
  9. How do physicists study the properties of matter?
  10. What are some challenges in the field of ecology?

Advanced (C1):

  1. Discuss the role of molecular biology in modern science.
  2. How does analytical chemistry contribute to various industries?
  3. What are the implications of discoveries in theoretical physics?
  4. How has space exploration advanced the field of astronomy?
  5. What are the ethical considerations in meteorological research?
  6. How does environmental science address climate change?
  7. Discuss the impact of plate tectonics on geological studies.
  8. How do advances in marine biology affect conservation efforts?
  9. What are the latest developments in condensed matter physics?
  10. How do ecologists study ecosystems and biodiversity?

Proficient (C2):

  1. Analyze the interdisciplinary connections between biology and chemistry.
  2. Discuss the role of computational chemistry in modern research.
  3. Evaluate the impact of relativity on contemporary physics.
  4. How do new technologies in astronomy enhance our understanding of the universe?
  5. Analyze the role of data science in meteorological predictions.
  6. Discuss the intersection of environmental science and public policy.
  7. Evaluate the contributions of paleontology to geological science.
  8. Analyze the significance of marine biology in understanding global ecosystems.
  9. Discuss the theoretical implications of advancements in particle physics.
  10. Evaluate the impact of human activity on ecological systems and biodiversity.

Category 6: Talking about Health and Medicine

Beginner (A1):

  1. What do you do when you feel sick?
  2. Can you name some healthy foods?
  3. Do you exercise? What do you do?
  4. What should you do to stay healthy?
  5. What is a doctor’s job?
  6. What do you take when you have a headache?
  7. Do you go to the dentist? Why?
  8. What is your favorite fruit?
  9. How many hours do you sleep each night?
  10. Can you name a vegetable you like?

Elementary (A2):

  1. Why is it important to wash your hands?
  2. Can you name some common illnesses?
  3. How often do you visit the doctor?
  4. What are some ways to avoid getting sick?
  5. What should you do if you have a cold?
  6. Why is exercise good for you?
  7. Can you name some healthy drinks?
  8. What should you do to take care of your teeth?
  9. How does sleep affect your health?
  10. What are some ways to reduce stress?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How does a balanced diet contribute to good health?
  2. What are the benefits of regular exercise?
  3. How do vaccines help prevent diseases?
  4. What are some common symptoms of the flu?
  5. How can mental health be maintained?
  6. What are the advantages of having a regular medical check-up?
  7. How can technology be used in healthcare?
  8. What are some ways to maintain a healthy weight?
  9. How does smoking affect your health?
  10. What are some ways to manage chronic pain?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. How do lifestyle choices impact long-term health?
  2. What are the challenges of the healthcare system in your country?
  3. How do public health campaigns improve community health?
  4. What are the ethical considerations in medical research?
  5. How does stress influence physical health?
  6. What are the benefits and risks of alternative medicine?
  7. How do genetics play a role in health and disease?
  8. What is the importance of mental health awareness?
  9. How do environmental factors affect health?
  10. What are the pros and cons of modern medical technology?

Advanced (C1):

  1. Discuss the role of preventive medicine in healthcare.
  2. How do socioeconomic factors influence health outcomes?
  3. What are the implications of antibiotic resistance?
  4. How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected global health systems?
  5. What are the ethical issues in organ transplantation?
  6. How do healthcare policies impact public health?
  7. Discuss the impact of nutrition on chronic diseases.
  8. What are the challenges of providing healthcare in rural areas?
  9. How do cultural beliefs influence health practices?
  10. What is the role of telemedicine in modern healthcare?

Proficient (C2):

  1. Analyze the impact of global health initiatives on disease prevention.
  2. Discuss the ethical implications of genetic modification in medicine.
  3. Evaluate the role of big data in healthcare research and delivery.
  4. How do health disparities affect different populations globally?
  5. Discuss the future of personalized medicine and its potential impacts.
  6. Analyze the relationship between mental health and societal well-being.
  7. Evaluate the effectiveness of current public health policies in combating lifestyle diseases.
  8. Discuss the implications of healthcare access inequality on public health.
  9. Analyze the role of interdisciplinary approaches in advancing medical research.
  10. Discuss the potential future challenges and opportunities in global health.

Category 7: Talking about Science and Research of History

Beginner (A1):

  1. Who was the first person to use a telescope to observe the stars?
  2. Can you name a famous scientist from ancient times?
  3. What is the oldest branch of science?
  4. Who invented the printing press, which helped spread scientific knowledge?
  5. What ancient civilization made significant contributions to mathematics?
  6. What is the name of the scientist known for his laws of motion?
  7. What invention helped scientists share their discoveries more easily?
  8. Who is credited with discovering gravity when an apple fell on his head?
  9. What ancient civilization built the first known observatories?
  10. What is the name of the scientist who developed the theory of evolution?

Elementary (A2):

  1. What was the Renaissance, and how did it influence science?
  2. Can you name a famous scientist from the Islamic Golden Age?
  3. What is the significance of the scientific contributions of Ancient Greece?
  4. Who is considered the father of modern chemistry?
  5. What was the scientific revolution, and when did it occur?
  6. Can you name a famous female scientist from history?
  7. What is the importance of the invention of the microscope in the history of science?
  8. Who is credited with the discovery of the circulation of blood in the human body?
  9. What was the role of alchemy in the history of chemistry?
  10. What is the significance of Charles Darwin’s voyage on the HMS Beagle?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How did the scientific method develop over time?
  2. What were the contributions of ancient Chinese scientists to science?
  3. How did the Enlightenment influence scientific thinking?
  4. What role did the Royal Society play in the history of science?
  5. Who is known as the father of modern physics and astronomy?
  6. What impact did the invention of the steam engine have on science and society?
  7. How did the discovery of electricity change the world?
  8. Who was responsible for the development of the periodic table of elements?
  9. What was the role of women in the scientific revolution?
  10. How did the Industrial Revolution affect scientific progress?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. What were some key scientific discoveries during the Victorian era?
  2. How did the theory of evolution challenge religious beliefs?
  3. What were the contributions of Islamic scholars to mathematics and astronomy?
  4. How did the invention of the printing press contribute to the spread of scientific knowledge?
  5. What was the significance of the scientific contributions of ancient Mesopotamia?
  6. How did the Copernican revolution change our understanding of the universe?
  7. What role did the Age of Exploration play in the advancement of science?
  8. How did the scientific community respond to the work of Galileo Galilei?
  9. What was the impact of the invention of the microscope on biology and medicine?
  10. How did the work of Gregor Mendel contribute to the field of genetics?

Advanced (C1):

  1. Analyze the role of the Catholic Church in the history of science.
  2. Discuss the contributions of Arab scholars to the preservation and advancement of scientific knowledge.
  3. Evaluate the impact of the Scientific Revolution on society and culture.
  4. How did the work of Isaac Newton revolutionize our understanding of physics?
  5. Discuss the relationship between science and colonialism during the Age of Exploration.
  6. Analyze the role of women in the scientific community throughout history.
  7. Discuss the contributions of ancient Indian mathematicians to the field of mathematics.
  8. Evaluate the impact of the Renaissance on the development of scientific thought.
  9. Analyze the factors that led to the decline of alchemy and the rise of modern chemistry.
  10. Discuss the role of serendipity in scientific discoveries throughout history.

Proficient (C2):

  1. Analyze the impact of the Scientific Revolution on European society and politics.
  2. Discuss the contributions of ancient African civilizations to science and mathematics.
  3. Evaluate the role of patronage in the advancement of science during the Renaissance.
  4. Discuss the Scientific Revolution’s influence on the development of modern philosophy.
  5. Analyze the role of nationalism in scientific research and innovation.
  6. Evaluate the contributions of ancient Mayan astronomers to our understanding of the cosmos.
  7. Discuss the role of the Islamic world as a bridge between ancient and modern science.
  8. Analyze the impact of the Enlightenment on scientific progress and social change.
  9. Evaluate the role of cross-cultural exchange in the development of scientific knowledge.
  10. Discuss the future of the history of science as a field of study.

Category 8: Talking about Ethics in Scientific Research

Beginner (A1):

  1. Why is it important to be honest in science?
  2. What does it mean to be fair in scientific research?
  3. Can you think of a reason why scientists should be careful?
  4. Why should scientists treat animals kindly in experiments?
  5. What should scientists do if they make a mistake?
  6. Why is it important for scientists to share their findings?
  7. What does it mean to be respectful in science?
  8. Can you name something scientists should not do?
  9. Why should scientists be careful when working with dangerous materials?
  10. What should scientists do if they see someone doing something wrong?

Elementary (A2):

  1. Why is it important for scientists to follow rules?
  2. What is plagiarism, and why is it wrong in science?
  3. How should scientists treat each other?
  4. Why is it important to ask for permission before doing experiments?
  5. Can you name a way scientists can help people?
  6. What should scientists do if they see someone being hurt?
  7. Why is it important to tell the truth in scientific papers?
  8. How should scientists handle disagreements?
  9. What is peer review, and why is it important?
  10. Why should scientists listen to different ideas?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How do ethical considerations influence the design of experiments?
  2. What are the risks of conflicts of interest in scientific research?
  3. How should scientists handle conflicts between their personal beliefs and scientific evidence?
  4. What ethical guidelines exist for the treatment of human subjects in research?
  5. How do scientists ensure informed consent in research involving human participants?
  6. What are the responsibilities of scientists when reporting research results to the public?
  7. How should scientists address ethical concerns related to animal testing?
  8. What are the potential consequences of scientific misconduct?
  9. How can scientists ensure the integrity and reproducibility of their research?
  10. What are the ethical implications of using genetic information in research?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. How do cultural differences influence ethical considerations in scientific research?
  2. What are the ethical implications of using artificial intelligence in research?
  3. How should scientists address the potential environmental impact of their research?
  4. What ethical challenges arise in the field of biotechnology?
  5. How do intellectual property rights affect scientific research?
  6. What ethical guidelines exist for the use of big data in research?
  7. How should scientists navigate conflicts between scientific progress and societal values?
  8. What are the ethical considerations in clinical trials and drug development?
  9. How should scientists address the potential misuse of their research findings?
  10. What role should scientists play in addressing global challenges such as climate change?

Advanced (C1):

  1. Discuss the ethical implications of gene editing technologies such as CRISPR-Cas9.
  2. How should scientists address the potential biases in data collection and analysis?
  3. Analyze the ethical considerations in research involving vulnerable populations.
  4. Discuss the role of scientific institutions in promoting ethical research practices.
  5. How should scientists balance the pursuit of knowledge with potential harm to society?
  6. Evaluate the ethical challenges in the field of stem cell research.
  7. Discuss the ethical implications of scientific research in the context of national security.
  8. Analyze the ethical considerations in the use of animals in scientific experiments.
  9. How should scientists address conflicts between scientific advancement and cultural traditions?
  10. Discuss the responsibility of scientists in promoting equity and diversity in research.

Proficient (C2):

  1. Analyze the ethical implications of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics.
  2. Discuss the ethical challenges of scientific research in the context of global health crises.
  3. Evaluate the role of scientific whistleblowers in promoting research integrity.
  4. How should scientists address the potential misuse of biometric data in research?
  5. Discuss the ethical considerations in the field of reproductive technologies.
  6. Analyze the ethical dilemmas in the allocation of research funding and resources.
  7. Evaluate the role of scientific societies in promoting ethical research practices.
  8. Discuss the ethical implications of scientific research on human enhancement technologies.
  9. Analyze the ethical challenges of scientific research in the era of big data and surveillance.
  10. Discuss the responsibility of scientists in addressing ethical issues in emerging fields of research.

Category 9: Talking about Science and Education

Beginner (A1):

  1. Do you learn about science in school?
  2. What is your favorite science subject?
  3. Can you name some things you learn about in science class?
  4. Do you have science experiments in school?
  5. What do you like about learning science?
  6. Can you name a scientist?
  7. What do you know about the earth?
  8. Do you use books to learn science?
  9. What is your favorite thing to learn about in science?
  10. Why do you think learning science is important?

Elementary (A2):

  1. How do you conduct a simple science experiment?
  2. What tools do scientists use?
  3. Can you name some famous inventors?
  4. Why is it important to ask questions in science class?
  5. How can you learn about the weather?
  6. What are some examples of science in everyday life?
  7. How do plants grow?
  8. What is the water cycle?
  9. Why do you think scientists wear lab coats?
  10. How do you think scientists make new discoveries?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. What are the main branches of science?
  2. How do scientists communicate their findings?
  3. Can you explain the scientific method?
  4. Why is it important to test hypotheses in science?
  5. How do scientists collaborate on research projects?
  6. What role do models play in scientific understanding?
  7. How does science education differ around the world?
  8. What are some common misconceptions about science?
  9. How can technology enhance science education?
  10. Why is it important for students to learn critical thinking in science?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. How can science education promote environmental awareness?
  2. What are the challenges in teaching complex scientific concepts?
  3. How do science fairs contribute to science education?
  4. How does inquiry-based learning enhance science education?
  5. What are the benefits of hands-on learning in science?
  6. How can educators incorporate real-world applications into science lessons?
  7. How do cultural beliefs influence science education?
  8. What role does STEM education play in preparing students for the future?
  9. How can schools promote gender equality in science education?
  10. What are some innovative approaches to teaching science?

Advanced (C1):

  1. Analyze the role of science education in fostering innovation and creativity.
  2. How can educators address the underrepresentation of minorities in science fields?
  3. Discuss the impact of standardized testing on science education.
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness of inquiry-based learning in developing scientific literacy.
  5. How can science education contribute to addressing global challenges such as climate change?
  6. Analyze the role of science museums and centers in informal science education.
  7. Discuss the importance of science literacy in a technologically advanced society.
  8. Evaluate the role of citizen science projects in science education and research.
  9. How can science education be made more accessible to students with disabilities?
  10. Analyze the relationship between science education and sustainable development goals.

Proficient (C2):

  1. Discuss the implications of scientific literacy for informed decision-making in society.
  2. Analyze the role of science education in promoting evidence-based policymaking.
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of interdisciplinary approaches in science education.
  4. Discuss the challenges of integrating indigenous knowledge into science curricula.
  5. Analyze the impact of educational technology on science teaching and learning.
  6. Evaluate the role of science education in addressing misinformation and pseudoscience.
  7. Discuss the ethical considerations in science education research.
  8. Analyze the role of informal science education in lifelong learning.
  9. Discuss the future of science education in the context of rapidly advancing technologies.
  10. Evaluate the potential of global collaborations in advancing science education worldwide.

Category 10: Talking about Scientific Tools and Equipment

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is a magnifying glass used for?
  2. What tool is used to measure temperature?
  3. What is a microscope?
  4. How do scientists use rulers?
  5. What is a beaker used for?
  6. What tool do scientists use for weighing objects?
  7. What is a thermometer?
  8. How do scientists use test tubes?
  9. What is a stopwatch used for?
  10. What tool is used for drawing in science?

Elementary (A2):

  1. How do scientists use a balance scale?
  2. What is a compass for in science?
  3. What tool is used for measuring liquids?
  4. What is a telescope and how is it used?
  5. How do scientists use a protractor?
  6. What is a pipette used for?
  7. What tool is used for cutting?
  8. What is a pH meter used for?
  9. How do scientists use a magnet?
  10. What is a voltmeter?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How do scientists use chromatography?
  2. What is an oscilloscope used for?
  3. What is a spectrophotometer and how is it used?
  4. What is a Bunsen burner for?
  5. How do scientists use a centrifuge?
  6. What is an autoclave used for?
  7. What tool is used for measuring pH?
  8. What is an electron microscope?
  9. How do scientists use a Geiger counter?
  10. What is a sonicator used for?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. How do scientists use a gas chromatograph?
  2. What is a mass spectrometer and how is it used?
  3. What is a calorimeter and how is it used?
  4. How do scientists use a laser?
  5. What is a microtome used for?
  6. How do scientists use a hygrometer?
  7. What is an incubator used for?
  8. What tool is used for genetic engineering?
  9. How do scientists use a X-ray diffractometer?
  10. What is a potentiostat?

Advanced (C1):

  1. How is nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy used?
  2. What is a scanning electron microscope and how is it used?
  3. What are the functions of a particle accelerator?
  4. How is flow cytometry used in biology?
  5. What is high-performance liquid chromatography?
  6. How is a fluorescence microscope used?
  7. What is atomic force microscopy?
  8. How do scientists use gas chromatography-mass spectrometry?
  9. How do scientists use a cryostat?
  10. What is Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy used for?

Proficient (C2):

  1. How are next-generation sequencing technologies utilized?
  2. What are the applications of confocal microscopy?
  3. What roles do synchrotron light sources play?
  4. What is transmission electron microscopy used for?
  5. How is scanning tunneling microscopy utilized?
  6. What are superconducting quantum interference devices used for?
  7. How is gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry utilized?
  8. What are the applications of differential scanning calorimetry?
  9. How is dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry utilized?
  10. What are the applications of Raman spectrometry?


By integrating these 600 conversation questions about science and research into your lessons, you can help ESL students enhance their ability to discuss scientific topics in English.

This will foster a deeper understanding of science and improve their confidence in daily conversations. Utilizing these questions in different speaking activities will make learning interactive and enjoyable, ultimately helping students build their vocabulary and boost their confidence.

Use this resource to teach speaking skills effectively and support your students in becoming scientifically literate and critical communicators.

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