
Expressing Hobbies and Interests: ESL Conversations for Practice

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A H M Ohidujjaman

ESL students should comfortably talk about their hobbies and interests in English. Teaching this involves giving them words and strategies for good conversations.

Students often struggle to find the right words to express themselves clearly about their hobbies. This can make conversations awkward.

How can ESL teachers help students talk confidently about their hobbies in English?

This post gives students examples of conversations at different levels. They learn natural language use and gain confidence. Teachers can use these sample conversations on hobbies and interests to help students improve their speaking skills.

ESL Conversations on Expressing Hobbies and Interests

Discussing Favorite Sports (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Emma: Hi David, do you like sports?

David: Yes, I like soccer. It’s fun to play.

Emma: I prefer basketball. It’s exciting to watch.

David: Soccer is my favorite. I watch it on TV.

Emma: I watch basketball games too sometimes.

David: We should play together sometime.

Emma: That sounds like a great idea.

David: Let’s plan it for this weekend.

Emma: Sure, I’m free on Saturday.

David: Let’s meet at the park at 10 AM.

Sharing Favorite Movies (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Sophia: Hi Max, do you like movies?

Max: Yes, I love action movies.

Sophia: I prefer romantic comedies. They’re sweet.

Max: Action movies are exciting and full of adventure.

Sophia: Romantic comedies make me happy.

Max: Have you seen the latest action film?

Sophia: No, I haven’t. Is it good?

Max: Yes, it’s amazing! You should watch it.

Sophia: Okay, I’ll check it out this weekend.

Max: Let me know how you like it.

Talking About Favorite Foods (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Liam: Hi Sarah, what’s your favorite food?

Sarah: I love pizza. It’s delicious.

Liam: Pizza is tasty. I like burgers too.

Sarah: Burgers are yummy, especially with cheese.

Liam: Yes, cheeseburgers are my favorite.

Sarah: Do you like any vegetables on your pizza?

Liam: I like mushrooms and peppers. How about you?

Sarah: I like olives and onions on mine.

Liam: Sounds good. We should have a pizza party.

Sarah: That sounds like fun. Let’s plan it.

Discussing Favorite Books (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Daniel: Hi Emily, do you like reading books?

Emily: Yes, I love reading mystery novels.

Daniel: Mystery novels are interesting. I prefer fantasy books.

Emily: Fantasy books are exciting with magical worlds.

Daniel: Yes, they take me on amazing adventures.

Emily: Have you read any good mysteries lately?

Daniel: Yes, I just finished a great one last week.

Emily: Can you recommend it to me?

Daniel: Of course, I’ll lend it to you.

Emily: Thank you, Daniel. I can’t wait to read it.

Talking About Favorite Animals (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Sophie: Hi Jack, what’s your favorite animal?

Jack: I like dogs. They’re friendly and loyal.

Sophie: Dogs are cute. I prefer cats. They’re independent.

Jack: Cats are okay, but I like dogs more.

Sophie: Do you have a pet dog?

Jack: Yes, I have a golden retriever named Max.

Sophie: Max sounds adorable. I have a cat named Whiskers.

Jack: Maybe Max and Whiskers can be friends.

Sophie: That would be nice. They can play together.

Jack: Let’s arrange a playdate for them.

Discussing Artistic Hobbies (Informal)

Level: Intermediate

Sophie: Hi Emma, do you enjoy painting or drawing?

Emma: Yes, I love painting landscapes and portraits in my free time.

Sophie: That sounds fascinating. I enjoy sketching cartoons occasionally.

Emma: Cartoon sketches are fun and creative. Do you paint too?

Sophie: Sometimes. I experiment with watercolors. What about you?

Emma: I mainly work with acrylics. It’s versatile for my style.

Sophie: Have you ever exhibited your paintings?

Emma: Yes, I had a small exhibition last year at a local gallery.

Sophie: That’s impressive! I’ve always wanted to showcase my sketches.

Emma: You should. It’s a rewarding experience.

Talking About Outdoor Activities (Formal)

Level: Intermediate

David: Hello Sarah, have you thought about our team-building activity?

Sarah: Hi David, yes. I was thinking of hiking or kayaking.

David: Hiking sounds good. We can explore the nearby trails.

Sarah: I agree. It promotes teamwork and fitness. What do you think?

David: Sounds great. I’ll prepare a list of necessary equipment.

Sarah: Should we inform everyone about the plan?

David: Yes, I’ll send out an email with details and options.

Sarah: Let’s also include a backup plan in case of bad weather.

David: Good idea. Indoor games can be an alternative.

Sarah: Perfect. Let’s ensure everyone participates and enjoys.

Sharing Musical Interests (Informal)

Level: Intermediate

Jake: Hi Lily, what kind of music do you listen to?

Lily: Hi Jake, I enjoy a variety, but rock is my favorite genre.

Jake: Rock music is energetic. I prefer classical and jazz.

Lily: Classical music is soothing. Jazz has a unique vibe.

Jake: Do you play any musical instruments?

Lily: Yes, I play the guitar. It’s my passion.

Jake: That’s impressive. I play the piano occasionally.

Lily: We should jam together sometime.

Jake: I’d love to. Music brings people together.

Lily: Definitely. It’s a universal language.

Discussing Travel Interests (Formal)

Level: Intermediate

Mark: Hello Lisa, have you decided on your vacation destination?

Lisa: Hi Mark, yes. I’m considering a trip to Italy.

Mark: Italy is beautiful. Have you been there before?

Lisa: No, it will be my first time. I’m excited.

Mark: You’ll love it. The culture and cuisine are amazing.

Lisa: Any recommendations on places to visit?

Mark: You must see Rome, Florence, and Venice.

Lisa: Sounds wonderful. I’ll make a list of attractions.

Mark: Don’t forget to try authentic Italian pizza and gelato.

Lisa: I won’t. I enjoy trying local cuisines.

Sharing Cooking Hobbies (Informal)

Level: Intermediate

Hannah: Hi Alex, do you enjoy cooking?

Alex: Hi Hannah, yes. I love experimenting with different recipes.

Hannah: What’s your favorite cuisine to cook?

Alex: I enjoy making Italian dishes like pasta and risotto.

Hannah: Italian food is delicious. I like baking desserts.

Alex: Baking is a skill. I struggle with desserts.

Hannah: We should exchange recipes sometime.

Alex: That sounds like a great idea. I’d love to try your desserts.

Hannah: And I’d like to taste your Italian specialties.

Alex: Let’s plan a cooking session soon.

Film Enthusiasts Discussing Favorite Directors (Informal)

Level: Advanced

Sophia: Hey, Jake! Have you seen any good films lately?

Jake: Hey, Sophia! Yeah, I’ve been diving into some classics. Hitchcock’s work is mesmerizing.

Sophia: Totally agree! His suspense techniques are unparalleled. What’s your favorite Hitchcock film?

Jake: “Vertigo” is a masterpiece. The plot twists keep you guessing till the end.

Sophia: Oh, definitely! I’m more into Tarantino myself. His storytelling is so unique.

Jake: Tarantino’s style is unmistakable. “Pulp Fiction” is a classic example of his genius.

Sophia: Couldn’t agree more. The nonlinear narrative is captivating. Have you seen his latest?

Jake: Not yet, but I’ve heard great things about “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.”

Sophia: It’s a must-watch! The attention to detail in recreating the ’60s is incredible.

Jake: Sounds amazing. I’ll add it to my watchlist. Thanks for the recommendation!

Art Enthusiasts at an Exhibition (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Elena: Good afternoon, Daniel. Have you had the chance to explore the new exhibition?

Daniel: Good afternoon, Elena. Yes, I’ve taken a stroll through the galleries. The contemporary pieces are striking.

Elena: Indeed, the artists’ interpretations of societal issues are thought-provoking. Which piece caught your eye?

Daniel: The abstract sculpture near the entrance intrigued me. Its symbolism is open to interpretation.

Elena: Ah, I see. Abstract art often challenges our perceptions and invites personal reflection. Did you find it inspiring?

Daniel: Absolutely. The ambiguity invites viewers to engage actively with the artwork. Have you found any favorites?

Elena: I found resonance in the surrealist paintings. The dream-like imagery evokes a sense of wonder and introspection.

Daniel: Surrealism has a way of transcending reality. It’s fascinating to delve into the subconscious through art.

Elena: Indeed. Art serves as a mirror to society and a gateway to exploring the human experience. Shall we discuss over coffee?

Daniel: That sounds delightful. I look forward to exchanging perspectives over a cup of coffee.

Book Club Meeting (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Nadia: Good evening, Sarah. I trust you enjoyed our latest book selection?

Sarah: Good evening, Nadia. Indeed, the narrative depth of “The Kite Runner” was captivating.

Nadia: Hosseini’s portrayal of friendship amidst turmoil is poignant. Which character resonated with you the most?

Sarah: Hassan’s unwavering loyalty left a lasting impression. His sacrifices underscored the power of love and forgiveness.

Nadia: Agreed. The themes of redemption and personal accountability are universally relevant. Did any scenes evoke strong emotions for you?

Sarah: The kite-flying competition stirred a mix of emotions. It symbolized both freedom and the constraints of societal expectations.

Nadia: The symbolism was profound. It highlighted the complexities of identity and belonging. Would you recommend this book to others?

Sarah: Absolutely. Its narrative richness and emotional depth make it a compelling read for all audiences.

Nadia: Wonderful. Let’s proceed with our discussion, exploring the thematic intricacies further.

Gaming Enthusiasts Discussing Strategy (Informal)

Level: Advanced

Liam: Hey, Maya! Have you been playing the new RPG I recommended?

Maya: Hey, Liam! Yeah, it’s addictive. The character customization options are insane.

Liam: Right? And the skill tree offers endless strategic possibilities. Which class did you choose?

Maya: I went with the mage class for its versatility. Elemental spells add depth to combat.

Liam: Smart choice. I’m rolling with the warrior class for brute strength. Have you tackled any boss fights yet?

Maya: Yeah, the first boss was challenging. But mastering the dodge mechanic helped me prevail.

Liam: Dodging is crucial for survival. Have you explored the open world beyond the main quest?

Maya: Not yet, but I’ve heard there are hidden treasures and side quests galore.

Liam: We should team up for some co-op missions. Strength in numbers, right?

Maya: Definitely! Let’s plan a gaming session this weekend. It’ll be epic.

Joining a Running Group (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Group Leader: Welcome everyone! We’re thrilled to have you join the Central Park Runners group.

Sarah: Thank you. I’m excited to start running more seriously.

Group Leader: Excellent! Can you tell us a little about your experience level?

Sarah: I’ve been running casually for a while, but I’m looking to improve my form and build endurance.

Group Leader: Wonderful. We have programs tailored to runners of all skill sets.

Another Runner (John): Do you have any specific goals in mind, Sarah? Like a race distance?

Sarah: Not yet, but I’d eventually like to participate in a 10K.

John: That’s a great target! Our group training plans can definitely help you prepare for that.

Sarah: That sounds promising. I’m also interested in learning more about proper running technique.

Group Leader: We have experienced runners who can provide valuable guidance on form and injury prevention.


In conclusion, mastering the skill of expressing hobbies and interests in English is essential for effective communication. With the help of resources like ESL practice conversations for expressing hobbies and interests, students can build confidence and fluency in discussing their passions. By incorporating these conversations into ESL lessons, both teachers and students can work together to overcome language barriers and enhance overall communication skills.

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