
Holidays and Celebrations: Best ESL Practice Conversations

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ESL students should confidently talk about holidays and celebrations in English. Teaching this topic involves giving them holiday-related vocabulary and cultural customs. But what activity can help you achieve better outcomes?

If you’ve been teaching speaking skills for a while, you know that ESL teachers face at least a few, if not many, challenges while preparing their speaking lessons. One of the primary challenges is selecting the right activity for your ESL speaking class. In order to boost my students’ conversational skills, I often use sample conversations as a role-play activity in my classes.

And guess what? My students truly enjoy them!

If you’re teaching how to talk about holidays and celebrations in your ESL class, you should give ample opportunity to your students to practice real-life conversations through role-plays.

Students struggle to start these conversations due to limited vocabulary or cultural uncertainty.

How can ESL teachers help students overcome these challenges?

With these 15 ESL conversations, students can improve their vocabulary and engage confidently in discussions about holidays and celebrations. The conversations are curated for three levels: lower intermediate, higher intermediate, and advanced. Teachers can use these to facilitate speaking activities, improving students’ communication skills.

Birthday Party Planning (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Amy: Hi Lily, plans for your birthday?

Lily: Not yet. A small party, please.

Amy: Cake and balloons okay?

Lily: Yes, chocolate cake, please.

Amy: Five friends invited enough?

Lily: Yes, perfect. Can we play music?

Amy: Of course, dance party!

Lily: Thanks for helping, Amy.

BBQ Invitation (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Jack: Hi Sarah, free next Saturday?

Sarah: Yes, why?

Jack: BBQ at ours. Join?

Sarah: Sounds nice. What time?

Jack: 3 pm. Bring dish.

Sarah: Potato salad okay?

Jack: Perfect. Bring family.

Sarah: See you, Jack.

New Year’s Eve Plans (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Juan: Maria, plans for New Year?

Maria: Not yet. What you doing?

Juan: Party at mine.

Maria: Can I bring chips?

Juan: Helpful. Thanks.

Maria: What time?

Juan: 8 pm. Fireworks too.

Maria: Excited! See you.

Thanksgiving Plans (Formal)

Level: Low intermediate

Mr. Smith: Morning, Mrs. Garcia. Thanksgiving plans?

Mrs. Garcia: Not yet, Mr. Smith. Yours?

Mr. Smith: Family dinner. Join?

Mrs. Garcia: Kind. Dessert okay?

Mr. Smith: Wonderful. 6 pm.

Mrs. Garcia: On time. Thanks.

Mr. Smith: Looking forward.

Halloween Costumes (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Sophie: David, Halloween costume?

David: No idea. Suggestions?

Sophie: Superhero or pirate?

David: Superhero. Trick-or-treat?

Sophie: Yes, 7 pm?

David: Sure. Happy Halloween.

Sophie: Can’t wait. Bye!

Choosing a Destination for Summer Vacation (Informal)

Level: High intermediate

Emma: Hi James, any thoughts on our summer vacation destination?

James: Hey Emma! How about a beach resort or mountains?

Emma: Both sound amazing. Which one do you prefer?

James: I lean towards the beach. What activities do you fancy?

Emma: Swimming, sunbathing, and maybe some water sports.

James: Great choices. Any specific location in mind?

Emma: Hawaii or the Caribbean. What do you think?

James: Caribbean. Less crowded. Let’s check flight prices.

Emma: Agreed. I’ll look for deals. Exciting times ahead!

James: Definitely! Can’t wait to relax on the beach.

Planning a Family Reunion (Formal)

Level: High intermediate

David: Hello Sarah, have you considered dates for the family reunion?

Sarah: Hi David! Yes, thinking early August. Any conflicts?

David: No conflicts. Should we rent a venue or host at home?

Sarah: Renting might be better. Any suggestions?

David: Local community center or park. What activities do you suggest?

Sarah: Games, potluck dinner, and maybe a talent show.

David: Sounds engaging. Shall we create a schedule?

Sarah: Yes, with breaks for mingling. I’ll draft an itinerary.

David: Excellent. Let’s make this reunion memorable.

Sarah: Agreed. Looking forward to seeing everyone.

Discussing New Year’s Resolutions (Informal)

Level: High intermediate

Sophie: Hi Alex, have you thought about your New Year’s resolutions?

Alex: Hey Sophie! Yes, aiming for better work-life balance.

Sophie: That’s important. Any specific goals to achieve that?

Alex: Planning regular breaks and dedicating time to hobbies.

Sophie: Solid plan. I’m focusing on fitness. Joining a gym.

Alex: Nice! Need a workout buddy?

Sophie: Absolutely! Let’s motivate each other.

Alex: Sounds like a plan. Here’s to a healthier year!

Deciding on a Theme for a Birthday Party (Formal)

Level: High intermediate

Mr. Brown: Hello Ms. Lee, have you considered a theme for Tom’s birthday party?

Ms. Lee: Hi Mr. Brown! Yes, thinking of a retro theme. Thoughts?

Mr. Brown: Sounds fun. How about adding a twist, like 80s music?

Ms. Lee: Love the idea. Any suggestions for decorations?

Mr. Brown: Neon lights, disco balls, and vintage posters?

Ms. Lee: Perfect! Shall we assign tasks for preparation?

Mr. Brown: Yes, I’ll handle music and invitations. You coordinate decorations.

Ms. Lee: Agreed. Let’s make Tom’s birthday unforgettable.

Mr. Brown: Absolutely. He’ll love the retro vibe.

Planning a Community Fundraising Event (Formal)

Level: High intermediate

Emily: Good morning, John. Any updates on the fundraising event?

John: Morning, Emily. Yes, securing sponsors and planning activities.

Emily: Excellent progress. Have we finalized the date and venue?

John: Not yet. Considering venues with ample space and parking.

Emily: Agreed. How about the community center or local park?

John: Both good options. Let’s compare availability and costs.

Emily: Sounds like a plan. What about entertainment and refreshments?

John: Live music and food trucks. Should we create a budget?

Emily: Yes, I’ll draft one and email it to you for review.

John: Perfect. Let’s ensure a successful fundraising event.

Emily: Absolutely. Together, we can make a difference.

Planning a Destination Wedding (Formal)

Benjamin: Good morning, Ms. Rodriguez. We’ve decided on a destination wedding.

Ms. Rodriguez: Good morning, Benjamin. That’s wonderful news. Which location are you considering?

Benjamin: We’re thinking of a beach wedding in Maui, Hawaii. What are your thoughts?

Ms. Rodriguez: Hawaii offers stunning venues. Have you chosen a specific resort?

Benjamin: Yes, we’re interested in the Four Seasons Resort Maui at Wailea.

Ms. Rodriguez: Excellent choice. Let’s discuss the guest list and accommodation options.

Benjamin: We anticipate around 50 guests. Can you arrange room blocks for them?

Ms. Rodriguez: Certainly. I’ll coordinate with the resort and handle the logistics.

Benjamin: Thank you, Ms. Rodriguez. We want this to be a memorable celebration.

Ms. Rodriguez: I understand. We’ll ensure every detail is perfect for your special day.

Planning a Multicultural Holiday Celebration (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Maria: Good afternoon, Mr. Patel. Let’s discuss the upcoming multicultural holiday celebration.

Mr. Patel: Good afternoon, Maria. I’ve gathered some ideas for the event. Shall we proceed?

Maria: Yes, let’s hear your suggestions.

Mr. Patel: I propose showcasing diverse holiday traditions through food, music, and dance performances.

Maria: That sounds inclusive. How about decorations and activities?

Mr. Patel: We can decorate with symbols from different cultures and offer interactive workshops.

Maria: Excellent. Should we invite local cultural organizations to participate?

Mr. Patel: Absolutely. Their involvement will enrich the event. I’ll reach out to them.

Maria: And what about promotion and outreach?

Mr. Patel: We’ll utilize social media, local newspapers, and community bulletin boards for promotion.

Maria: Great plan, Mr. Patel. Let’s make this celebration a reflection of our diverse community.

Mr. Patel: Agreed, Maria. Together, we’ll create an unforgettable event.

Discussing Traditions for a Wedding Ceremony (Informal)

Level: Advanced

Sophia: Hey, Mark! We’re considering wedding traditions. Any suggestions?

Mark: Hey, Sophia! How about incorporating cultural rituals from both families?

Sophia: Interesting idea. Can you give examples?

Mark: For instance, a Chinese tea ceremony followed by a Western exchange of vows.

Sophia: I like that blend. What about music and readings during the ceremony?

Mark: We could include traditional songs and poems meaningful to both of you.

Sophia: Sounds perfect. How about the reception? Any special customs?

Mark: Maybe a dance from each culture and a toast with local drinks.

Sophia: Love it! Thanks for the creative input, Mark.

Mark: My pleasure, Sophia. It’ll make your wedding truly memorable.

Discussing Volunteer Opportunities for Thanksgiving (Informal)

Level: Advanced

Elena: Hi Sam, any plans for Thanksgiving? I’m considering volunteering.

Sam: Hi Elena! That’s a wonderful idea. Which organization are you thinking of?

Elena: I’m leaning towards the community kitchen downtown. They serve meals to the homeless.

Sam: That’s commendable. Would they need extra hands for preparation or serving?

Elena: Yes, they’re always short on volunteers. We could help with both.

Sam: Count me in! Should we invite other friends to join us?

Elena: Absolutely! The more, the merrier. I’ll send out a group message.

Sam: Sounds like a plan. Let’s make a difference this Thanksgiving.

Elena: Agreed, Sam. It’s about giving back to the community.

Planning a Charity Gala Event (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Sophie: Good afternoon, Mr. Thompson. Let’s finalize the details for the charity gala.

Mr. Thompson: Good afternoon, Sophie. Agreed. We need to ensure a successful event.

Sophie: I’ve compiled a list of potential sponsors. Shall we reach out to them?

Mr. Thompson: Yes, let’s prioritize securing sponsorships and donations for the cause.

Sophie: Should we discuss the program schedule and guest speakers?

Mr. Thompson: Definitely. We’ll need to allocate time for speeches, entertainment, and auctions.

Sophie: What about venue logistics and catering arrangements?

Mr. Thompson: I’ll coordinate with the venue regarding setup, audiovisuals, and menu selection.

Sophie: And what about ticket sales and promotion strategies?

Mr. Thompson: We’ll launch an online ticketing platform and implement a targeted marketing campaign.

Sophie: Thank you, Mr. Thompson. Let’s work together to make this gala a resounding success.

Mr. Thompson: Absolutely, Sophie. Our efforts will make a meaningful impact on our community.


In conclusion, practicing conversations about holidays and celebrations is essential for ESL learners to improve their English communication skills. By using the provided conversations tailored to different proficiency levels, students can overcome challenges and engage confidently in discussions about holidays and celebrations.

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