
How to Teach The Future Continuous Tense to ESL Students

Teaching grammar effectively is essential for building a strong foundation in any language. As part of that, teaching tenses, such as the future continuous tense, plays a crucial role in helping ESL students communicate more accurately and confidently.

By learning this tense, students can describe ongoing future actions, making their conversations and narratives more dynamic.

To teach ESL students the future continuous tense, start by explaining that it describes actions that will be happening at a specific time in the future. Use simple examples and scenarios to illustrate this concept clearly.

Next, introduce visual aids like timelines to show how this tense fits into a sequence of events. For instance, “I will be studying at 8 PM” helps students visualize the action in context.

Break down the tense structure: “will be” + verb ending in -ing. Provide examples such as, “She will be working,” and practice forming similar sentences together.

Use interactive activities to reinforce learning. Role-playing future scenarios or discussing plans for the weekend can make the lesson engaging and relatable.

Incorporate practical exercises where students predict their classmates’ actions, like “At 10 AM tomorrow, John will be reading.” This helps solidify their understanding through repetition.

Finally, emphasize how mastering this tense enriches communication about future events, schedules, and plans, boosting their English proficiency. Keep reading for in-depth guidelines on how to teach future continuous tense to ESL students effectively.

The Basics Of Future Continuous Tense

Mastering the Future Continuous Tense is a key step for ESL students wanting to express events that will be in progress at a future time. It involves will be followed by the present participle (verb + ing). This tense is useful for describing actions that are expected to happen in the course of time.

Identifying Functions Within Sentences

Understanding how the Future Continuous Tense works in a sentence is vital. Look for subjects planning to engage in an activity. Time markers like “at this time tomorrow” or “on Monday at 9am” often set the stage for future continuous actions. Use these clues to spot the tense’s usage:

  • Scheduled events in the future
  • Actions in progress at a specific future time
  • Polite inquiries regarding future plans

Common Mistakes And Misconceptions

Learners often confuse the Future Continuous with other tenses. Listed below are frequent errors:

  1. Using will be with the simple form of the verb rather than the -ing form.
  2. Mistaking it for the Simple Future Tense.
  3. Omitting time expressions that clarify the action will be in progress.

Highlight the importance of the continuous aspect. Practice and repetition help address these mistakes. Confirmation through examples solidifies understanding.

Laying The Groundwork

Laying the groundwork for teaching the future continuous tense involves a clear understanding of what this tense is and when it is used.

Teaching ESL students requires patience, practice, and reinforcing concepts with varied examples. Start by defining this tense. Explain when it is used to express ongoing actions at a specific point in the future.

Let’s explore effective strategies to help students grasp this concept.

Introducing Time Expressions

Time expressions are key to mastering the future continuous tense.

Begin by introducing words and phrases that often signal this tense:

  • at this time tomorrow
  • at [specific time] next [day/week/month/year]
  • during
  • by the time
  • as long as
  • while

Use these expressions in simple sentences to familiarize students with the context in which the future continuous tense appears.

Clear Examples To Illustrate Use

Showcase the use of the future continuous tense with clear, relatable examples.

SubjectAuxiliary Verb (will be)Main Verb (-ing form)Example Sentence
Iwill bewatchingI will be watching a movie at 7 PM tomorrow.
Youwill begoingYou will be going on vacation by this time next week.
He/She/Itwill bedoingShe will be doing her homework at 6 PM tonight.
We/Theywill betravelingWe will be traveling during the summer holidays.

Encourage students to create their own sentences. Provide feedback and discuss any errors. Use visuals like timelines or charts for explanation. We’ll discuss feedback giving elaborately later in this post.

Visual Aids And Teaching Tools

future continuous tense
Using visual aids to teach future continuous tense

Visual Aids and Teaching Tools are essential when introducing the Future Continuous Tense to ESL students. These aids help clarify concepts and ensure students grasp both the structure and usage of the tense.

Let’s explore some effective tools to enrich your teaching strategy.

Charts And Timelines

Charts and timelines offer a clear, visual representation of time and action. They are particularly useful for illustrating the duration of future activities. Here’s how you can implement them:

  • Use a timeline to show when an action will occur in the future.
  • Create a chart that contrasts Simple Future and Future Continuous forms.
  • Highlight with colors to differentiate between start times and end times.
5 PM – 7 PMI will be studying.
7 PM – 7:30 PMShe will be watching TV.
7:30 PM – 8 PMWe will be having dinner.

Pictures And Storyboards

Pictures and storyboards engage students and help them visualize scenarios. Here are some tips for using them effectively:

  1. Show a series of pictures depicting different stages of an action.
  2. Encourage students to describe the action using the Future Continuous Tense.
  3. Storyboard a day in the life of a character, emphasizing future plans.

Incorporating Technology In Learning

Incorporating Technology in Learning offers dynamic tools for mastering the future continuous tense in ESL classrooms. Today’s tech-savvy students find electronic formats both familiar and engaging, encouraging interaction and deepening their understanding of the tense’s uses. With smart integration of digital aids, learning becomes fun and accessible.

Language Apps And Online Resources

The internet is rich with language apps and online resources that simplify grammar concepts. Apps like Duolingo, Babbel, or Grammarly are great for practicing the future continuous tense. They provide interactive lessons, quizzes, and games that reinforce this tense.

  • Interactive exercises with instant feedback keep learners engaged.
  • Real-life scenarios within the apps enhance understanding.
  • Customizable difficulty levels cater to students of all proficiencies.
App/ResourceFeaturesUser Level
DuolingoPersonalized learning journeysBeginner to Advanced
BabbelConversational practiceBeginner to Intermediate
GrammarlyWriting enhancement toolIntermediate to Advanced

Interactive Whiteboard Activities

Interactive whiteboards transform traditional learning into a collaborative experience. They allow the integration of multimedia elements that cater to various learning styles.

  1. Create timeline drag-and-drop activities for constructing future continuous sentences.
  2. Utilize video snippets for context-based teaching.
  3. Incorporate audio prompts for pronunciation practice.

By drawing directly on the whiteboard, students visualize sentence structure. This helps memorize the form and function of the tense. Classroom debates triggered by interactive polls bring the future continuous tense to life.

Practice Through Role-play

Teaching future continuous tense to ESL students becomes more effective and engaging through role-play. This method leverages interactive scenarios to help learners grasp the structure and use of the tense in a fun and memorable way.

By simulating real-life situations, students can develop a practical understanding of future continuous usage.

Let’s dive into how you can craft these role-play experiences.

Creating Real-life Scenarios

  • Identify familiar settings: School, a restaurant, or a friend’s house.
  • Develop context: Set a scene where the future continuous might arise.
  • Interactive elements: Include objects or actions students can describe.

Create a scenario card for each student pairing and let the creativity flow. Students act out scenes like “At the airport” or “During a future school event”, where the future continuous is essential.

Guiding Student Dialogues

RolePhrase Starters
Traveler“This time tomorrow, I will be flying…”
Teacher“Next week, we will be studying…”
Friend“We will be meeting at…”

Encourage students to use the phrase starters in their dialogues. Provide assistive feedback during their practice to enhance fluency. The table above can be a quick reference for learners to initiate and carry their conversations in the future continuous tense.

Through role-play and guided dialogues, ESL students experience the future continuous tense in dynamic and contextualized ways. This hands-on practice builds confidence and helps internalize the structure for long-term retention.

Gamifying Grammar Lessons

Learning English as a second language (ESL) can be fun, especially with games. Grammar lessons, like the future continuous tense, usually sound complex. But, they don’t have to be!

Games turn difficult grammar into exciting challenges. This approach helps students understand and apply grammar in a playful context.

Let’s explore how to turn the future continuous tense into an adventure with engaging games.

Board Games And Card Activities

Board games and card activities combine learning with playtime. Teachers can create a simple board game with squares that mark either questions or actions.

Students roll dice and move their pieces. Each square could have a future continuous tense practice prompt like “You will be reading at 9 PM tonight.” Other students then ask questions or make sentences.

  • ‘Future Journey’: Students draw cards that describe future events. They must use the future continuous tense to explain what they will be doing.
  • ‘Grammar Quest’: Each board game space prompts a different use of the tense.

Create cards with prompts such as:

Example Prompts
“Describe what your friend will be doing at 7 PM tomorrow.”
“Complete the story where characters will be traveling next year.”

Online Quizzes And Games

Many online platforms offer interactive quizzes and games for grammar practice. These provide instant feedback and scores. Kids feel like they are playing a video game but are actually learning!

  1. Select games specifically for the future continuous tense.
  2. Incorporate time-bound challenges to make it exciting.
  3. Use avatars and virtual rewards to motivate students.

Some recommended resources include:

  • ‘English Ninja’: A game where students defeat grammar errors.
  • ‘Tense Tower’: A quiz-based game focusing on all tenses, including future continuous.
  • ‘Sentence Speedway’: Players form correct sentences while racing against time.

Gamified lessons help students grasp the future continuous tense without the stress. It becomes a part of their exciting English-learning adventure.

Drills And Repetition Exercises

The mastery of the Future Continuous Tense unlocks new avenues in English communication for ESL students. To ensure proficiency, educators often turn to drills and repetition exercises. These well-structured activities can reinforce the understanding and correct usage of this tense.

Sentence Completion Tasks

Sentence completion exercises are essential for mastering the Future Continuous Tense. Students fill in blanks with appropriate verb forms to make sentences meaningful and grammatically correct.

Below are strategies for effective sentence completion tasks:

  • Start with simple sentences and gradually increase complexity.
  • Use visually engaging materials like flashcards or interactive whiteboard slides.
  • Provide a context or storyline for exercises to make them relatable.
  • Have students compare answers in pairs or small groups, fostering collaboration.

Question And Answer Practice

Question and answer drills are equally effective. They encourage students to think on their feet. Here’s how to construct these practices:

  1. Create a list of common scenarios that use the Future Continuous Tense.
  2. Formulate open-ended questions that prompt substantive answers.
  3. Organize role-play activities where students ask and answer in turns.
  4. Integrate real-life situations to make exercises applicable and engaging.

Incorporating varied and interactive drills ensures a deeper grasp of the Future Continuous Tense. Regular practice etches this structure in the memory, fostering confident use in everyday conversations and academic situations alike.

Teaching With Music And Lyrics

Combining music and lyrics presents an innovative approach to teaching the future continuous tense to ESL students. The rhythm and melody of songs create a memorable learning experience, making grammar lessons enjoyable and effective.

Let’s explore how to integrate music into your ESL classroom to teach this important tense.

Song Selection For Grammar Points

Selecting the right song is crucial for teaching the future continuous tense. Here are some tips:

  • Choose songs with clear examples of the future continuous tense.
  • Ensure lyrics are appropriate for the classroom.
  • Look for songs with repetitive structures to reinforce the tense.
  • Consider the students’ music preferences to keep them engaged.

Fill-in-the-blank Song Exercises

Once you have selected a song, create a fill-in-the-blank exercise. This activity helps students focus on the tense-use in a fun way.

Follow these simple steps:

  1. Remove key words from the song’s lyrics that illustrate the future continuous tense.
  2. Create a worksheet with the blank spaces where the words were.
  3. Play the song and let students fill in the blanks as they listen.
  4. Discuss the answers after the exercise to reinforce learning.

Integrating Writing Assignments

Integrating writing assignments in ESL classes enhances understanding of complex grammar. Teaching the future continuous tense becomes interactive and fun. It encourages students to practice and apply this tense in various writing scenarios.

Let’s explore two creative ways to embed this into your curriculum.

Future Continuous In Story Writing

Story writing assignments are an excellent way to practice the future continuous tense. Students tap into their imagination to compose stories. Set themes that require characters to be in the middle of actions at specific times in the future.

Subject + will be + verb(ing)She will be meeting with the aliens at 5 pm tomorrow.

Create a rubric that emphasizes the use of the future continuous tense. These stories can range from simple to complex, adapting to varying proficiencies within the classroom.

Journals And Predictive Texts

Journals provide real-life context for the future continuous tense. Encourage students to write about plans or ongoing events in their lives. Offer prompts to guide their writing.

  1. What will you be doing this weekend?
  2. Describe an event where you will be participating soon.

Predictive texts help tailor this exercise for the classroom. Have students craft texts or emails predicting classmates’ future actions. Peers then confirm or correct these predictions, promoting collaborative learning.

Assessment And Feedback

The comprehensive assessment and constructive feedback build the foundation for their understanding and proper use. Assessments should engage students in diverse ways, ensuring a clear gauge of their proficiency. Feedback must empower learners to refine usage in real-world contexts.

Monitoring Progress With Oral Exams

Oral exams offer a dynamic approach to testing ESL students. Teachers can simulate scenarios where pupils must use the future continuous tense.

  • Include question-and-answer sessions.
  • Foster a role-play environment.
  • Record sessions for detailed feedback.

With these techniques, students receive immediate insights into their strengths and areas for improvement.

Written Tests And Peer Review

Written exams provide a different lens to assess comprehension. These should consist of:

Test ComponentObjective
Fill-in-the-blank exercisesAssess recall and usage
Sentence construction tasksEvaluate understanding of sentence structure
Paragraph writing assignmentsMeasure ability in context

Incorporate peer reviews to encourage collaborative learning. Students can provide each other with valuable critique and support.

Efficiently alternating between these assessments will enforce the functional use of the future continuous tense. It additionally promotes active engagement and reinforces learning through various forms of practice.


In conclusion, teaching the future continuous tense helps ESL students talk about future actions. Use real-life examples, pictures, and fun activities to make learning easy. Give students many practice exercises and simple examples to help them understand.

When students learn this tense, they can speak and write better about their future plans, making their English stronger and more confident.

FAQs on Teaching Future Continuous Tense

Q1. What is the future continuous tense?

Answer: The future continuous tense describes actions that will be happening at a specific time in the future.

2. How do you form the future continuous tense?

Answer: It is formed using “will be” + the verb ending in -ing (e.g., “will be running”).

3. Why is it important to teach the future continuous tense?

Answer: It helps students talk about future actions in a more detailed and dynamic way.

4. What are some common uses of the future continuous tense?

Answer: It is used for actions that will be in progress at a certain time in the future, for planned future events, and for predictions about future actions.

5. What are some effective ways to introduce this tense?

Answer: Use timelines, real-life examples, and simple sentences to show how the tense works.

6. What activities can help students practice the future continuous tense?

Answer: Role-playing future scenarios, predicting actions of classmates, and discussing weekend plans are good practice activities.

7. How can visual aids help in teaching this tense?

Answer: Visual aids like timelines and charts help students see when actions will happen, making the tense easier to understand.

8. What are some common mistakes students make with the future continuous tense?

Answer: Common mistakes include incorrect verb forms and confusion with other future tenses.

9. How can I help students avoid these mistakes?

Answer: Provide clear examples, regular practice, and correct errors gently to help students learn.

10. How do I assess my students’ understanding of the future continuous tense?

Answer: Use quizzes, writing exercises, and speaking activities to check their understanding and give feedback.

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