ESL Expert & Trainer
- Orchid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2820-6812
- Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Md-Sajib-3
- Academia: https://wub.academia.edu/MDNASIMFARDOSE
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=682LrxIAAAAJ
Read his articles on ESL Info
Md. Nasim Fardose Sajib emerges as a leader and innovator in ELT, blending traditional and digital methodologies to enrich the educational landscape. His expertise encompasses a broad spectrum of areas including technology-based language teaching, sociolinguistics, teaching methodologies, and skill-based learning in EFL and ESL.
Md. Nasim Fardose Sajib has extensive experience in English Language Teaching (ELT) and English as a Second Language (ESL) teaching, and research expertise in applying technology in language learning, aiming to contribute to innovative educational practices in the tertiary landscape. Sajib seeks to utilize his skills in curriculum development, teacher training, and educational technology to enhance language learning outcomes and to lead projects that advance the integration of AI and digital tools in language education. Committed to fostering an inclusive, dynamic learning environment, Sajib aims to inspire learners and educators alike, contributing to the development of effective, evidence-based language teaching methodologies.
Key involvement
- PhD Pursuit: TESOL, specializing in the role of AI in ELT and ELL
- Content Creation: Developed online resources for English learners and teachers in YouTube and other social media platforms
- Language Testing Systems: Experience with IELTS, PTE, and training for Cambridge O-level exams
- Founder: ‘Linguology,’ a language learning institution with online and offline services.Professional Affiliations: Active lifetime member of BELTA (Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association), TESOL Society of Bangladesh, DUELLA (Dhaka University English Language Learners’ Association), DUIMLAA (Dhaka University Institute of Modern Languages Alumni Association), DU Registered Graduates.
The Expert Behind the Insights
- Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of English, World University of Bangladesh
- Academic Background: MA in ELT, MA in English
- More than 12 years of teaching experience including over 11 years at the tertiary level
- Research Funding: Supported by World Bank; UKaid; USaid; British Council; UNICEF, and DHAKA Ahsania Mission, and WUB Research Grant
Contributions to English Language Teaching and Learning
- Focus on developing learners’ language skills and training ELT teachers
- Active participation in seminars, workshops, and international conferences
- Presented a number of conference papers
- Several peer-reviewed research articles, including in Scopus-indexed journals
- Completed British Council courses during the pandemic, enhancing expertise in digital learning
Online Teaching & Learning Experience
- Teaching online using e-learning LMS (elearning.org.bd) since September 2020.
- Awarded a certificate from the British Council for successfully completing 12 hours of Teaching English titled ‘Teaching English through Literature’ in January 2023.
- Awarded a certificate from the British Council for successfully completing 12 hours of Teaching English titled ‘Teaching Pathways: How to Teach Grammar’ in September 2022.
- Awarded a certificate from the British Council for successfully completing 12 hours of Teaching English titled ‘Teaching Pathways: Skills for Remote Teaching’ in May 2022.
Research Profile
Sajib, M. N. F. (2023). Possibilities and Challenges of Online ELL Classrooms as an Alternative: Initiative during the COVID Crisis. MEXTESOL Journal, 47(1). Retrieved March 10, 2023, from http://www.mextesol.net/journal/public/files/dbca2c5686cb2496f1fc713dd0a66f17.pdf (A Q2 journal indexed in SCOPUS)
Sajib, M. N. F., Nahar, N., & Zahan, N. (2020). The Impact of Bangla-English Code-Switching in Advertisement Posters. Crossings: A Journal of English Studies, 11(2), 242–260. https://doi.org/10.59817/cjes.v11i.331
Sajib, M. N. F. (2020). Code-switching in Advertisement Posters: A Sociolinguistic Analysis. BELTA Journal, 4(1), 44-57. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36832/beltaj.2020.0401.04
Sajib, M. N. F., & Nahar, N. (2020). Effects of Interaction on Reading Comprehension in the Secondary School Classrooms: An Action Research. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 20(2) 13-20. Retrieved October 14, 2020, from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/3087
Patwary, M. N., & Sajib, M. N. F. (2018). Improving Writing Skills in English at the Tertiary Level: The Gap between the Standard Practice and Classroom Scenario. Crossings: A Journal of English Studies, 9, 151–165. https://doi.org/10.59817/cjes.v9i.115