
Offering Help: Best ESL Practice Conversations

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Offering help is one of the important social and communication skills your ESL students should be able to do in English confidently.

In my experience, students struggle with offering help naturally, leading to awkward communication.

So, how can you guide students to offer help effectively in English conversations?

If you’ve been teaching speaking skills for a while, you know that ESL teachers face at least a few, if not many, challenges while preparing their speaking lessons. One of the primary challenges is selecting the right activity for your ESL speaking class.

To boost my students’ conversational skills, I often use sample conversations as a role-play activity in my classes.

And guess what? My students truly enjoy them!

To improve your students’ conversational skills when they need to offer help in English, you should give them ample opportunity to practice real-life conversations through role-plays.

Give them the following 15 conversations to practice offering help. I’ve curated them for three levels: lower intermediate, higher intermediate, and advanced. These conversations show how to offer help both in formal and informal situations.

Supplemented with audio, these conversations will help your students improve their listening and conversational speaking skills.

Grocery Shopping (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Sam: Hi, Anna. Need help with bags?

Anna: Yes, please. Thanks for offering.

Sam: No problem. Let’s start with heavy ones.

Anna: Appreciate it. Can you help pick fruits?

Sam: Sure. Let’s go to the produce section.

Anna: Thanks. I struggle with ripe ones.

Sam: Don’t worry. I’ll show you.

Homework Help (Formal)

Level: Low intermediate

Emma: Hello, David. Need math help?

David: Yes, please. Explain fractions?

Emma: Let’s go step by step.

David: Thank you for your patience.

Emma: No problem. We help each other.

David: Let’s start with basics, okay?

Emma: Okay, ready to learn.

David: Let me know if you need help.

Finding Directions (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Emily: Hi, Jack. Lost? Need museum?

Jack: Yeah, please. Can you guide?

Emily: Sure, follow me.

Jack: Thanks, Emily. Appreciate it.

Emily: Happy to help.

Jack: How far is it?

Emily: About ten-minute walk.

Jack: Perfect. Worried we’re lost.

Emily: Nah, close. Let’s go.

Cooking Class (Formal)

Level: Low intermediate

Teacher: Hello, James. Need chopping help?

James: Yes, please. Want to improve.

Teacher: Let me show you.

James: Thank you for guiding.

Teacher: Start with onions.

James: Okay, I’ll watch.

Teacher: Adjust your grip.

James: Ah, got it. Thank you.

Flat Tire Assistance (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Chris: Hey, Sarah. Flat tire? Need help?

Sarah: Yes, please. Can you fix?

Chris: Sure, let’s get started.

Sarah: Panicked a bit. Thanks.

Chris: Happens to everyone. Let’s use the jack.

Sarah: Thanks for explaining.

Chris: Anytime. Let’s get it fixed.

Offering Help with Moving House (Informal)

Level: High intermediate

Emma: Hi, Alex. Heard you’re moving. Need a hand?

Alex: Hey, Emma! Yeah, it’s quite a task. Any help appreciated.

Emma: I’m here for you. When’s moving day?

Alex: Next Saturday. Can you help with packing boxes?

Emma: Of course. I’ll bring some packing supplies too.

Alex: Thanks a lot, Emma. I’m feeling overwhelmed.

Emma: Don’t worry. We’ll make it manageable together.

Alex: Should we rent a moving truck?

Emma: Yes, let’s arrange it. I’ll look into options.

Offering Help with Job Interview Preparation (Formal)

Level: High intermediate

John: Hi, Laura. Need help preparing for the interview?

Laura: Yes, John. I’m nervous. Can you guide me?

John: Absolutely. Let’s start with mock interviews.

Laura: That sounds helpful. Thank you for offering.

John: We’ll practice common questions and your responses.

Laura: I appreciate your time and support.

John: Happy to help. Let’s also work on your resume.

Laura: Okay. I’ll send it over for review.

John: Great. We’ll refine it together.

Offering Help with Event Planning (Informal)

Level: High intermediate

Tom: Hi, Sophia. Need assistance with the office party?

Sophia: Hey, Tom. Yes, actually. Can you help decorate?

Tom: Sure thing. Let’s make it fabulous!

Sophia: Thanks a bunch. I’m juggling a lot right now.

Tom: No problem. We’ll make it a team effort.

Sophia: Should we create a theme?

Tom: Absolutely. How about a retro vibe?

Sophia: Sounds fun! Let’s brainstorm more ideas.

Tom: I’ll gather supplies. Any specific requests?

Sophia: Balloons and streamers would be great.

Offering Help with Tech Support (Formal)

Level: High intermediate

David: Hello, Maria. Need assistance with your computer?

Maria: Yes, David. It’s acting up again. Can you fix it?

David: Certainly. Let’s start by troubleshooting the problem.

Maria: Thank you for your prompt response.

David: It’s my job to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Maria: I appreciate your expertise in these matters.

David: Happy to help. Can you describe the issue?

Maria: It freezes randomly and is slow.

David: I’ll run diagnostics to identify the cause.

Offering Help with Travel Itinerary (Informal)

Level: High intermediate

Rachel: Hi, Mark. Need help with our trip itinerary?

Mark: Hey, Rachel. Yeah, I’m overwhelmed. Can you assist?

Rachel: Absolutely. Let’s start with booking accommodations.

Mark: Thanks. I’ve been struggling to find good deals.

Rachel: No worries. I’ll search for budget-friendly options.

Mark: Should we also plan our activities?

Rachel: Yes, let’s make a list of must-visit places.

Mark: Sounds like a plan. I’m glad you’re helping.

Rachel: It’s my pleasure. We’ll make this trip unforgettable.

Assisting with Creative Writing (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Mentor: Good afternoon, Sarah. How’s the novel coming along? Need assistance?

Sarah: Good afternoon, Ms. Lee. Yes, I’m stuck on character development. Can you help me brainstorm?

Mentor: Absolutely, Sarah. Let’s delve into your protagonist’s motivations and backstory.

Sarah: Thank you. I want her journey to feel authentic and compelling.

Mentor: Let’s explore her internal conflicts and external challenges to create depth.

Sarah: That sounds promising. I appreciate your expertise in narrative structure.

Mentor: It’s my pleasure to guide aspiring writers like yourself.

Sarah: I’m grateful for your mentorship, Ms. Lee. It’s invaluable to me.

Mentor: Let’s schedule a workshop session to further refine your character arc and plot.

Sarah: That would be fantastic. Thank you for your support, Ms. Lee.

Offering Tech Support (Informal)

Level: Advanced

Alex: Hey, Emma. Noticed you were debugging. Need a hand with the code?

Emma: Hey, Alex. Yeah, I’m stuck on this loop iteration. Can you take a look?

Alex: Sure thing. Let’s review your logic and error messages.

Emma: Thanks. I’ve been tracing it for hours, but can’t pinpoint the issue.

Alex: No worries. Let’s break it down step by step.

Emma: I appreciate your help, Alex. Programming can be frustrating sometimes.

Alex: Absolutely. We’ll figure it out together.

Emma: Your insight is invaluable. Thank you for assisting.

Alex: Happy to help, Emma. Let’s crack this code.

Level: Advanced

Lawyer: Good morning, Mr. Johnson. How can I assist you with your case today?

Mr. Johnson: Good morning, Lawyer Thompson. I’m facing contractual disputes. Can you guide me?

Lawyer: Certainly, Mr. Johnson. Let’s review the terms of the agreement and relevant statutes.

Mr. Johnson: I believe there’s a breach of contract. Can we pursue legal action?

Lawyer: We’ll assess the merits of your claim and explore avenues for resolution.

Mr. Johnson: Thank you for your prompt attention to my case.

Lawyer: It’s my duty to provide sound legal counsel to my clients.

Mr. Johnson: I appreciate your expertise in navigating these legal complexities.

Lawyer: Let’s schedule a meeting to strategize our approach moving forward.

Mr. Johnson: That sounds prudent. Thank you for your support, Lawyer Thompson.

Offering Help with Business Expansion (Informal)

Level: Advanced

Nina: Hi, Mark. Heard you’re planning to expand. Need help with the business strategy?

Mark: Hey, Nina. Yeah, it’s a big step. Can you share your insights?

Nina: Absolutely. Let’s start with market analysis and competitor research.

Mark: Thanks. I want to ensure we enter new markets strategically.

Nina: Smart move. We can identify growth opportunities and potential risks together.

Mark: I appreciate your expertise, Nina. Scaling can be daunting.

Nina: It’s all about calculated risks and strategic planning.

Mark: Your guidance is invaluable. Thank you for your support.

Nina: Anytime, Mark. Let’s schedule a brainstorming session to outline our expansion plan.

Offering Assistance with Academic Research (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Professor Johnson: Good afternoon, Emily. How can I assist you with your research endeavors today?

Emily: Good afternoon, Professor Johnson. I’m grappling with data analysis. Can you provide guidance?

Professor Johnson: Certainly, Emily. Let’s review your methodology and statistical techniques.

Emily: I aim to analyze longitudinal trends and correlations within the dataset.

Professor Johnson: Impressive. We’ll ensure your analysis aligns with your research objectives.

Emily: Thank you for your expertise, Professor Johnson. It’s critical for my dissertation.

Professor Johnson: It’s my pleasure to support your academic pursuits, Emily.

Emily: I’m grateful for your mentorship and guidance throughout this process.

Professor Johnson: Let’s schedule regular meetings to monitor your progress and address any challenges.

Emily: That sounds like a proactive approach. Thank you for your ongoing support, Professor Johnson.


In conclusion, practicing offering help through realistic conversations is essential for ESL learners to improve their communication skills. With the right guidance and resources, students can overcome challenges and become more confident in offering help in English.

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