
Talking About Family: 15 Best English Conversations for Practice

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A H M Ohidujjaman

Teaching ESL students talking about family involves helping them share information about their loved ones. Students should be able to describe who is in their family and what they are like.

Sometimes, students have trouble finding the right words or using the correct grammar when talking about their family. They might mix up words or make mistakes with sentences.

How can ESL teachers help students who struggle to talk about their family members in English?

This post provides 15 easy-to-understand conversations designed for students at different English levels. These conversations give students lots of practice talking about family members in different situations. By using these conversations, teachers can help students learn new words and improve their grammar skills.

Plus, because the conversations are for different levels, teachers can choose the ones that best fit their students’ needs. Overall, this resource helps both teachers and students get better at talking about family members in English.

Neighborly Chat (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Alice: Hey, Jim! How’s it going?

Jim: Hey, Alice! Not bad, thanks. You?

Alice: Can’t complain! Have you met my family?

Jim: Nope, not yet. I’d love to!

Alice: This is my husband, Mike, and our daughter, Lily.

Jim: Nice to meet you both!

Alice: Lily, say hi to Mr. Johnson.

Lily: Hi, Mr. Johnson!

Jim: Hi, Lily! Nice meeting your family, Alice.

Weekend Dinner Plans (Formal)

Level: Low intermediate

Emily: Hello, Sarah. Any plans for the weekend?

Sarah: Hi, Emily. Yes, family dinner on Saturday.

Emily: Sounds delightful! Who’s attending?

Sarah: Husband, David, and kids, Amy and Jack.

Emily: Wonderful! What’s on the menu?

Sarah: Roast chicken, mashed potatoes, and veggies.

Emily: Sounds delicious! Enjoy your family time.

Sarah: Thank you. Any plans for you?

Sharing Family Pictures (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Sophia: Hi, Maria! Did you see our family photos online?

Maria: Yes, I did! Your family looks adorable!

Sophia: Thanks! This is my husband, Tom, and our twins, Emma and Ethan.

Maria: They’re so cute! How old are they now?

Sophia: They just turned five last month. Time flies!

Maria: Tell me about it. My little one is growing up too fast.

Weekend Park Outing (Formal)

Level: Low intermediate

Mr. Patel: Good evening, Mrs. Jones. Any weekend plans?

Mrs. Jones: Good evening, Mr. Patel. Yes, family outing to the park.

Mr. Patel: Sounds lovely! What activities are you planning?

Mrs. Jones: Picnic and outdoor games mostly.

Mr. Patel: Wonderful! How many children do you have?

Mrs. Jones: Three – two boys and a girl.

Mr. Patel: Quality family time, indeed.

Family Movie Night (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Jessica: Hey, Sarah! What’s up?

Sarah: Hey, Jessica! Just planning a family movie night.

Jessica: Sounds fun! What movie are you watching?

Sarah: A classic Disney movie. Something easy for everyone.

Jessica: Nice choice! Who’s joining in?

Sarah: Just me, my husband, and the kids. Should be cozy.

Jessica: Sounds like a blast! If you need extra company, count me in!

Sharing Family Updates (Informal)

Level: High intermediate

Sophie: Hey, Maria! How’s everything with your family?

Maria: Hi, Sophie! Not bad, thanks for asking. My brother just got a promotion at work!

Sophie: That’s awesome news! How’s your sister doing?

Maria: She’s good, busy with her studies.

Sophie: And your parents?

Maria: They’re doing well, enjoying their retirement. Dad’s been gardening a lot lately.

Sophie: Sounds lovely! How about your kids?

Maria: They’re growing up fast, keeping me on my toes as usual!

Family Reunion Plans (Formal)

Level: High intermediate

Mark: Hello, Sarah. Any special plans for the weekend?

Sarah: Hi, Mark. Yes, we’re having a family reunion on Sunday.

Mark: That sounds wonderful! Where will it be held?

Sarah: At my parents’ house. They’ve been planning it for weeks.

Mark: How many family members are expected to attend?

Sarah: Around 20, including cousins, aunts, and uncles.

Mark: Impressive turnout! Will there be any activities or games?

Sarah: Yes, we’re organizing a barbecue and some outdoor games for everyone to enjoy.

Mark: Sounds like a fantastic gathering!

Talking About Family Members’ Personalities (Informal)

Level: High intermediate

Emma: Hey, Lisa! Do you have any siblings?

Lisa: Yeah, I have an older brother named Tom. He’s the life of the party, always cracking jokes.

Emma: Sounds fun! What about your parents?

Lisa: My dad’s really chill, loves spending time outdoors. Mom’s the organized one, always planning family trips.

Emma: Your family sounds interesting!

Lisa: Thanks! What about yours?

Family Vacation Plans (Formal)

Level: High intermediate

Mr. Rodriguez: Good evening, Mrs. Lee. Any vacation plans for the upcoming holidays?

Mrs. Lee: Good evening, Mr. Rodriguez. Yes, we’re planning a trip to the beach with the family.

Mr. Rodriguez: That sounds delightful! How long will you be staying?

Mrs. Lee: We’re thinking of staying for a week, to make the most of the break.

Mr. Rodriguez: Any specific activities planned for the trip?

Mrs. Lee: We’ll probably spend most of our time swimming, snorkeling, and relaxing on the beach.

Mr. Rodriguez: Sounds like a perfect getaway!

Talking About Family Traditions (Informal)

Level: High intermediate

Alex: Hey, Kate! Do you have any family traditions you look forward to each year?

Kate: Hi, Alex! Yeah, every Thanksgiving, my family gathers for a big dinner at my grandma’s house.

Alex: That sounds lovely! What do you usually do during the dinner?

Kate: We eat a ton of food, of course! Then we play board games and watch movies together.

Alex: Sounds like a blast! Do you have any other traditions?

Kate: Yeah, on Christmas Eve, we all bake cookies together and decorate the tree. It’s my favorite time of the year.

Family Reunion Planning (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Sophia: Good afternoon, everyone. I hope you’re all well. As you know, our family reunion is coming up next month. We need to finalize some details.

David: Indeed, Sophia. The venue and catering are sorted, but we need to confirm the entertainment.

Sophia: Agreed. Does anyone have suggestions for activities or performers?

Nadia: How about hiring a live band? That would add a lively atmosphere to the event.

Sophia: That sounds fantastic, Nadia. Any objections or alternative ideas?

Daniel: I think a magician could be a hit, especially for the kids.

Sophia: Good point, Daniel. Let’s explore both options further and decide by the end of the week. Any other matters to discuss?

Emma: Yes, we should ensure there are enough accommodations for out-of-town guests. I can help coordinate that.

Sophia: Excellent, Emma. Thank you. Let’s reconvene next week to finalize everything. Thank you all for your input.

Family Portrait Session (Informal)

Level: Advanced

Michael: Hey, everyone! I spoke to the photographer, and we’re booked for next Saturday for our family portraits.

Sophie: Great news! Should we coordinate outfits or go for a more casual look?

Michael: I was thinking coordinating colors would look nice. Any preferences?

Sophie: How about shades of blue and white? It’s classic and looks good on everyone.

Jessica: Sounds good to me. Are we doing any specific poses or just going with the flow?

Michael: I’ll leave that up to the photographer. We can discuss ideas with them on the day.

Sophie: Perfect. Let’s make sure everyone’s there on time so we can make the most of the session.

Michael: Agreed. Looking forward to capturing some beautiful family memories.

Family Medical History Discussion (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Dr. Patel: Good evening, everyone. As a physician, I think it’s crucial for us to discuss our family’s medical history.

Sophia: Absolutely, Dr. Patel. It can help us understand potential health risks and take preventive measures.

Nadia: I agree. Does anyone have any significant medical conditions we should be aware of?

David: Our grandfather had heart disease, and our aunt has diabetes. We should be mindful of those factors.

Dr. Patel: Thank you for sharing, David. Let’s make sure to stay on top of our health screenings and lifestyle choices.

Emma: Should we document this information somewhere for future reference?

Dr. Patel: Yes, Emma. I’ll create a document outlining our family medical history for everyone to review and update as needed.

Family Business Expansion Discussion (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Sophie: Good morning, everyone. I’ve called this meeting to discuss the potential expansion of our family business.

Daniel: Agreed, Sophie. We’ve been seeing steady growth, and I think it’s time to explore new opportunities.

Nadia: What sectors are we considering for expansion? I think diversifying our portfolio could be beneficial.

Sophie: I’ve been researching the hospitality industry. Investing in a boutique hotel or vacation rentals could be lucrative.

Michael: That’s an interesting idea, Sophie. Do we have the resources and expertise for such a venture?

Sophie: We’ll need to conduct a feasibility study and seek advice from professionals in the field. Let’s schedule follow-up meetings to delve deeper into this.

Emma: Sounds like a plan. Let’s ensure we’re all on board with any decisions moving forward.

Family Heritage Preservation (Informal)

Level: Advanced

Sophia: Hey, everyone. I’ve been thinking about how we can preserve and celebrate our family’s heritage.

David: That’s a fantastic idea, Sophia. Our traditions and stories are a significant part of who we are.

Jessica: How about compiling a family cookbook with all our favorite recipes passed down through generations?

Sophia: I love that idea, Jessica. We can include anecdotes and memories associated with each dish.

Nadia: We could also organize cultural events or workshops to share our traditions with the wider community.

Michael: Count me in for that. It’s essential to pass on our heritage to future generations.

Sophie: Agreed. Let’s brainstorm more ideas and create a plan to ensure our family’s legacy lives on.


These 15 conversations make it easier for ESL teachers and students to talk about family members. By practicing these scenarios, students can get better at English while having fun. With practice and help from teachers, students will feel more confident talking about their families.

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