
Talking About Technology: Best ESL Practice Conversations

A H M Ohidujjaman

In this era of high-end technology, while everyone is talking about technology, your ESL students need the ability to talk about technology in English so that they are not left out of the canal.

So if you want your students to join these modern conversations and understand tech topics easily, you would like to give them some guided practice, for example, sample conversations demonstrating talking about technology.

Students may find it hard to use technical words correctly and keep up with fast tech talks.

How can you help students talk confidently about technology without confusion?

This post has 15 conversations for all English levels. They cover real tech topics, helping students learn the right words and phrases. Incorporate these conversations into your ESL lesson while teaching talking about technology and see what happens.

Discussing a New Smartphone (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Anna: Hey Mark, is that the new smartphone?

Mark: Yes, it is! Got it last week.

Anna: It looks sleek. Is it easy to use?

Mark: Yeah, very user-friendly. I love it.

Anna: Does it have a good camera?

Mark: Excellent camera, takes nice photos.

Anna: How’s the battery life?

Mark: Battery lasts all day, no issues.

Anna: I might get one too. Thanks!

Mark: You’re welcome. It’s worth it.

Asking About Wi-Fi Access (Formal)

Level: Low intermediate

Sophia: Excuse me, how do I connect to Wi-Fi?

Receptionist: You can connect using the hotel’s network.

Sophia: Is there a password I need?

Receptionist: Yes, the password is “hotelguest”.

Sophia: Thank you. Is it fast?

Receptionist: Yes, it’s quite fast and reliable.

Sophia: Great! I’ll try connecting now.

Receptionist: Sure, let me know if you need help.

Sophia: Thanks for your help.

Talking About a Computer Issue (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Liam: Sarah, my computer won’t start.

Sarah: Did you try restarting it?

Liam: Yes, but it won’t work.

Sarah: Maybe it’s the battery.

Liam: I charged it all night.

Sarah: Let me take a look.

Liam: Thanks, I appreciate it.

Sarah: No problem, let’s see.

Inquiring About a Smart TV (Formal)

Level: Low intermediate

Lucas: Hi, I’m looking for a smart TV.

Salesperson: Sure, what size are you interested in?

Lucas: Around 50 inches.

Salesperson: We have some great options.

Lucas: Does it have streaming apps?

Salesperson: Yes, Netflix, YouTube, and more.

Lucas: What about the price?

Salesperson: This model is on sale today.

Lucas: I’ll take it. Thanks!

Salesperson: You’re welcome, enjoy!

Discussing a New App (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Emma: Hey Jake, have you tried this new app?

Jake: No, what’s it called?

Emma: It’s called “Fitness Tracker.”

Jake: What does it do?

Emma: Tracks your steps and workouts.

Jake: Sounds useful. Is it free?

Emma: Yes, and easy to use.

Jake: I’ll download it today.

Emma: Let me know what you think!

Jake: Will do, thanks!

Comparing Smartwatches (Informal)

Level: High intermediate

Sophie: Hey Alex, have you seen the new Apple Watch?

Alex: Yeah, it has some cool health-tracking features.

Sophie: What about battery life?

Alex: It lasts about 18 hours with regular use.

Sophie: That’s decent. I’m also looking at the Garmin.

Alex: Garmin has great GPS and battery life.

Sophie: Which one do you prefer?

Alex: I like Garmin for outdoor activities.

Sophie: I’m leaning towards Apple for its apps.

Alex: Both are good choices, depends on your needs.

Sophie: True. Thanks for the info!

Alex: Anytime, happy to help.

Discussing Online Privacy (Formal)

Level: High intermediate

Liam: Hi everyone, have you read about the latest data breaches?

Emma: Yes, it’s concerning. We need better security measures.

Liam: Agreed. We should update our passwords regularly.

Jake: And enable two-factor authentication.

Sophia: What about using VPNs?

Liam: VPNs can add an extra layer of security.

Emma: That’s a good idea, especially when using public Wi-Fi.

Jake: We should also educate our team on safe online practices.

Sophia: Definitely. Safety should be a top priority.

Liam: I’ll schedule a training session on this topic.

Emma: Thanks, Liam. It’s much needed.

Exploring E-Book Readers (Informal)

Level: High intermediate

Ella: Hey Ryan, do you use an e-book reader?

Ryan: Yes, I have a Kindle Paperwhite.

Ella: How’s the screen quality?

Ryan: It’s great, easy on the eyes.

Ella: I’m considering getting one. Any drawbacks?

Ryan: It’s mainly for reading; limited for other apps.

Ella: What about battery life?

Ryan: Lasts for weeks on a single charge.

Ella: Impressive! I’ll look into it.

Ryan: There are sales coming up, keep an eye out.

Ella: Thanks for the tip!

Ryan: You’re welcome, happy reading!

Inquiring About Cloud Storage (Formal)

Level: High intermediate

Oliver: Hi Lisa, we need a reliable cloud storage solution.

Lisa: Sure, what are your storage requirements?

Oliver: We have around 500GB of data.

Lisa: I recommend a scalable solution like Google Drive.

Oliver: How about security features?

Lisa: Google Drive offers encryption and multi-factor authentication.

Oliver: That sounds secure. Any cost estimates?

Lisa: It’s cost-effective, around $10 per user per month.

Oliver: That’s within our budget. Let’s proceed.

Lisa: I’ll set it up and provide training for your team.

Oliver: Perfect, thanks for your help.

Lisa: You’re welcome, Oliver.

Discussing Smartphone Apps for Productivity (Informal)

Level: High intermediate

Nina: Hey Jordan, do you use any productivity apps?

Jordan: Yes, I use Notion for task management.

Nina: How’s your experience with it?

Jordan: It’s versatile and helps me stay organized.

Nina: I’ve heard good things about Trello too.

Jordan: Trello is great for project collaboration.

Nina: Which one do you recommend?

Jordan: Depends on your workflow. Notion is more flexible.

Nina: I’ll try Notion then. Thanks!

Jordan: You’re welcome, hope it helps!

Debating the Ethics of AI (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Dr. Patel: Good afternoon, esteemed colleagues. Today’s topic is the ethical considerations of AI in healthcare.

Dr. Williams: Indeed, AI has the potential to revolutionize healthcare but raises concerns about patient privacy.

Prof. Johnson: Absolutely, the use of patient data without informed consent is a major ethical dilemma.

Dr. Lee: True, but AI can also improve diagnostic accuracy and patient outcomes when used responsibly.

Dr. Patel: I agree. However, we must establish clear guidelines to ensure ethical AI implementation.

Prof. Johnson: Transparency and accountability are key. How do we ensure AI algorithms are unbiased?

Dr. Williams: Regular audits and diverse training datasets can help mitigate bias.

Dr. Lee: We also need interdisciplinary collaboration between tech experts, ethicists, and healthcare professionals.

Dr. Patel: Precisely, collaboration is crucial for developing ethically sound AI solutions.

Prof. Johnson: Thank you all for your valuable insights. This discussion underscores the need for a multidisciplinary approach to AI ethics.

Exploring Quantum Computing (Informal)

Level: Advanced

Elena: Hey, Alex! Have you been following the developments in quantum computing?

Alex: Absolutely, it’s fascinating! Quantum computers have the potential to solve complex problems exponentially faster.

Elena: I know, right? It could revolutionize fields like cryptography and drug discovery.

Alex: And don’t forget machine learning. Quantum algorithms could significantly enhance AI capabilities.

Elena: True, but we’re still facing challenges like error correction and scalability.

Alex: Agreed, but researchers are making progress. Companies like IBM and Google are investing heavily in quantum research.

Elena: That’s encouraging. It’s exciting to think about the possibilities, despite the technical hurdles.

Alex: Definitely, it’s a promising field with enormous potential.

Elena: Can’t wait to see where it leads in the next decade!

Alex: Me too, the future of computing looks bright!

Discussing Cybersecurity Threats (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Mr. Singh: Ladies and gentlemen, cyber threats are evolving rapidly, posing significant risks to organizations globally.

Ms. Alvarez: Absolutely, ransomware attacks and data breaches are on the rise, targeting both public and private sectors.

Dr. Kim: We need to adopt a proactive approach to cybersecurity, focusing on threat intelligence and incident response.

Mr. Smith: I couldn’t agree more. Employee training and awareness are also critical in mitigating risks.

Ms. Alvarez: Indeed, human error remains a common vulnerability. Continuous training is essential.

Dr. Kim: Additionally, implementing multi-layered security measures can provide a robust defense against cyber threats.

Mr. Singh: Collaboration between organizations, government agencies, and cybersecurity experts is vital for a unified response.

Ms. Alvarez: Absolutely, sharing threat intelligence can help us stay ahead of cybercriminals.

Mr. Smith: Thank you all for your valuable insights. Let’s continue working together to secure our digital future.

Evaluating Sustainable Tech Solutions (Informal)

Level: Advanced

Maya: Hey, Liam! Have you seen the latest advancements in renewable energy tech?

Liam: Yes, it’s exciting! Solar and wind technologies are becoming more efficient and affordable.

Maya: Absolutely, and innovations in battery storage are addressing the intermittency issue.

Liam: Plus, smart grids and IoT devices are optimizing energy consumption, reducing waste.

Maya: That’s true. But we also need policies that incentivize the adoption of sustainable technologies.

Liam: Agreed, government support is crucial for scaling these solutions.

Maya: Definitely, it’s a collective effort involving tech companies, policymakers, and communities.

Liam: Absolutely, we all play a role in transitioning to a greener future.

Maya: Couldn’t agree more, let’s keep pushing for change!

Negotiating Terms for a Tech Partnership (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Mr. Chen: Good afternoon, Mr. Anderson. We’re excited about the prospect of collaborating with your company on our AI project.

Mr. Anderson: Likewise, Mr. Chen. Our team is impressed with your innovative approach.

Mr. Chen: Thank you. We believe this partnership could yield significant advancements in machine learning.

Mr. Anderson: Agreed. Let’s discuss the terms of the collaboration, including investment, intellectual property rights, and project timelines.

Mr. Chen: Absolutely. We propose a joint venture with shared ownership and responsibilities.

Mr. Anderson: That sounds reasonable. We’ll need to conduct due diligence before finalizing the agreement.

Mr. Chen: Of course, transparency is key. We’re open to a phased approach to mitigate risks.

Mr. Anderson: Excellent. Let’s schedule follow-up meetings to iron out the details and finalize the partnership agreement.

Mr. Chen: Sounds like a plan. We look forward to a fruitful collaboration.

Mr. Anderson: Likewise, Mr. Chen. Here’s to a successful partnership!


Talking about technology is an essential skill in today’s world. With practice and the right conversations, ESL students can confidently discuss tech topics in English. These conversations offer a great way to learn and improve, making tech talk easier and more enjoyable for everyone.

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