
Describing a Typical Day: Best ESL Conversations for Practice

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A H M Ohidujjaman

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A typical day of an ESL student includes a lot of repeated activities ranging from morning routines to weekend plans. Being able to talk about those activities is a great opportunity for ESL students to practice and use language skills.

Therefore, your ESL students should be confident while describing a typical day in English, but they find it hard to explain their day clearly.

How can you teach your ESL students to describe a typical day confidently?

While teaching speaking, ESL teachers often find it challenging to select the right activity, but in my experience, using role-play activities, especially with sample real-life conversations on different situations targeting different functions of language (i.e. talking about daily activities) works very well.

In this post, I’ve shared 15 conversations for three levels of students to practice. They cover simple to complex topics. Each conversation is supplemented with an audio recording for students to practice listening as well.

Teachers can use these to help students speak better. Students can also use them to practice conversations alone.

Describing a Typical Day || ESL Conversation Practice || Speaking Practice || Improve Fluency

Morning Plans (Informal)

Level: Lower intermediate

Emma: Hi, Sarah. How did you sleep?

Sarah: Okay. I woke up early.

Emma: What’s your morning routine?

Sarah: Brush teeth, then breakfast.

Emma: I shower first. You try that?

Sarah: Sure, I’ll let you know.

Emma: Have a good day, Sarah.

Sarah: You too, Emma. Bye!

Ordering Lunch (Informal)

Level: Lower intermediate

Carlos: Hi, Maria. Want lunch?

Maria: Yes, sandwich, please.

Carlos: Chicken or ham sandwich?

Maria: Chicken, please.

Carlos: Juice too?

Maria: Orange juice, please.

Carlos: Okay, be back soon.

Maria: Thanks, Carlos.

Carlos: No problem, Maria. Enjoy!

Evening Plans (Informal)

Level: Lower intermediate

Liam: Hi, Emily. Hang out tonight?

Emily: Sure. What do you suggest?

Liam: Movie or games?

Emily: Comedy movie?

Liam: 7 PM okay?

Emily: Yes, see you then.

Liam: Looking forward to it.

Emily: Me too. Bye!

Asking Directions (Formal)

Level: Lower intermediate

David: Excuse me, can you help?

Passerby: What do you need?

David: Where’s the museum?

Passerby: Down this street, left side.

David: Thank you very much.

Passerby: Enjoy your visit.

David: Thanks, you too.

Weekend Plans (Informal)

Level: Lower intermediate

Sophie: Hi, Max. Weekend plans?

Max: Maybe relax. You?

Sophie: Hiking. Wanna join?

Max: Where to?

Sophie: Mountains nearby.

Max: Can I come?

Sophie: Sure. See you Saturday.

Max: Looking forward to it.

Sophie: Me too. Bye, Max!

Morning Meeting with Coworker (Formal)

Level: Higher intermediate

Sophia: Good morning, Mr. Johnson. How are you today?

Mr. Johnson: Good morning, Sophia. I’m doing well, thank you.

Sophia: Have you reviewed the agenda for today’s meeting?

Mr. Johnson: Yes, I have. It seems quite comprehensive.

Sophia: Do you think we need to adjust any items?

Mr. Johnson: Perhaps we could allocate more time for the budget discussion.

Sophia: Agreed. I’ll make the necessary adjustments before the meeting.

Mr. Johnson: Thank you, Sophia. I appreciate your attention to detail.

Sophia: You’re welcome, Mr. Johnson. Shall we begin the meeting?

Mr. Johnson: Yes, let’s proceed. Thank you, Sophia.

Sophia: My pleasure, Mr. Johnson. Let’s have a productive session.

Family Breakfast Discussion (Informal)

Level: Higher intermediate

Emma: Morning, everyone. What’s on the agenda today?

Dad: Hi, Emma. I have a meeting at noon.

Mom: I’m going grocery shopping this morning.

Emma: I need to finish my project for school.

Dad: Make sure to take breaks while studying, Emma.

Mom: Will you need a ride to the store, Emma?

Emma: No, I can walk there. Thanks, Mom.

Dad: Let’s reconvene for dinner to discuss our day.

Mom: Agreed. Have a great day, everyone.

Emma: You too, Mom and Dad. Bye!

Chatting with a Friend at the Gym (Informal)

Level: Higher intermediate

Alex: Hey, Sarah. Long time no see. How’ve you been?

Sarah: Hi, Alex. I’m good, thanks. Busy with work.

Alex: I hear you. How’s your workout routine going?

Sarah: Not bad. Trying to fit it in before work.

Alex: That’s dedication. I prefer evenings.

Sarah: I’m more productive in the mornings.

Alex: Makes sense. Want to grab a smoothie after this?

Sarah: Sounds great. Let’s go for it.

Alex: Perfect. I’ll meet you by the entrance.

Sarah: See you there, Alex. Thanks!

Discussing Weekend Plans with a Roommate (Informal)

Level: Higher intermediate

Jake: Morning, Lily. Any plans for the weekend?

Lily: Hi, Jake. Thinking of visiting my parents.

Jake: Sounds nice. I might go hiking.

Lily: Alone or with friends?

Jake: With some buddies. Want to join?

Lily: Thanks for the offer, but I’ll pass.

Jake: No problem. Maybe next time.

Lily: Definitely. Have fun hiking!

Jake: Thanks, Lily. Enjoy your family time.

Lily: Will do. Bye, Jake!

Conversation with a Neighbor (Informal)

Level: Higher intermediate

Nora: Morning, Tom. How’s your day shaping up?

Tom: Hi, Nora. Busy, as usual. How about you?

Nora: Not bad. Taking Max for a walk.

Tom: Max looks happy. How’s his training going?

Nora: Slow progress, but we’re getting there.

Tom: Keep at it. Patience is key.

Nora: Thanks, Tom. How’s your garden coming along?

Tom: It’s thriving, thanks for asking.

Nora: That’s great to hear. Enjoy your walk, Tom.

Tom: You too, Nora. Say hi to Max for me.

Nora: Will do. Bye, Tom!

Morning Strategy Meeting with Colleagues (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Sophia: Good morning, team. Let’s discuss our priorities for today’s projects.

David: Morning, Sophia. I suggest we focus on client deliverables first.

Sophia: Agreed. Any challenges we need to address immediately?

Alice: The marketing team requires updated data for the campaign.

Sophia: Understood. David, can your team expedite the data analysis?

David: We’ll prioritize it. Alice, I’ll keep you updated on progress.

Alice: Thank you, David. Any other urgent matters we need to address?

Sophia: Let’s allocate time for a brief training session on new software features.

David: Sounds good. I’ll coordinate with the training department.

Sophia: Excellent. Let’s reconvene at noon to review our progress.

Alice: Agreed. Let’s make today productive.

Sophia: Indeed. Let’s get started. Thank you, everyone.

Informal Breakfast Chat with Roommates

Level: Advanced

Elena: Morning, everyone. What’s on the agenda for today?

Max: Hey, Elena. I have a job interview at 10 AM.

Liam: Good luck, Max. I’m meeting with my advisor later.

Elena: Thanks, Liam. I’m tackling my freelance projects this morning.

Max: Anyone need help with anything before I head out?

Liam: Can you review my resume quickly, Max?

Max: Of course, I’ll take a look after breakfast.

Elena: I’ll proofread your cover letter, Liam.

Liam: Thanks, both of you. I appreciate it.

Elena: No problem. We’ve got each other’s backs.

Max: Indeed, that’s what roommates are for. Let’s make today count!

Negotiating Work Hours with Supervisor (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Daniel: Good morning, Mr. Patel. I’d like to discuss my work hours.

Mr. Patel: Morning, Daniel. What changes are you proposing?

Daniel: I’m considering a shift to a four-day workweek.

Mr. Patel: Interesting. How do you propose managing workload demands?

Daniel: I’ll increase efficiency during the remaining workdays to compensate.

Mr. Patel: That’s ambitious. How will this benefit the team and company?

Daniel: Increased job satisfaction and retention, plus reduced operational costs.

Mr. Patel: I see your point. Let’s trial this arrangement for a month.

Daniel: Thank you, Mr. Patel. I’ll ensure a smooth transition.

Mr. Patel: Keep me updated on progress. Good initiative, Daniel.

Daniel: Will do, Mr. Patel. Appreciate your support.

Discussing Personal Goals with a Mentor (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Sophie: Good afternoon, Dr. Chen. I’ve been contemplating my long-term career goals.

Dr. Chen: Afternoon, Sophie. Let’s delve into your aspirations and formulate a plan.

Sophie: I’m considering pursuing further education in my field of expertise.

Dr. Chen: That’s commendable. Have you identified potential programs or institutions?

Sophie: Yes, I’ve researched several options and narrowed down my choices.

Dr. Chen: What steps do you plan to take to prepare for this transition?

Sophie: Networking with alumni, updating my resume, and seeking recommendations.

Dr. Chen: Excellent. I’ll provide guidance and support throughout this process.

Sophie: Thank you, Dr. Chen. Your mentorship is invaluable to me.

Dr. Chen: It’s my pleasure, Sophie. Let’s work together to achieve your goals.

Evening Networking Event (Informal)

Level: Advanced

Emily: Hi, Mark. How’s your evening going?

Mark: Good, Emily. Enjoying the networking opportunities.

Emily: Have you connected with any interesting professionals so far?

Mark: Met a few potential collaborators for future projects.

Emily: That’s great to hear. I’ve been discussing industry trends with peers.

Mark: Any insights worth sharing?

Emily: Increased focus on sustainability and digital transformation strategies.

Mark: Fascinating. Let’s exchange contact information for further discussion.

Emily: Agreed. I’ll send you an email tomorrow to follow up.

Mark: Looking forward to it, Emily. Enjoy the rest of the event.

Emily: You too, Mark. Until next time!


In conclusion, practicing conversations about describing a typical day in English can greatly improve students’ language skills. By using the provided resources and engaging in meaningful discussions, both teachers and students can overcome challenges and enhance their communication abilities. Keep practicing and don’t hesitate to explore more opportunities for language development.

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