
Talking About Tasks and Responsibilities: Best ESL Practice Conversations

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ESL Students need specific vocabulary and expressions while talking about tasks and responsibilities in English. Teaching this to ESL students in ESL classes requires practicing through realistic conversations.

Students often struggle with starting these conversations due to limited vocabulary or fear of mistakes.

How can ESL teachers help students with this challenge?

This post offers 15 conversations for practice, helping students gain confidence and fluency while assisting teachers in creating engaging lessons.

Planning Weekend Chores (Informal)

Level: Lower intermediate

Emma: Hi Jack, what should we do this weekend?

Jack: We need to clean the kitchen and do laundry.

Emma: OK, I’ll clean the kitchen. You do the laundry?

Jack: Sure, I’ll take care of it.

Emma: Thanks. We also need groceries.

Jack: I can go. What do we need?

Emma: Milk, bread, and some fruits, please.

Jack: Got it. I’ll make a list and go tomorrow.

Emma: Perfect! Thanks, Jack.

Jack: No problem, Emma. Teamwork makes it easier.

Discussing Homework Assignments (Formal)

Level: Lower intermediate

Maria: Hi David, did you understand the homework?

David: No, I need help with the math questions.

Maria: I can help you. Let’s study together?

David: That would be great. Thank you, Maria.

Maria: No problem, David. We can meet after school?

David: Yes, after school in the library.

Maria: Okay, see you then, David.

David: See you, Maria. Thanks again.

Organizing Office Duties (Formal)

Level: Lower intermediate

Mr. Lee: Good morning, Anna. Can you help with files?

Anna: Sure, Mr. Lee. What do you need?

Mr. Lee: Sort these papers by date, please.

Anna: Okay, I’ll start right away.

Mr. Lee: Thank you, Anna. Also, make coffee for meeting?

Anna: Of course, Mr. Lee. How many cups?

Mr. Lee: Ten cups should be enough.

Anna: Got it, Mr. Lee. Anything else?

Mr. Lee: No, that’s all. Thank you, Anna.

Anna: You’re welcome, Mr. Lee.

Planning Family Responsibilities (Informal)

Level: Lower intermediate

Sophie: Hi Dad, can I help with dinner?

Dad: Yes, Sophie. Can you set the table?

Sophie: Okay, Dad. Where are the plates?

Dad: They’re in the cabinet.

Sophie: Got it. What about forks and spoons?

Dad: They’re in the drawer next to the sink.

Sophie: Alright, Dad. I’ll set the table.

Dad: Thank you, Sophie.

Sophie: You’re welcome, Dad.

Planning a Picnic with Friends (Informal)

Level: Lower intermediate

Alex: Hi Sarah, want to go on a picnic?

Sarah: Yes, Alex. When and where?

Alex: How about Saturday at the park?

Sarah: Sounds perfect. What should we bring?

Alex: I’ll bring sandwiches. Can you bring drinks?

Sarah: Sure, I’ll bring juice and water.

Alex: Great! Let’s meet at noon?

Sarah: Okay, see you then, Alex.

Alex: See you, Sarah. Can’t wait!

Discussing Home Renovation Plans (Informal)

Level: Higher intermediate

Emma: Hi Jake, have you started planning your kitchen renovation?

Jake: Yes, I’m gathering quotes from different contractors.

Emma: That’s smart. When do you want to start?

Jake: Hopefully next month, after finalizing the design.

Emma: I’m thinking of repainting my living room.

Jake: That sounds exciting. What color are you considering?

Emma: I’m torn between a light gray or a beige.

Jake: Both would look great. Have you decided on furniture?

Emma: Not yet, still browsing for ideas.

Jake: Let me know if you need help.

Emma: Thanks, Jake. Will do.

Planning a School Project (Formal)

Level: Higher intermediate

Sophia: Hello, Daniel. Have you thought about our project topic?

Daniel: Yes, Sophia. How about renewable energy sources?

Sophia: That’s a relevant topic. Do you have any ideas?

Daniel: We could focus on solar and wind energy systems.

Sophia: Good idea. How should we divide the work?

Daniel: I can research solar panels, and you can cover wind turbines?

Sophia: Sounds fair. When should we meet to discuss?

Daniel: How about Thursday afternoon in the library?

Sophia: Works for me. Let’s aim to finish by next week.

Daniel: Agreed. We’ll stay in touch.

Sophia: Thank you, Daniel.

Discussing Household Chores (Informal)

Level: Higher intermediate

Megan: Hi Mom, can I help with cooking tonight?

Mom: Sure, Megan. Can you prepare the salad?

Megan: Of course. Do we have all the ingredients?

Mom: Yes, they’re in the fridge.

Megan: Great. I’ll start chopping vegetables.

Mom: Thanks, Megan. I’ll handle the main course.

Megan: No problem, Mom.

Mom: After dinner, can you help with dishes?

Megan: Sure, Mom. I’ll wash, you can dry.

Mom: Perfect. Teamwork makes it easier.

Organizing Volunteer Activities (Formal)

Level: Higher intermediate

Mr. Johnson: Good evening, everyone. Let’s plan our next cleanup event.

Ms. Patel: Yes, Mr. Johnson. Where should we focus this time?

Mr. Johnson: Let’s target the park near the elementary school.

Ms. Patel: Agreed. When should we schedule the cleanup?

Mr. Johnson: How about next Saturday morning?

Ms. Patel: Sounds good. Should we bring any tools?

Mr. Johnson: Yes, gloves and trash bags will be helpful.

Ms. Patel: I’ll arrange for some extra supplies.

Mr. Johnson: Thank you, Ms. Patel. Let’s make our community proud.

Planning Travel Itinerary (Informal)

Level: Higher intermediate

Alex: Hi Jess, have you booked our flights for the trip?

Jess: Not yet, still comparing prices.

Alex: Should we book accommodations soon?

Jess: Yes, let’s do it after finalizing flight details.

Alex: Any specific area you’re looking at?

Jess: Near the beach, with easy access to restaurants.

Alex: Sounds perfect. How many days are we staying?

Jess: Four days, three nights.

Alex: Great! Let’s aim for mid-June?

Jess: Works for me. Can’t wait!

Discussing Project Deadlines and Responsibilities (Formal)

Dr. Patel: Good morning, team. Let’s discuss the timeline for the new project.

Dr. Lee: Morning, Dr. Patel. We need to finalize the research phase by Friday.

Dr. Patel: Agreed. Dr. Rodriguez, can you oversee data collection?

Dr. Rodriguez: Certainly, Dr. Patel. I’ll ensure it aligns with our objectives.

Dr. Patel: Excellent. Dr. Lee, you’ll handle the analysis phase, correct?

Dr. Lee: Yes, Dr. Patel. I’ll collaborate with our analytics team for insights.

Dr. Patel: Perfect. Let’s reconvene next week to review progress.

Dr. Rodriguez: Should we allocate resources for unexpected challenges?

Dr. Patel: Yes, let’s set aside contingency resources in case of unforeseen issues.

Dr. Lee: Understood. We’ll prioritize adaptability within our project framework.

Dr. Patel: Thank you, everyone. Let’s ensure a seamless execution of our plan.

Planning Community Fundraiser (Informal)

Level: Advanced

Sarah: Hi everyone, let’s discuss the logistics for our upcoming fundraiser.

Mark: Hey Sarah, sounds good. What’s our target fundraising goal?

Sarah: We aim to raise $10,000 for the local shelter. Realistic?

Mark: Absolutely. How should we allocate volunteer roles?

Sarah: I’ll handle publicity and sponsorships. Mark, can you oversee logistics?

Mark: Sure thing, Sarah. What about catering and entertainment?

Sarah: Let’s delegate that to Emily and David, respectively.

Emily: I’ll arrange food vendors. David, any ideas for entertainment?

David: Live music and a silent auction would attract attendees.

Sarah: Fantastic suggestions. Let’s reconvene next week for updates.

Mark: Agreed. We’ll ensure a memorable event for a worthy cause.

Planning Family Vacation (Informal)

Level: Advanced

Emma: Hi everyone, let’s finalize our itinerary for Europe.

Dad: Good idea, Emma. Which cities are we prioritizing?

Emma: Paris, Rome, and Barcelona. Dad, can you book accommodations?

Dad: Of course, Emma. Any specific requirements or preferences?

Emma: Central locations with easy access to attractions and public transport.

Mom: What about sightseeing tours and activities?

Emma: I’ll research and create a tentative schedule for each city.

Dad: Don’t forget to consider cultural experiences and culinary tours.

Emma: Definitely, Dad. We’ll immerse ourselves in each destination’s culture.

Mom: Sounds like a plan. Let’s finalize bookings by next week.

Discussing Company Sustainability Initiatives (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Mr. Johnson: Good afternoon, everyone. Let’s address our sustainability agenda for this quarter.

Ms. Chen: Afternoon, Mr. Johnson. How can we integrate sustainability into our operations?

Mr. Johnson: We’ll implement eco-friendly practices in production and supply chain management.

Mr. Thompson: Should we invest in renewable energy sources for our facilities?

Mr. Johnson: Yes, Mr. Thompson. Let’s explore solar and wind energy options.

Ms. Chen: What about waste reduction and recycling programs?

Mr. Johnson: Excellent point, Ms. Chen. Let’s establish a task force to spearhead initiatives.

Mr. Thompson: How can we ensure employee engagement and compliance?

Mr. Johnson: We’ll provide training and incentives to promote sustainability awareness and participation.

Ms. Chen: Agreed. Let’s set measurable targets and monitor progress regularly.

Planning International Conference Agenda (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Dr. Smith: Good morning, colleagues. Let’s finalize the conference agenda.

Dr. Garcia: Morning, Dr. Smith. Have we confirmed keynote speakers for each session?

Dr. Smith: Yes, Dr. Garcia. They’ve confirmed availability and topics.

Dr. Patel: Should we allocate time for panel discussions and Q&A sessions?

Dr. Smith: Absolutely, Dr. Patel. Interactivity fosters engagement and knowledge exchange.

Dr. Garcia: How about networking breaks and social events?

Dr. Smith: We’ll schedule coffee breaks and a gala dinner to facilitate networking.

Dr. Patel: Should we include workshops or tutorials as well?

Dr. Smith: Yes, Dr. Patel. Let’s offer optional workshops for specialized topics.

Dr. Garcia: Sounds comprehensive. Let’s circulate the final agenda for feedback.

Dr. Smith: Agreed. Thank you for your contributions, everyone.


In conclusion, practicing conversations about tasks and responsibilities is essential for ESL learners to build confidence and fluency in English communication. By utilizing the 15 conversations provided in this post, both students and teachers can overcome challenges and improve their language skills effectively.

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