
Describing Problems with Services: Best ESL Practice Conversations

For ESL students, describing problems with services is a practical way to practice English communication skills.

Talking about issues with services, like a broken phone or late delivery, helps them learn vocabulary related to problem-solving and customer service interactions. It also builds confidence in expressing concerns and seeking solutions in everyday situations.

So how can you make your learners confident in describing service problems?

Being able to describe a service problem is a specific speaking skill your students need to master. And while teaching speaking skills, it’s important to choose the right activity for your students.

Role-play activities through sample real-life conversations are a proven ESL classroom strategy for improving conversational skills.

Here are 15 conversations designed for ESL students to practice describing service problems. These conversations are categorized into lower intermediate, higher intermediate, and advanced levels, covering various formal and informal scenarios.

By utilizing audio resources, students can improve their listening skills alongside their ability to articulate service-related issues.

Reporting a Problem with Internet Service (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Emma: Internet slow again. Can’t watch videos properly.

Jake: Really? That’s annoying. Can’t even load pages quickly.

Emma: I tried restarting the router, but no change.

Jake: Maybe we should call the provider for help.

Emma: Yeah, good idea. Can you make the call?

Jake: Sure, I’ll do it now. Hope they fix it fast.

Emma: Thanks, Jake. Let me know what they say.

Jake: No problem, Emma. I’ll keep you updated.

Complaining About a Noisy Neighbor (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Maria: Neighbor’s music loud again. Hard to sleep.

Juan: Yeah, it’s been noisy all week. Annoying!

Maria: I knocked, but they don’t hear.

Juan: Should we call the landlord?

Maria: Yes, let’s. Can you call? My English bad.

Juan: No problem. I’ll call now. Hope they fix it.

Maria: Thanks, Juan. Maybe then we can sleep!

Discussing a Problem with a Cell Phone (Formal)

Level: Low intermediate

Mr. Lee: Phone screen cracked, need repair.

Salesperson: Oh, sorry to hear that. Did it drop?

Mr. Lee: Yes, accidentally dropped on the floor.

Salesperson: Understandable. We can fix it for you.

Mr. Lee: How long will it take? Need it daily.

Salesperson: Usually 1-2 days. We’ll call when ready.

Mr. Lee: Okay, please repair it quickly. Thank you.

Salesperson: Of course, Mr. Lee. We’ll do our best.

Reporting a Problem with Public Transportation (Informal)

Level: Low intermediate

Emily: Bus late again. Always happens!

Mark: Yeah, frustrating. Missed my meeting last time.

Emily: Need to complain to the company.

Mark: Yeah, let’s write an email together.

Emily: Good idea, Mark. You write, my English poor.

Mark: Sure, I’ll write it tonight. We need action.

Emily: Thank you, Mark. Let’s hope they respond.

Dealing with a Mistake in a Restaurant Order (Formal)

Level: Low intermediate

Sara: Excuse me, order wrong. I asked for salad.

Waiter: Oh, I apologize for the mistake. Let me fix it.

Sara: Thank you. Can you bring the salad quickly?

Waiter: Yes, ma’am. I’ll bring it right away.

Sara: Also, no tomatoes, please. I’m allergic.

Waiter: Noted, ma’am. I’ll ensure it’s tomato-free.

Sara: Thank you for your understanding. Appreciate it.

Waiter: No problem, ma’am. Enjoy your meal.

Addressing a Billing Error with a Cable Provider (Formal)

Level: High intermediate

Sophie: Good morning, I noticed a discrepancy in my recent bill.

Customer Service Rep: I apologize for the inconvenience, what seems to be the issue?

Sophie: I was charged for a premium channel I didn’t subscribe to.

Customer Service Rep: Let me review your account to rectify the error.

Sophie: Thank you, I appreciate your prompt assistance with this matter.

Customer Service Rep: Upon review, I see the error. It will be corrected.

Sophie: Will this affect my upcoming billing cycle?

Customer Service Rep: No, the correction will be reflected in your next statement.

Sophie: Excellent, thank you for resolving this issue efficiently.

Customer Service Rep: You’re welcome, Ms. Sophie. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

Sophie: No, that will be all. Thank you for your help today.

Reporting a Problem with a Rental Car (Informal)

Level: High intermediate

David: Hey, Jessica, the rental car’s engine light is on.

Jessica: Oh no, that’s not good. Is it driving okay?

David: Seems fine, but I’m worried it might break down.

Jessica: Should we call the rental company about it?

David: Yeah, let’s do that. Can you find their number?

Jessica: Sure, I’ll look it up now. We need this sorted.

David: Thanks, Jessica. Let’s hope they can swap it.

Jessica: Agreed, I’ll explain the situation when I call.

Complaining About a Delayed Delivery (Formal)

Level: High intermediate

Mr. Patel: Hello, I ordered a package last week and it’s still not arrived.

Customer Service: We apologize for the inconvenience, Mr. Patel. Can you provide your order number?

Mr. Patel: Sure, it’s #123456. I need it for an event.

Customer Service: Thank you for providing the details. Let me investigate this matter for you.

Mr. Patel: I appreciate it. I hope it arrives soon.

Customer Service: Our team is looking into it urgently. We’ll update you shortly.

Mr. Patel: Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Customer Service: You’re welcome, Mr. Patel. We aim to resolve this quickly.

Discussing a Problem with a Home Internet Provider (Informal)

Level: High intermediate

Ella: Hey, Alex, the internet’s been really slow lately.

Alex: Yeah, I’ve noticed too. It’s frustrating.

Ella: I called the provider, but they couldn’t fix it remotely.

Alex: Maybe we should schedule a technician to come over.

Ella: Agreed, can you call them to book an appointment?

Alex: Sure thing, I’ll do it now. Hopefully, they can sort it out.

Ella: Thanks, Alex. Let’s hope for a speedy resolution.

Alex: No problem, Ella. I’ll let you know once it’s sorted.

Reporting a Problem with a Faulty Appliance (Formal)

Level: High intermediate

Ms. Johnson: Good afternoon, I recently purchased a dishwasher from your store.

Customer Service Rep: Hello, Ms. Johnson. How can I assist you today?

Ms. Johnson: Unfortunately, it’s not working properly.

Customer Service Rep: I apologize for the inconvenience. What seems to be the issue?

Ms. Johnson: It doesn’t drain properly and leaks water.

Customer Service Rep: Let me check our records and see what we can do.

Ms. Johnson: Thank you, I appreciate your help with this matter.

Customer Service Rep: We’ll arrange for a technician to inspect and repair it.

Ms. Johnson: That sounds good. I hope it can be fixed quickly.

Customer Service Rep: We’ll do our best to resolve this promptly, Ms. Johnson.

Discussing Issues with a Utility Provider (Formal)

Level: Advanced

John: Good afternoon, I’m calling regarding frequent power outages in my area.

Utility Rep: Good afternoon, Mr. Smith. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.

John: It’s become quite disruptive to our daily activities and needs urgent attention.

Utility Rep: I understand the inconvenience. We’ll investigate the root cause promptly.

John: That’s appreciated. Can you provide an estimated timeframe for resolution?

Utility Rep: We aim to resolve such issues within 24-48 hours, but I’ll expedite this.

John: Thank you. Given the frequency, could you also provide compensation for the downtime?

Utility Rep: I’ll make a note of that and discuss it with our compensation department.

John: Great. I’ll await your updates and hope for a swift resolution.

Utility Rep: Thank you for your patience, Mr. Smith. We’ll keep you informed throughout.

Informal Conversation About Delivery Problems (Informal)

Level: Advanced

Sarah: Hey, Tom! I had the worst experience with a package delivery yesterday.

Tom: Oh no, what happened? Was it damaged or lost?

Sarah: Worse, they delivered it to the wrong address and left it on a doorstep.

Tom: That’s terrible! Did you manage to retrieve it?

Sarah: Thankfully, a neighbor spotted it and brought it over, but it’s unacceptable.

Tom: Definitely. Have you complained to the delivery service?

Sarah: Yes, and they apologized but offered no real solution. It’s frustrating.

Tom: I can imagine. Did they promise to improve their service?

Sarah: Supposedly, but I’m skeptical. It’s not the first time this has happened.

Tom: Well, I hope they take your feedback seriously and make necessary changes.

Sarah: Me too. I’ll be following up to ensure they do. Thanks for listening, Tom.

Tom: Anytime, Sarah. Let me know if I can help in any way.

Dealing with Customer Service Regarding Faulty Electronics (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Lisa: Good morning, I’m calling to report issues with my recently purchased laptop.

Customer Service Rep: Good morning, Ms. Johnson. I’m sorry to hear that. What seems to be the problem?

Lisa: The screen intermittently flickers, and there are frequent system crashes.

Customer Service Rep: I see. Have you tried any troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue?

Lisa: Yes, I’ve updated drivers and performed system diagnostics to no avail.

Customer Service Rep: In that case, I’ll arrange for a technician to assess and repair the laptop.

Lisa: Thank you. I hope this can be resolved swiftly as it’s affecting my work.

Customer Service Rep: Understood, Ms. Johnson. We’ll expedite the repair process for you.

Lisa: I appreciate your assistance. Please keep me updated on the progress.

Customer Service Rep: Certainly, we’ll provide regular updates via email or phone.

Informal Discussion About Poor Restaurant Service (Informal)

Level: Advanced

Amanda: Mike, did you notice the slow service tonight? It’s unusually crowded.

Mike: Yeah, it’s chaotic. Our orders took forever to arrive, and they got mine wrong.

Amanda: Same here. And the waitstaff seem overwhelmed and understaffed.

Mike: Agreed. I saw a few tables complaining about their orders too.

Amanda: We should provide feedback to the manager before leaving.

Mike: Definitely. This level of service isn’t acceptable for such a reputable restaurant.

Amanda: Let’s do that. Maybe they can compensate or improve service for future diners.

Mike: Good idea. I’ll ask for the manager once we finish our meal.

Amanda: Thanks, Mike. It’s important to address these issues constructively.

Mike: Absolutely, Amanda. Let’s hope they take our feedback seriously.

Formal Complaint About Travel Accommodations (Formal)

Level: Advanced

Mr. Patel: Good afternoon, I’m contacting you regarding our recent vacation package.

Travel Agent: Good afternoon, Mr. Patel. How may I assist you today?

Mr. Patel: The accommodations provided were below the standards promised in our package.

Travel Agent: I apologize for any inconvenience. Can you specify the issues you encountered?

Mr. Patel: The room was poorly maintained, with plumbing and cleanliness issues.

Travel Agent: I understand your frustration. We strive to ensure a pleasant experience for our clients.

Mr. Patel: Unfortunately, it fell short of our expectations, and it impacted our vacation negatively.

Travel Agent: I’ll escalate this matter to our quality assurance team for further investigation.

Mr. Patel: Thank you. We hope this feedback helps improve future customer experiences.

Travel Agent: Your feedback is valuable, Mr. Patel. We’ll take appropriate action and keep you updated.


In conclusion, practicing conversations about problems with services can greatly benefit ESL learners. With targeted practice and guidance, students can improve their English skills and feel more confident in handling real-life situations.

By using the conversations provided in this post, both teachers and students can work together to overcome students’ challenges in describing problems with services and enhance language proficiency.

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