Conversation Questions

600 Best ESL Conversation Questions on Talking About Technology

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Technology is an inseparable part of our lives and it seems that we talk about technology all the time whether it’s about smart devices, the internet, social media, e-commerce, or artificial intelligence.

Learning to talk about technology is important for ESL students because it helps them practice English related to modern tools, new advancements, and how technology affects their lives and society at large.

ESL teachers can use these conversation questions to prompt technology-related conversations in class, help the students learn new words, and boost their confidence whenever they participate in everyday conversations, especially while talking about technology.

Whether they are beginners or advanced learners (A1 to C2), students can have meaningful conversations about how technology affects their lives and the world.

These 600 questions are divided into 10 categories and six skill levels. They are great for ESL speaking activities like group discussions, debates, or presentations. By joining these talks, students can improve their English while learning about technology.

Why Talking About Technology Is A Good ESL Conversation Topic

Talking about technology is a good ESL conversation topic because it helps students practice English in a relevant and engaging way. Technology is a part of everyone’s daily life, making it a relatable subject that sparks interest and discussion.

By discussing technology, students can:

  • Learn new vocabulary related to modern tools and advancements.
  • Improve their speaking and listening skills through meaningful conversations.
  • Gain confidence in using English to talk about everyday topics.

This topic also allows students to share their own experiences, ask questions, and understand different perspectives. This makes learning English more interesting and applicable to their real-life situations.

Using a variety of questions, teachers can motivate students to talk about technology based on their experiences and opinions. Let’s explore 600 conversation questions in 10 categories for 6 proficiency levels to encourage technology discussions in your ESL classroom.

Category 1: Talking About Digital Devices

Beginner (A1):

  1. Do you have a smartphone? What do you use it for?
  2. How often do you use a computer or a tablet?
  3. What is your favorite app on your phone?
  4. Can you name some common digital devices?
  5. What is the difference between a phone and a computer?
  6. How do you turn on a smartphone?
  7. What colors can smartphones come in?
  8. Do you know what a charger is used for?
  9. Can you describe what a tablet looks like?
  10. What do you use headphones for?

Elementary (A2):

  1. How do you take a photo with your phone?
  2. What’s the difference between a laptop and a desktop computer?
  3. Can you explain what a touchscreen is?
  4. Do you know how to send a text message?
  5. What do you do if your phone battery is low?
  6. Have you ever used a digital camera?
  7. How do you delete apps from your phone?
  8. Can you describe the process of turning on a computer?
  9. What are some features of a smartwatch?
  10. How do you connect to the internet with a smartphone?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. Have you ever had to troubleshoot a problem with your computer or phone? What was it?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a tablet instead of a laptop?
  3. How do you keep your digital devices organized?
  4. Can you explain how to download an app onto your phone?
  5. What measures do you take to protect your privacy online?
  6. Do you know how to update the software on your phone or computer?
  7. How has technology changed the way we communicate with each other?
  8. Have you ever used voice recognition technology? What for?
  9. What do you think the future of digital devices will look like?
  10. How do you back up your data from your phone or computer?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. What role do digital devices play in your daily life?
  2. How do you feel about the increasing integration of technology into everyday objects (Internet of Things)?
  3. Have you ever experienced addiction to digital devices? How did you deal with it?
  4. Can you explain the concept of “cloud computing”?
  5. What are some common security threats for digital devices, and how can they be prevented?
  6. How do digital devices impact our attention spans and productivity?
  7. What do you think are the most important factors to consider when buying a new digital device?
  8. How do you think digital devices will continue to evolve in the next decade?
  9. Have you ever participated in a virtual meeting or conference? How was your experience?
  10. How do you think digital devices have changed the way we learn?

Advanced (C1):

  1. In what ways can digital devices improve accessibility for people with disabilities?
  2. How do you think digital devices have changed the landscape of journalism and media consumption?
  3. Can you explain the concept of “digital footprint” and its implications?
  4. What ethical considerations should be taken into account in the development and use of digital devices?
  5. How do digital devices contribute to globalization and cultural exchange?
  6. What are the potential risks of relying heavily on digital devices for tasks like banking and healthcare?
  7. How do you see artificial intelligence shaping the future of digital devices?
  8. What impact do digital devices have on our relationships and social interactions?
  9. How can governments regulate the use of digital devices to protect citizens’ rights and privacy?
  10. Do you think digital devices have a positive or negative overall impact on society? Why?

Proficient (C2):

  1. How do digital devices influence economic structures and markets?
  2. Can you discuss the role of digital literacy in navigating the complexities of modern technology?
  3. How do digital devices impact political activism and social movements?
  4. What are some potential solutions to address the problem of electronic waste generated by digital devices?
  5. Can you analyze the role of big tech companies in shaping global technological trends and policies?
  6. How do cultural differences influence the adoption and use of digital devices around the world?
  7. What are the implications of the increasing use of facial recognition technology in public spaces?
  8. How might quantum computing revolutionize the capabilities of digital devices in the future?
  9. How do digital devices influence urban planning and the design of public spaces?
  10. Can you envision a future where humans and digital devices are seamlessly integrated? What challenges and opportunities might arise from this scenario?

Category 2: Talking About Internet and Social Media

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is the internet?
  2. Do you use the internet every day?
  3. Can you name some websites you visit often?
  4. What do you use the internet for?
  5. What is a website?
  6. Do you know what a web browser is?
  7. How do you connect to the internet?
  8. What is social media?
  9. Do you have any social media accounts?
  10. What do you do on social media?

Elementary (A2):

  1. How do you add a friend on social media?
  2. What’s the difference between Facebook and Instagram?
  3. Have you ever posted a photo on social media? What was it?
  4. What does it mean to “like” something on social media?
  5. Do you follow any celebrities or famous people on social media?
  6. How do you share a link on the internet?
  7. What’s your favorite thing to do online?
  8. Can you explain what a hashtag is used for?
  9. Have you ever participated in an online chat?
  10. Do you watch videos on the internet? What kind?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How has social media changed the way we communicate?
  2. What are the benefits and drawbacks of using social media?
  3. Have you ever bought something online? What was it?
  4. How do you stay safe while browsing the internet?
  5. Can you explain the concept of “viral” content?
  6. What role do social media influencers play in marketing?
  7. Have you ever joined an online community or forum? What was it about?
  8. How do you decide whether to trust information you find online?
  9. Do you think social media platforms should have age restrictions? Why or why not?
  10. Have you ever experienced cyberbullying? How did you handle it?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. How do algorithms affect what you see on social media?
  2. What measures can individuals take to protect their privacy on social media?
  3. Do you think social media has a positive or negative impact on mental health? Why?
  4. How do social media platforms make money?
  5. Can you discuss the role of social media in political movements and activism?
  6. How do you think social media has changed the way we form relationships?
  7. What do you think are the biggest challenges facing social media platforms today?
  8. Have you ever used social media for professional networking? How was your experience?
  9. How do you think social media will evolve in the next decade?
  10. Can you explain the concept of “filter bubbles” and their implications for online discourse?

Advanced (C1):

  1. How do social media platforms handle issues of misinformation and fake news?
  2. Can you analyze the role of social media in shaping public opinion and discourse?
  3. How do social media algorithms contribute to echo chambers and polarization?
  4. What strategies can be implemented to foster more meaningful interactions on social media?
  5. How do social media platforms influence consumer behavior and purchasing decisions?
  6. Can you discuss the ethical implications of data mining and targeted advertising on social media?
  7. How do social media platforms balance freedom of speech with moderating harmful content?
  8. What impact do social media influencers have on society and culture?
  9. How do different cultures approach the use of social media?
  10. Can you envision a future where social media platforms are regulated by international standards?

Proficient (C2):

  1. How do social media platforms shape cultural norms and values?
  2. Can you analyze the role of social media in the spread of misinformation during major events like elections or crises?
  3. How do social media platforms influence political discourse and democracy?
  4. What ethical considerations should be taken into account when designing social media algorithms?
  5. How might emerging technologies like AI and VR impact the future of social media?
  6. Can you discuss the role of social media in fostering global connections and understanding?
  7. How do social media platforms address issues of online harassment and hate speech?
  8. What measures can be taken to combat addiction to social media?
  9. How do social media platforms contribute to the commodification of personal data?
  10. Can you propose ways to promote digital literacy and critical thinking skills in the context of social media use?

Category 3: Talking About Emerging Technologies

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is technology?
  2. Have you heard of new technologies like robots or drones?
  3. Can you name some things that use technology?
  4. What do you think the future of technology will look like?
  5. Have you ever seen a smartwatch or a smart speaker?
  6. What are some benefits of technology?
  7. How do you use technology in your daily life?
  8. Have you ever used a touchscreen device?
  9. Do you know what virtual reality is?
  10. What is a computer?

Elementary (A2):

  1. How do you think technology has changed the world?
  2. Can you explain what a drone is used for?
  3. Have you ever played a video game?
  4. What is the difference between a robot and a human?
  5. Do you know what 3D printing is?
  6. What are some examples of wearable technology?
  7. Have you heard of self-driving cars?
  8. How do you think technology can help people in the future?
  9. What is the internet of things?
  10. Can you name some famous inventors?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How do you think artificial intelligence will change the world?
  2. Can you explain the concept of machine learning?
  3. Have you ever used a voice assistant like Siri or Alexa?
  4. What are some potential drawbacks of technology?
  5. How do you think technology can help with environmental issues?
  6. Can you discuss the impact of technology on employment?
  7. What are some examples of renewable energy technology?
  8. How do you think technology can improve healthcare?
  9. Can you explain the concept of blockchain?
  10. What are some emerging technologies in the field of transportation?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. How do you think technology will impact education in the future?
  2. Can you discuss the ethical implications of gene editing technology?
  3. Have you ever used augmented reality apps?
  4. What role do you think drones will play in the future?
  5. How do you think technology will change entertainment in the future?
  6. Can you explain the concept of quantum computing?
  7. How do you think technology will impact the way we work in the future?
  8. Can you discuss the potential benefits and risks of nanotechnology?
  9. How do you think technology will change the way we travel in the future?
  10. Can you explain the concept of biotechnology?

Advanced (C1):

  1. How do you think emerging technologies will reshape urban planning and infrastructure?
  2. Can you analyze the role of technology in addressing global challenges like climate change and poverty?
  3. How do you think advances in robotics will impact industries like manufacturing and agriculture?
  4. What are some potential risks associated with the development of artificial intelligence?
  5. Can you discuss the potential impact of space exploration technology on humanity’s future?
  6. How do you think emerging technologies will impact the global economy and trade?
  7. Can you explain the concept of CRISPR technology and its potential applications?
  8. How do you think advances in biotechnology will impact healthcare and medicine?
  9. Can you discuss the role of technology in addressing issues of social inequality and injustice?
  10. How might emerging technologies like brain-computer interfaces revolutionize human-computer interaction?

Proficient (C2):

  1. Can you analyze the role of emerging technologies in shaping geopolitics and international relations?
  2. How do you think advances in artificial intelligence will impact the future of work and employment?
  3. Can you discuss the potential risks and benefits of genetic engineering technology?
  4. How might emerging technologies like nanobots transform healthcare and medical treatment?
  5. Can you propose strategies to ensure that emerging technologies are developed and deployed ethically and responsibly?
  6. How do you envision the integration of virtual reality and augmented reality into everyday life in the future?
  7. What are some potential implications of advances in quantum computing for cybersecurity?
  8. Can you analyze the role of emerging technologies in addressing challenges related to food security and agriculture?
  9. How might advances in space exploration technology contribute to our understanding of the universe and our place in it?
  10. Can you discuss the potential societal impacts of advanced biometric technologies like facial recognition and DNA profiling?

Category 4: Talking About E-commerce

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is online shopping?
  2. Have you ever bought something online?
  3. Can you name some things you can buy online?
  4. How do you pay for things online?
  5. What is a website where you can buy things?
  6. Do you know what a shopping cart is?
  7. How do you know if a website is safe for shopping?
  8. What do you need to do if you want to return something you bought online?
  9. Have you ever received a package in the mail?
  10. What is your favorite thing to buy online?

Elementary (A2):

  1. Can you explain how to create an account on an online store?
  2. What do you do if you forget your password when shopping online?
  3. Have you ever used a discount code when shopping online?
  4. What is the difference between online shopping and shopping in a physical store?
  5. How do you know if an online store has the item you want in stock?
  6. Have you ever read product reviews before buying something online?
  7. How do you track a package that you’ve ordered online?
  8. What do you do if your package doesn’t arrive on time?
  9. Can you name some popular online payment methods?
  10. Have you ever sold something online? What was it?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. What are some advantages of shopping online?
  2. How do you think e-commerce has changed the way people shop?
  3. Have you ever had a negative experience with online shopping? What happened?
  4. How do you compare prices when shopping online?
  5. Can you explain the concept of “one-click ordering”?
  6. What are some factors to consider when choosing an online store?
  7. How do online retailers use data to personalize your shopping experience?
  8. Have you ever used a virtual fitting room when shopping online for clothes?
  9. Can you discuss the environmental impact of e-commerce?
  10. How do you think e-commerce will continue to evolve in the future?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. How do online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay work?
  2. Can you discuss the role of customer reviews in online shopping?
  3. How do online retailers use algorithms to recommend products to customers?
  4. What are some challenges faced by brick-and-mortar stores in the age of e-commerce?
  5. Can you explain the concept of “last-mile delivery” in e-commerce logistics?
  6. How do you think e-commerce has impacted traditional retail industries?
  7. What are some strategies that online retailers use to attract and retain customers?
  8. Can you discuss the rise of mobile commerce (m-commerce) and its implications?
  9. How do you think virtual reality and augmented reality will impact the future of e-commerce?
  10. Can you analyze the role of e-commerce platforms in facilitating global trade and cross-border transactions?

Advanced (C1):

  1. How do you think e-commerce has influenced consumer behavior and purchasing habits?
  2. Can you discuss the role of big data analytics in e-commerce marketing and sales?
  3. How do you think e-commerce platforms handle issues of privacy and data security?
  4. What are some emerging trends in e-commerce, such as subscription services and direct-to-consumer brands?
  5. Can you analyze the impact of e-commerce on traditional advertising and marketing channels?
  6. How do you think e-commerce has contributed to the globalization of markets and economies?
  7. What are some regulatory challenges faced by e-commerce companies operating across multiple jurisdictions?
  8. How do you think e-commerce has impacted small businesses and entrepreneurship?
  9. Can you discuss the role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in optimizing e-commerce operations?
  10. How might blockchain technology revolutionize trust and transparency in e-commerce transactions?

Proficient (C2):

  1. Can you analyze the role of e-commerce in reshaping supply chain management and logistics?
  2. How do you think e-commerce platforms can address issues of counterfeit products and fraud?
  3. Can you discuss the potential social and cultural implications of the dominance of e-commerce giants like Amazon?
  4. How might advances in drone delivery and autonomous vehicles transform the future of e-commerce logistics?
  5. Can you propose strategies to ensure equitable access to e-commerce opportunities for all communities?
  6. How do you think e-commerce will impact traditional notions of ownership and consumption?
  7. What are some potential challenges and opportunities of integrating virtual reality shopping experiences into e-commerce platforms?
  8. Can you analyze the role of e-commerce in driving innovation and competition in the global marketplace?
  9. How do you think e-commerce will evolve in response to changing consumer preferences and behaviors?
  10. Can you discuss the potential societal impacts of a fully digitalized economy driven by e-commerce?

Category 5: Talking About Cybersecurity and Privacy

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is cybersecurity?
  2. Do you know what a password is?
  3. How do you keep your online accounts safe?
  4. Can you name some personal information that you shouldn’t share online?
  5. What is a virus?
  6. How do you protect your computer from viruses?
  7. Have you heard of cyberbullying?
  8. What do you do if someone tries to hack your account?
  9. What is privacy?
  10. Why is it important to keep your personal information private?

Elementary (A2):

  1. Can you explain what a firewall is?
  2. Have you ever received a suspicious email? What did you do?
  3. What are some common signs that your computer might have a virus?
  4. How do you create a strong password?
  5. Can you name some ways to protect your privacy online?
  6. What do you do if you see someone being cyberbullied?
  7. How do you know if a website is secure?
  8. Can you explain what encryption is?
  9. What should you do if you lose your phone?
  10. How do you know if someone is trying to scam you online?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How do you think cyberattacks can affect individuals and businesses?
  2. Can you explain the difference between phishing and malware?
  3. What are some measures individuals can take to protect themselves from identity theft?
  4. How do you think social media platforms handle users’ privacy?
  5. Can you discuss the importance of software updates for cybersecurity?
  6. What role do passwords play in protecting online accounts?
  7. How do you recognize a secure website when making online transactions?
  8. Can you explain what two-factor authentication is?
  9. How do you think cybersecurity laws and regulations impact internet users?
  10. What are some common cybersecurity threats faced by mobile device users?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. Can you discuss the ethical implications of data collection by companies and governments?
  2. How do you think emerging technologies like AI and machine learning impact cybersecurity?
  3. Can you explain the concept of a data breach and its consequences?
  4. How do you think cybersecurity measures differ between personal and professional use of technology?
  5. What are some best practices for securely managing passwords?
  6. Can you analyze the role of social engineering in cyberattacks?
  7. How do you think cybersecurity threats have evolved over time?
  8. Can you discuss the role of cybersecurity in protecting critical infrastructure?
  9. What are some strategies individuals can use to detect and prevent online scams?
  10. How do you think cybersecurity concerns impact international relations and diplomacy?

Advanced (C1):

  1. Can you discuss the role of encryption in protecting data privacy and security?
  2. How do you think cybersecurity impacts the development and adoption of emerging technologies?
  3. Can you analyze the role of cybersecurity in protecting intellectual property and trade secrets?
  4. What are some challenges faced by law enforcement agencies in combating cybercrime?
  5. How do you think cybersecurity concerns influence consumer trust in online services and products?
  6. Can you discuss the role of cybersecurity in protecting democratic processes and elections?
  7. How do you think cybersecurity concerns intersect with issues of surveillance and civil liberties?
  8. Can you analyze the role of cybersecurity in addressing global challenges like terrorism and organized crime?
  9. What are some potential implications of quantum computing for cybersecurity?
  10. How might international cooperation enhance cybersecurity efforts and mitigate global cyber threats?

Proficient (C2):

  1. Can you discuss the impact of cybersecurity vulnerabilities in Internet of Things (IoT) devices?
  2. How do you think cybersecurity concerns impact the development and regulation of autonomous systems?
  3. Can you analyze the role of cybersecurity in protecting human rights in the digital age?
  4. What are some potential implications of cybersecurity threats for financial systems and markets?
  5. How do you think cybersecurity concerns influence the development and adoption of smart cities and digital infrastructure?
  6. Can you discuss the role of cybersecurity in addressing challenges related to data sovereignty and international data flows?
  7. How do you envision the future of cybersecurity in the face of evolving cyber threats and technologies?
  8. What are some potential ethical dilemmas faced by cybersecurity professionals in their work?
  9. How might advances in quantum cryptography impact the future of cybersecurity?
  10. Can you propose strategies to promote cybersecurity awareness and education among individuals and organizations worldwide?

Category 6: Talking About Technology in Education

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is technology in education?
  2. Have you ever used a computer at school?
  3. Can you name some things technology can help us learn?
  4. How do you think technology can make learning more fun?
  5. What is an educational app?
  6. Do you know what a tablet is used for in school?
  7. How do you feel about using technology to learn?
  8. Have you ever used a digital whiteboard?
  9. What do you think a classroom of the future might look like?
  10. How do you use technology at home to help with learning?

Elementary (A2):

  1. How do you think technology has changed education?
  2. Can you name some subjects you can learn about using technology?
  3. Have you ever used a website to help with homework?
  4. What are some benefits of using computers in school?
  5. Do you know what online courses are?
  6. How do you think technology can help teachers teach better?
  7. Have you ever watched an educational video online?
  8. What is your favorite thing to learn about using technology?
  9. How do you think technology can help students with disabilities?
  10. Can you name some educational games you’ve played?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How do you think technology can personalize learning for students?
  2. Can you explain the concept of blended learning?
  3. Have you ever taken an online course? What was it about?
  4. What role do you think virtual reality can play in education?
  5. Can you discuss the impact of technology on student collaboration and teamwork?
  6. How do you think technology can help students stay organized?
  7. Have you ever used a learning management system like Moodle or Canvas?
  8. Can you discuss the role of educational technology in addressing learning gaps and inequalities?
  9. How do you think technology can enhance teacher professional development?
  10. Can you explain the concept of digital citizenship and its importance in education?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. How do you think artificial intelligence can be used in education?
  2. Can you discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of online learning?
  3. How do you think technology can support project-based learning?
  4. Can you explain the concept of gamification in education?
  5. What are some challenges faced by educators in integrating technology into the classroom?
  6. How do you think technology can facilitate global collaboration among students and teachers?
  7. Can you discuss the role of social media in education?
  8. How do you think technology can be used to assess student learning?
  9. What are some emerging trends in educational technology?
  10. Can you analyze the impact of remote learning on education during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Advanced (C2):

  1. How do you think technology can foster creativity and innovation in education?
  2. Can you discuss the potential impact of virtual reality simulations on hands-on learning experiences?
  3. How might adaptive learning platforms revolutionize personalized education?
  4. What are some potential ethical considerations in the use of student data in educational technology?
  5. Can you analyze the role of open educational resources (OER) in expanding access to quality education?
  6. How do you think technology can be used to promote lifelong learning and professional development?
  7. Can you discuss the role of digital literacy in preparing students for the 21st-century workforce?
  8. How might blockchain technology be used to credentialize and verify educational achievements?
  9. What are some strategies for fostering digital citizenship and responsible technology use among students?
  10. Can you propose ways to ensure equitable access to technology and digital learning resources in education?

Proficient (C2):

  1. How do you envision the future of education in the digital age?
  2. Can you discuss the potential impact of artificial intelligence tutors on personalized learning experiences?
  3. How might immersive technologies like augmented reality and holographic displays transform classroom instruction?
  4. What are some potential implications of using brain-computer interfaces for enhancing learning and cognition?
  5. Can you analyze the role of educational technology in addressing global challenges like poverty and inequality?
  6. How might advances in neuroeducation and cognitive science inform the design of effective learning technologies?
  7. What are some potential risks and benefits of using predictive analytics in education?
  8. Can you discuss the role of social-emotional learning and well-being in educational technology design?
  9. How might decentralized technologies like blockchain disrupt traditional models of accreditation and credentialing in education?
  10. Can you propose strategies for fostering a culture of innovation and experimentation in educational technology research and development?

Category 7: Talking About Entertainment and Gaming

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is entertainment?
  2. Have you ever played a game?
  3. Can you name some types of games?
  4. What do you like to do for fun?
  5. Have you ever watched a movie?
  6. What is your favorite TV show?
  7. How do you feel when you watch something funny?
  8. Do you like to listen to music?
  9. Have you ever been to a concert?
  10. What do you do when you’re bored?

Elementary (A2):

  1. Can you explain what a video game is?
  2. Have you ever played a board game?
  3. What’s the difference between watching a movie and watching TV?
  4. Do you know any famous actors or actresses?
  5. What is your favorite type of music?
  6. How do you feel when you listen to sad music?
  7. Have you ever been to the theater?
  8. Can you name some sports you like to watch?
  9. How do you feel when you play with friends?
  10. What is your favorite book or story?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How do you think technology has changed the entertainment industry?
  2. Can you discuss the role of storytelling in entertainment?
  3. Have you ever attended a live performance or event?
  4. What are some popular video game genres?
  5. Can you explain the concept of streaming services like Netflix and Spotify?
  6. How do you think entertainment influences culture and society?
  7. Have you ever created your own content for others to enjoy?
  8. Can you discuss the impact of social media on entertainment consumption?
  9. What role do you think nostalgia plays in entertainment?
  10. How do you think virtual reality will impact the future of entertainment?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. Can you discuss the role of representation and diversity in entertainment media?
  2. How do you think gaming can be educational or beneficial?
  3. Can you explain the concept of esports and its growing popularity?
  4. What are some ethical considerations in the gaming industry?
  5. Can you analyze the impact of piracy on the entertainment industry?
  6. How do you think the rise of user-generated content has changed entertainment consumption?
  7. Can you discuss the influence of celebrity culture on entertainment trends?
  8. How do you think artificial intelligence will impact the creation and consumption of entertainment?
  9. Can you analyze the role of fan communities in shaping entertainment franchises?
  10. What are some emerging trends in interactive storytelling and immersive entertainment experiences?

Advanced (C1):

  1. How do you think virtual reality and augmented reality will revolutionize the entertainment industry?
  2. Can you discuss the impact of globalization on the production and distribution of entertainment media?
  3. How might blockchain technology disrupt traditional models of content creation and distribution in entertainment?
  4. What are some potential implications of deepfake technology for the future of entertainment?
  5. Can you analyze the role of algorithmic recommendation systems in shaping entertainment consumption?
  6. How do you think the convergence of entertainment and technology will impact traditional media industries?
  7. Can you discuss the role of user privacy and data protection in online entertainment platforms?
  8. How might emerging technologies like 5G and edge computing enhance the delivery of streaming entertainment content?
  9. Can you analyze the role of nostalgia marketing in driving consumer engagement with entertainment franchises?
  10. What are some potential challenges and opportunities of virtual influencer marketing in the entertainment industry?

Proficient (C2):

  1. How do you think artificial intelligence will impact the creation and distribution of music, film, and other forms of entertainment?
  2. Can you discuss the potential implications of immersive technologies like brain-computer interfaces for interactive entertainment experiences?
  3. How might advances in neuroentertainment and neurofeedback technologies transform the way we consume entertainment?
  4. What are some potential ethical dilemmas in the development and use of virtual reality entertainment?
  5. Can you analyze the role of user-generated content platforms in empowering creators and disrupting traditional entertainment industries?
  6. How do you think virtual worlds and metaverse platforms will shape the future of social entertainment?
  7. What are some potential implications of virtual celebrity and influencer culture for the entertainment industry?
  8. Can you discuss the impact of streaming wars and content fragmentation on the entertainment landscape?
  9. How might emerging technologies like holographic displays and volumetric video revolutionize live entertainment experiences?
  10. Can you propose strategies for promoting diversity, inclusion, and ethical responsibility in the entertainment industry?

Category 8: Talking About Health and Wellness Tech

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is health?
  2. Have you ever used a thermometer?
  3. Can you name some healthy foods?
  4. What do you do to stay healthy?
  5. Have you ever taken medicine when you were sick?
  6. How do you feel when you get enough sleep?
  7. What is exercise?
  8. Do you know what vitamins are?
  9. What do you do when you have a headache?
  10. How do you stay clean and hygienic?

Elementary (A2):

  1. Can you explain why it’s important to eat fruits and vegetables?
  2. Have you ever used a fitness tracker?
  3. What are some ways to stay active?
  4. Do you know what a first aid kit is used for?
  5. How do you know if you’re sick?
  6. Have you ever visited a doctor or a nurse?
  7. What is stress?
  8. Can you name some ways to relax and unwind?
  9. How do you take care of your teeth?
  10. What do you do to stay safe when playing sports?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How do you think technology can help people lead healthier lives?
  2. Can you discuss the role of wearable health devices like smartwatches and fitness trackers?
  3. What are some benefits of regular exercise?
  4. How do you think diet and nutrition affect overall health?
  5. Can you explain the concept of telemedicine and its advantages?
  6. How do you think technology can assist in managing chronic health conditions?
  7. Have you ever used a meditation app or mindfulness tool?
  8. Can you discuss the impact of social media on mental health and well-being?
  9. What role do you think sleep plays in maintaining good health?
  10. How do you think technology can help address public health challenges?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. Can you discuss the potential impact of AI and machine learning on personalized healthcare?
  2. How do you think technology can support mental health awareness and treatment?
  3. Can you explain the concept of digital therapeutics and its applications?
  4. What are some challenges in ensuring the privacy and security of health data?
  5. How do you think technology can improve access to healthcare services in rural areas?
  6. Can you analyze the role of health apps in promoting preventive care and wellness?
  7. How do you think technology can assist in managing medication adherence?
  8. Can you discuss the potential benefits and risks of genetic testing and personalized medicine?
  9. What role do you think virtual reality can play in medical training and therapy?
  10. How might emerging technologies like nanotechnology impact the future of healthcare?

Advanced (C1):

  1. Can you discuss the potential of blockchain technology in healthcare data management and interoperability?
  2. How do you think precision medicine will revolutionize healthcare delivery and patient outcomes?
  3. Can you analyze the role of telehealth in improving access to mental health services?
  4. What are some potential implications of using big data analytics in population health management?
  5. How might wearable biometric sensors and continuous monitoring devices transform healthcare monitoring and diagnostics?
  6. Can you discuss the ethical considerations in the use of AI-driven diagnostic tools and decision support systems?
  7. How do you think technology can address healthcare disparities and inequities?
  8. Can you analyze the potential impact of remote patient monitoring on healthcare costs and outcomes?
  9. What role do you think virtual reality therapy will play in mental health treatment?
  10. How might emerging technologies like CRISPR gene editing revolutionize healthcare and biomedicine?

Proficient (C2):

  1. Can you discuss the potential of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering in treating chronic diseases and injuries?
  2. How do you think brain-computer interfaces will impact the future of assistive technologies and rehabilitation?
  3. Can you analyze the potential of 3D printing in personalized healthcare and medical device manufacturing?
  4. What are some potential applications of robotics and automation in surgical procedures and patient care?
  5. How might advances in pharmacogenomics and drug discovery technologies transform the pharmaceutical industry?
  6. Can you discuss the potential of bioinformatics and computational biology in understanding complex diseases?
  7. How do you think technology can be leveraged to improve global health outcomes and achieve sustainable development goals?
  8. Can you analyze the potential impact of virtual reality simulations on medical education and training?
  9. What are some potential challenges and opportunities of implementing digital health initiatives in low-resource settings?
  10. How might emerging technologies like quantum computing and synthetic biology revolutionize healthcare research and innovation?

Category 9: Talking About Social Media and Communication Technology

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is social media?
  2. Have you ever used a smartphone?
  3. Can you name some social media platforms?
  4. How do you communicate with your friends and family?
  5. Have you ever sent a text message?
  6. What is a selfie?
  7. How do you feel when you get a like or a comment on a post?
  8. Do you know what a hashtag is used for?
  9. What do you do if you want to talk to someone online?
  10. How do you share photos with friends?

Elementary (A2):

  1. Can you explain what a profile is on social media?
  2. Have you ever used emojis when chatting online?
  3. What are some ways to stay safe when using social media?
  4. Do you know what a video call is?
  5. How do you feel when you get a friend request?
  6. Have you ever posted something on social media?
  7. What is your favorite social media platform?
  8. Can you name some famous people on social media?
  9. How do you know if someone is your friend online?
  10. What is your favorite thing to do on social media?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How do you think social media has changed the way people communicate?
  2. Can you discuss the impact of social media on relationships and friendships?
  3. What are some benefits of using social media?
  4. How do you think social media affects self-esteem and mental health?
  5. Can you explain the concept of digital footprint and its importance?
  6. What are some strategies for managing screen time and digital well-being?
  7. How do you think social media platforms handle issues of privacy and data security?
  8. Can you discuss the role of influencers and content creators on social media?
  9. How do you think social media has influenced popular culture and trends?
  10. What are some potential dangers of using social media?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. Can you discuss the role of social media in shaping public discourse and political engagement?
  2. How do you think social media algorithms impact the content we see?
  3. Can you explain the concept of fake news and its spread on social media?
  4. What are some challenges faced by social media companies in moderating content?
  5. How do you think social media has impacted journalism and news reporting?
  6. Can you discuss the role of social media in activism and social movements?
  7. How do you think social media has influenced the way we form and express our identities?
  8. Can you analyze the impact of social media on cultural exchange and globalization?
  9. What role do you think social media plays in fostering community and social support?
  10. How might emerging technologies like augmented reality and virtual reality impact the future of social media?

Advanced (C1):

  1. Can you discuss the potential impact of social media on democracy and civic engagement?
  2. How do you think social media platforms can address issues of misinformation and online harassment?
  3. Can you analyze the role of social media in shaping consumer behavior and marketing strategies?
  4. What are some potential implications of social media addiction on mental health and well-being?
  5. How might advances in artificial intelligence and natural language processing improve content moderation on social media?
  6. Can you discuss the role of social media in facilitating global communication and cross-cultural understanding?
  7. How do you think social media platforms can promote digital literacy and critical thinking skills?
  8. Can you analyze the role of social media in influencing public opinion and attitudes towards social issues?
  9. What are some potential ethical dilemmas faced by social media companies in data collection and privacy practices?
  10. How might emerging technologies like blockchain disrupt centralized social media platforms and empower users?

Proficient (C2):

  1. Can you discuss the potential impact of deepfake technology on trust and authenticity in social media?
  2. How do you think social media platforms can address issues of echo chambers and filter bubbles?
  3. Can you analyze the role of social media in surveillance and government censorship?
  4. What are some potential implications of social media for the future of democracy and governance?
  5. How might advances in network science and computational social science inform our understanding of social media dynamics?
  6. Can you discuss the role of social media in shaping cultural norms and collective behavior?
  7. How do you think social media platforms can promote diversity, equity, and inclusion?
  8. What are some potential strategies for combating online radicalization and extremism on social media?
  9. How might emerging technologies like decentralized social networks and privacy-preserving technologies redefine the future of social media?
  10. Can you propose strategies for fostering responsible and ethical use of social media among individuals and society?

Category 10: Talking About Emerging Technologies

Beginner (A1):

  1. What is technology?
  2. Have you heard of robots?
  3. Can you name some things that use batteries?
  4. How do you feel when you see a drone?
  5. What is a smartwatch?
  6. Do you know what a self-driving car is?
  7. How do you feel about talking to a virtual assistant like Siri or Alexa?
  8. Have you ever used a touchscreen?
  9. What do you think about virtual reality?
  10. How do you feel when you see someone wearing augmented reality glasses?

Elementary (A2):

  1. Can you explain what a robot does?
  2. Have you ever used a remote control?
  3. What are some things that use solar power?
  4. How do you think drones can be used?
  5. Can you name some smart devices you’ve heard of?
  6. What do you think about artificial intelligence?
  7. How do you think self-driving cars work?
  8. Can you explain what virtual reality is used for?
  9. What are some benefits of wearable technology?
  10. How do you think augmented reality can be helpful?

Intermediate (B1):

  1. How do you think robots might change the way we work?
  2. Can you discuss the potential uses of drones in various industries?
  3. What are some environmental benefits of renewable energy technologies?
  4. How do you think smart home devices can make life easier?
  5. Can you explain the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT)?
  6. What are some ethical considerations in the development of artificial intelligence?
  7. How do you think self-driving cars will impact transportation?
  8. Can you discuss the potential applications of virtual reality in education and training?
  9. How might wearable health devices improve healthcare monitoring?
  10. What are some potential uses of augmented reality in entertainment and gaming?

Upper Intermediate (B2):

  1. Can you discuss the impact of automation on the future of work and employment?
  2. How do you think drones can be used for humanitarian purposes?
  3. Can you analyze the role of renewable energy in combating climate change?
  4. What are some potential risks and benefits of connected smart cities?
  5. How do you think artificial intelligence will transform industries like healthcare and finance?
  6. Can you discuss the challenges and opportunities of implementing 5G technology?
  7. How might autonomous vehicles impact urban planning and infrastructure?
  8. Can you analyze the potential impact of virtual reality on tourism and travel experiences?
  9. What role do you think wearable technology will play in the future of healthcare?
  10. How might augmented reality enhance customer experiences in retail and marketing?

Advanced (C1):

  1. Can you discuss the potential of robotics in space exploration and colonization?
  2. How do you think drones can be used for environmental monitoring and conservation?
  3. Can you analyze the role of renewable energy in achieving global sustainability goals?
  4. What are some potential implications of artificial intelligence for privacy and surveillance?
  5. How might self-driving cars disrupt traditional automotive industries and transportation systems?
  6. Can you discuss the challenges and opportunities of implementing smart grid technologies?
  7. How do you think virtual reality can revolutionize remote collaboration and communication?
  8. Can you analyze the potential impact of wearable biometric sensors on personalized healthcare?
  9. What role do you think augmented reality will play in the future of urban design and architecture?
  10. How might emerging technologies like quantum computing and nanotechnology revolutionize various industries?

Proficient (C2):

  1. Can you discuss the potential of robotics and automation in reshaping global supply chains and manufacturing processes?
  2. How do you think drones can be used for disaster response and emergency services?
  3. Can you analyze the role of renewable energy in achieving energy independence and security?
  4. What are some potential ethical dilemmas in the development and deployment of artificial intelligence?
  5. How might self-driving cars transform mobility-as-a-service and urban mobility ecosystems?
  6. Can you discuss the challenges and opportunities of implementing smart city initiatives at scale?
  7. How do you think virtual reality can be used to simulate and study complex systems and phenomena?
  8. Can you analyze the potential impact of wearable technology on personalized medicine and health interventions?
  9. What role do you think augmented reality will play in the future of human-computer interaction and interface design?
  10. How might emerging technologies like bioprinting and gene editing revolutionize healthcare and biotechnology?


In conclusion, talking about technology in ESL classes is very useful. It helps students practice English and learn new words about modern tools and advancements.

With these 600 questions divided into 10 categories and six skill levels, teachers can create interesting activities like discussions, debates, and presentations.

These activities help students improve their language skills and feel more confident talking about technology.

By exploring how technology impacts their lives and the world, students can better understand and use English in real-life situations.

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