
Making a Phone Call: 15 Best English Conversations

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A H M Ohidujjaman

Teaching ESL students how to make phone calls in English is about helping them communicate effectively. With this skill, students can confidently make appointments and handle various phone conversations.

ESL students often struggle with phone calls due to issues like understanding formal language and organizing their thoughts.

How can ESL teachers help students with phone call challenges?

This post offers 15 phone conversations for practice at different proficiency levels. It helps students improve their phone communication skills, addressing common challenges and building confidence in real-life scenarios. Teachers can use these conversations to equip ESL learners with the skills needed for making a phone call.

Formal Conversation on Booking a Doctor’s Appointment

Level: Beginner

Mark: Hello, I need to see the doctor.

Receptionist: Sure, what’s your name?

Mark: Mark Smith.

Receptionist: When would you like to come in?

Mark: Can I come tomorrow at 2 PM?

Receptionist: Yes, that works. See you then, Mark.

Mark: Thank you. Goodbye.

Formal Conversation on Ordering Pizza Delivery

Level: Beginner

Sarah: Hi, I’d like to order a large pepperoni pizza for delivery.

Pizza Place: Sure, name and address, please?

Sarah: Sarah Johnson, 123 Maple Street.

Pizza Place: Anything else?

Sarah: No, thank you.

Pizza Place: Your total is $15. Will card be okay?

Sarah: Yes, card is fine.

Pizza Place: Your pizza will be there in 30 minutes. Thanks.

Sarah: Thank you. Goodbye.

Formal Conversation on Arranging a Taxi

Level: Beginner

Alex: I need a taxi to the airport.

Taxi Service: Location and flight time?

Alex: 456 Oak Street, flight leaves at 5 PM.

Taxi Service: A taxi will be there soon.

Alex: How long?

Taxi Service: Around 15 minutes.

Alex: Thanks.

Taxi Service: Have a safe trip.

Alex: Thank you. Goodbye.

Formal Conversation on Reporting a Lost Item

Level: Beginner

Emma: Lost and Found, how can I help?

Chris: I left my backpack on the bus.

Emma: Describe it and the bus route.

Chris: Black with red stripes, Route 12.

Emma: We’ll try to find it.

Chris: How long?

Emma: About 24 hours. Your contact info?

Chris: 555-1234.

Emma: We’ll contact you if we find it.

Chris: Thanks. Goodbye.

Formal Conversation on Rescheduling an Interview

Level: Beginner

Anna: ABC Company, how can I assist?

Ben: I need to reschedule my interview.

Anna: Name and position?

Ben: Ben Jackson, Marketing Assistant.

Anna: When?

Ben: Next Tuesday at 10 AM?

Anna: Okay. Good luck, Ben.

Ben: Thank you. Goodbye.

Formal Conversation on Scheduling a Business Meeting

Level: Intermediate

Rachel: Good morning, this is Rachel from XYZ Corporation. May I speak with Mr. Patel, please?

Receptionist: Good morning, Rachel. I’m sorry, but Mr. Patel is in a meeting at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?

Rachel: Yes, please. Can you let him know that we need to schedule a meeting to discuss the upcoming project?

Receptionist: Of course. When would you like to meet?

Rachel: We’re flexible. Could you ask Mr. Patel to give me a call back when he’s available to discuss some potential meeting times?

Receptionist: Certainly, Rachel. I’ll pass along the message.

Rachel: Thank you. Have a great day.

Receptionist: You too, Rachel. Goodbye.

Formal Conversation on Checking on a Job Application Status

Level: Intermediate

James: Hello, my name is James Anderson. I recently submitted a job application and wanted to check on the status.

HR Representative: Hi James, I’ll be happy to assist you. Can you please provide me with the position you applied for?

James: I applied for the Marketing Assistant position.

HR Representative: Thank you, James. Let me check our records… It looks like your application is currently under review. We’ll be in touch soon regarding the next steps.

James: Great, thank you for the update.

HR Representative: You’re welcome, James. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

James: No, that’s all for now. Have a good day.

HR Representative: You too, James. Goodbye.

Informal Conversation on Arranging a Study Group Meeting

Level: Intermediate

Liam: Hey, it’s Liam. Can I speak with Sarah?

Sarah: Hey Liam, what’s up?

Liam: I wanted to see if you’re free this weekend to study for the math exam together.

Sarah: Yeah, I’m down for that. When were you thinking?

Liam: How about Saturday afternoon at the library?

Sarah: Sounds good to me. What time?

Liam: Let’s say around 2 PM. Does that work for you?

Sarah: Perfect. I’ll see you there then.

Liam: Awesome, see you on Saturday. Bye.

Sarah: Bye.

Formal Conversation on Rescheduling a Doctor’s Appointment

Level: Intermediate

Emily: Good afternoon, this is Emily Green. I need to reschedule my appointment with Dr. Khan.

Receptionist: Hello, Emily. Can you provide me with your appointment details?

Emily: Sure, it’s scheduled for next Tuesday at 10 AM.

Receptionist: Let me check… We have availability next Thursday at the same time. Would that work for you?

Emily: Yes, Thursday at 10 AM works for me. Thank you.

Receptionist: Great, I’ll update your appointment. See you then, Emily.

Emily: Thank you, goodbye.

Receptionist: Goodbye.

Informal Conversation on Ordering Takeout for Dinner

Level: Intermediate

Jake: Hey, it’s Jake. Can I place an order for delivery?

Restaurant Employee: Hi Jake, sure thing. What would you like to order?

Jake: I’ll have a large pepperoni pizza, please.

Restaurant Employee: Anything else?

Jake: How about some garlic breadsticks as well?

Restaurant Employee: Got it. Your total comes to $25. Cash or card?

Jake: I’ll pay with card.

Restaurant Employee: Alright, your order will be delivered in about 30 minutes.

Jake: Thanks a lot.

Restaurant Employee: No problem. Have a good one.

Jake: You too. Bye.

Restaurant Employee: Bye.

Formal Conversation on Negotiating a Business Deal

Level: Advanced

Sophia: Good morning, this is Sophia from ABC Corporation. May I speak with Mr. Rodriguez, please?

Receptionist: Good morning, Sophia. I’ll connect you.

Mr. Rodriguez: Hello, Sophia. What can I do for you today?

Sophia: Hi, Mr. Rodriguez. I’m calling to discuss the terms of our potential partnership agreement. We’ve reviewed the contract and have a few proposed amendments that we believe would benefit both parties.

Mr. Rodriguez: I’m open to hearing your suggestions. What are they?

Sophia: Well, firstly, we propose adjusting the payment schedule to better align with project milestones…

Mr. Rodriguez: I see. Let’s discuss the details further. Can you email me your proposed changes?

Sophia: Absolutely, Mr. Rodriguez. I’ll send them over right away.

Mr. Rodriguez: Great. I look forward to reviewing them. Thank you, Sophia. Goodbye.

Sophia: Thank you, Mr. Rodriguez. Have a wonderful day.

Formal Conversation on Clarifying Technical Details

Level: Advanced

David: Good afternoon, this is David from Tech Solutions. Am I speaking with Ms. Patel?

Ms. Patel: Yes, speaking. How can I assist you, David?

David: I’m calling regarding the recent software update. We’ve encountered some technical issues and would like to clarify a few details. Specifically, we’re experiencing compatibility issues with older operating systems…

Ms. Patel: I understand. Please go ahead.

David: Additionally, there seems to be an error message popping up during the installation process…

Ms. Patel: Okay, I’ll look into that as well. Could you provide me with the error code?

David: Certainly, it’s…

Ms. Patel: Got it. I’ll investigate and get back to you with a solution as soon as possible.

David: Thank you, Ms. Patel. We appreciate your assistance. Goodbye.

Ms. Patel: You’re welcome, David. We’ll resolve this promptly. Goodbye.

Formal Conversation on Discussing Financial Investments

Level: Advanced

Emily: Hello, it’s Emily from Wealth Management Services. Am I speaking with Mr. Johnson?

Mr. Johnson: Yes, speaking. What’s the purpose of your call, Emily?

Emily: I’m reaching out to discuss potential investment opportunities that align with your financial goals. We have several options available, including mutual funds, stocks, and bonds…

Mr. Johnson: I see. Could you elaborate on the risk factors associated with each investment?

Emily: Certainly, Mr. Johnson. Let’s discuss risk assessment in more detail…

Mr. Johnson: Thank you, Emily. I appreciate your thorough explanation.

Emily: My pleasure, Mr. Johnson. We aim to provide comprehensive guidance. Shall we schedule a follow-up meeting to further discuss your options?

Mr. Johnson: Yes, that sounds like a good idea. Please arrange it.

Emily: Will do, Mr. Johnson. Have a wonderful day.

Mr. Johnson: You too, Emily. Goodbye.

Level: Advanced

Alex: Good morning, it’s Alex from Legal Associates. May I speak with Ms. Garcia, please?

Receptionist: Good morning, Alex. Connecting you now.

Ms. Garcia: Hello, Alex. What’s the nature of your call?

Alex: I’m calling to discuss the ongoing litigation case regarding… We’ve received new evidence that could potentially affect the outcome of the case…

Ms. Garcia: Interesting. Could you provide me with more details about this evidence?

Alex: Certainly, Ms. Garcia. Let’s delve into the specifics…

Ms. Garcia: I appreciate your diligence, Alex. Please send over the documentation for review.

Alex: Will do, Ms. Garcia. Thank you for your cooperation.

Ms. Garcia: Thank you, Alex. We’ll review the evidence promptly. Goodbye.

Alex: Goodbye, Ms. Garcia.

Formal Conversation on Planning a Diplomatic Summit

Level: Advanced

John: Good afternoon, this is John from International Relations Committee. Am I speaking with Ambassador Lee?

Ambassador Lee: Yes, speaking. What’s the purpose of your call, John?

John: I’m calling to discuss the upcoming diplomatic summit regarding…

Ambassador Lee: Ah, yes. Let’s proceed.

John: We’d like to confirm your attendance and discuss the agenda for the summit…

Ambassador Lee: Of course. I’m available to attend and would like to propose a few agenda items…

John: Excellent, Ambassador Lee. Let’s collaborate on finalizing the agenda…Thank you for your cooperation, Ambassador Lee.

Ambassador Lee: Likewise, John. Looking forward to the event. Goodbye.

John: Goodbye, Ambassador Lee.


I’ve learned a thing or two about mastering phone calls in English, and I’ve gotta say, it’s a game-changer for ESL learners like us. Being able to chat confidently on the phone opens up so many doors in real life situations, you wouldn’t believe it!

What I’ve found super helpful is this resource that offers practice conversations tailored to different levels of proficiency. It’s been like having a personal coach guiding me through the tricky bits. With a bit of dedication and practice, I’ve noticed a real improvement in my ability to handle phone chats without breaking a sweat.

Honestly, it’s all about building that confidence. The more you practice, the easier it gets. And trust me, once you’ve got the hang of it, your overall English skills will soar, and you’ll feel like you can tackle any conversation with ease. So, don’t hesitate to dive in and give it a try. You’ll thank yourself later!

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