Teaching Strategies

Practice Ordering Food with AI: Creating an AI Roleplay Partner

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Sabbin Akter

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As an English teacher, you want to help your students practice speaking English in real-life situations. One common situation is ordering food at a restaurant. This post will show you how to use AI to help your students practice ordering food in English with AI chatbots.

Ordering food is an important skill ESL students need to learn. They want to avoid embarrassment when they go to restaurants with friends, colleagues, or family.

However, mastering this skill requires practice. Going to real restaurants just to practice ordering food conversations in English can be expensive and impractical.

Finding a practice partner can be challenging for ESL students. Often, they struggle to find someone who is available and patient enough to help them improve their conversational skills.

This is where AI technology can be very helpful. Using AI as a practice partner solves this problem by providing an easy and supportive environment for students to practice.

In this guide, we’ll explore how you can help your ESL students practice ordering food with AI. We’ll cover the benefits of using AI, provide step-by-step instructions for setting up practice sessions, and offer sample dialogues to get you started.

By using these strategies in your teaching, you can give your students the tools they need to confidently order food in any English-speaking setting.

Why Practice Ordering Food?

Ordering food is a fundamental activity that everyone engages in regularly. Whether it’s asking for a coffee at a café or ordering a meal at a restaurant, these interactions are vital for students to feel confident and competent in using English in real-life scenarios.

By practicing food conversations, students not only improve their language fluency but also learn practical vocabulary and phrases that are immediately useful in their daily lives.

Using AI for Practice

AI (Artificial Intelligence) can be a great tool for practicing conversations. AI chatbots can simulate the roles of waiters or cashiers in a restaurant. Students can interact with the AI and practice ordering food as much as they want without feeling embarrassed.

practice ordering food
I created a GPT for my students to practice ordering food conversations

You can either use the GPT I created for my students to practice ordering food conversations or create your own GPT if you’re currently using ChatGPT Plus. But a nady option for all free tier users is to use a detailed well-curated prompt to practice ordering food.

That’s what I’m going to share with you in this post. So read on!

Benefits of Using AI

  • Unlimited Practice: Students can practice as many times as they want.
  • No Pressure: Talking to an AI can be less stressful than talking to a real person.
  • Instant Feedback: Some AI chatbots can correct mistakes and give feedback.
  • Level-Specific: The AI-mentor can tailor the conversation flow as per the level of the student.

How to Set Up an AI Practice Session

practice ordering food
Setting Up an AI Practice Session

Setting up an AI practice session for your students involves a few simple steps to ensure everything runs smoothly. Here’s a guide to help you get started:

  1. Choose an AI Chatbot: Select a chatbot that specializes in language learning or has good conversational capabilities. Examples include ChatGPT, Duolingo, or Google Assistant.
  2. Prepare the Environment: Ensure that students have access to devices with internet connectivity. Headphones can help minimize distractions and improve focus.
  3. Create a Scenario: Decide on the context for the conversation. This could be a restaurant, café, or any other food-related setting.
  4. Provide Instructions: Explain the objectives of the session to your students. Make sure they understand the scenario and what they are expected to do.
  5. Monitor Progress: Walk around and observe the interactions. Offer assistance if students face difficulties.
  6. Review and Feedback: After the practice session, review the interactions with your students. Provide constructive feedback and highlight areas for improvement.

Choosing the Right AI Chatbot

Selecting the right AI chatbot is crucial for effective practice. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Language Proficiency: Choose a chatbot that understands and can respond in clear and correct English.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The chatbot should be easy to use and navigate, especially for beginners.
  • Customizability: Look for chatbots that allow you to customize scenarios and difficulty levels according to your students’ needs.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Some chatbots offer feedback on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, which can be very beneficial for learners.

Popular AI Chatbots for ESL Practice:

  • ChatGPT
  • Claude
  • Gemini

Sample Conversations

Providing sample conversations can help students understand what to expect and how to structure their interactions. Here are a few examples:

Scenario 1: Ordering at a Restaurant

  • Student: “Good evening, I would like to order the grilled chicken, please.”
  • AI-Mentor (Waiter): “Certainly! Would you like a side salad or fries with that?”
  • Student: “I’ll have the side salad, please. Can you tell me if the chicken is spicy?”

Scenario 2: Ordering Food for Delivery

  • Student: “Hi, I’d like to order a pepperoni pizza for delivery.”
  • AI-Mentor (Cashier): “Sure, can I have your address, please?”
  • Student: “It’s 123 Main Street. How long will the delivery take?”

Common Phrases and Vocabulary

Learning key phrases and vocabulary can boost students’ confidence. Here are some essential terms:

Greetings and Politeness:

  • “Good morning/afternoon/evening.”
  • “Please” and “Thank you.”
  • “Excuse me.”

Ordering Food:

  • “I would like to order…”
  • “Can I have…?”
  • “Is this dish…?”

Asking Questions:

  • “Could you tell me…?”
  • “Do you have any…?”
  • “What is the special today?”

Expressing Preferences:

  • “I prefer…”
  • “I’m allergic to…”
  • “Can you recommend…?”

Troubleshooting and Tips for Effective Practice

Sometimes, students may face challenges while practicing with AI. Here are some troubleshooting tips and best practices:

  1. Encourage Patience: Remind students that it’s okay to make mistakes and that practice is about learning.
  2. Provide Clear Instructions: Ensure students know how to start and end conversations and what to do if they get stuck.
  3. Use Simple Language: Encourage students to use simple and clear language, especially at the beginning.
  4. Incorporate Realism: Encourage students to use real menus and scenarios to make the practice more authentic.

Real-Life Applications and Success Stories

Hearing about real-life applications and success stories can inspire students and show the practical benefits of AI practice. Share stories of former students who have improved their English skills and successfully ordered food in English-speaking countries.

Prompt for Practicing Food Conversation RolePlay with AI

practice ordering food
Prompt for Practicing Food Conversation RolePlay with AI

Copy and paste the following prompt to chat with any of your chosen AI chatbots to create :

Prompt Starts: 
GOAL: Conduct a role-playing scenario where the student practices ordering food in different contexts and receives feedback on their practice.

PERSONA: In this scenario, you act as a friendly and helpful AI-buddy to practice ordering food.

NARRATIVE: Introduce yourself as AI-Buddy and guide the student through the process of ordering food in various settings. Begin by understanding their current level and experience, then move through different ordering scenarios, and provide feedback at the end.

IMPORTANT: Do not complete the conversation by yourself. This is a role play and must proceed step by step with the student's (user's) participation.


Greet the student and introduce yourself as AI-Buddy. First, ask the student to rate their experience with ordering food in English on a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 is beginner and 6 is proficient. 

Example Question:

"On a scale of 1 to 6, how would you rate your English language level?"


Once the students rates their level of English, ask if they have any previous experience ordering food in English. Use yes/no questions to gather information.

Example Question:

"Have you ever tried ordering food in English before? Yes or No?"


Thank the student for sharing their experience and rating. Present three options for role-playing scenarios: ordering food at a restaurant, ordering food for delivery over the phone, and ordering food at a fast-food drive-thru. Ask the student to choose the scenario they would like to practice first.

Example Questions:

"Would you like to practice ordering food at a restaurant, for delivery over the phone, or at a fast-food drive-thru?"


Based on the student's chosen scenario, describe the scene vividly:

For a restaurant: Describe the ambiance, background noises, and the waiter approaching the table.

For delivery over the phone: Describe the situation of making a phone call and interacting with the person taking the order.

For a drive-thru: Describe the setting of arriving at the drive-thru, the menu board, and interacting with the attendant.


Assume the role of the service staff (e.g., waiter, phone attendant, or drive-thru attendant). Start the interaction by greeting the student and asking if they are ready to order or if they have any questions about the menu. Continue the conversation for six turns, responding and guiding as needed, tailoring the complexity based on the student's experience rating.

Provide hints only if the student struggles:

Hint: Suggest the student start by greeting the service staff and indicating they are ready to order.

Hint: Encourage the student to ask questions about any dish they are unsure about.

Hint: Remind the student to mention any dietary preferences or allergies.


After the student has completed six turns, conclude the roleplay. Then provide detailed feedback on the student's performance:

Language: Comment on the clarity and politeness of the student's language.

Expression: Evaluate how naturally the student expressed themselves.

Vocabulary: Assess the range and appropriateness of the student's vocabulary.

Grammar: Identify any grammatical errors and suggest improvements.

Example Feedback:

"Great job! You were polite and clear in your order. Your expressions were natural and you used a good range of vocabulary. One area to improve is grammar, especially with the use of articles and prepositions."


Ask the student if they want to try another scenario or if they have any other questions about ordering food. Offer to keep practicing or provide additional guidance as needed.

Example Questions:

"Would you like to try another scenario, or do you have any other questions about ordering food?"

Prompt Ends. 


Using AI to practice food conversations is an innovative and effective way to help your students improve their English.

By integrating AI into your teaching, you can provide unlimited practice opportunities, reduce the pressure on students, and offer immediate feedback.

Try incorporating AI chatbots in your next lesson and observe the positive impact on your students’ confidence and fluency.

By incorporating AI into your teaching toolkit, you can help your students build the confidence and skills they need to navigate real-life English conversations with ease.

FAQs on Creating AI Roleplay for Ordering Food

Q#1: How can AI help ESL students practice ordering food?
Answer: AI chatbots simulate real-life conversations, allowing students to practice ordering food in a safe, pressure-free environment.

Q#2: What are the benefits of using AI for practicing food conversations?
Answer: AI provides unlimited practice opportunities, instant feedback, and tailored conversations based on the student’s level.

Q#3: Which AI chatbots are best for ESL practice?
Answer: Popular choices include ChatGPT, Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, and Google Assistant.

Q#4: How can I set up an AI practice session for my students?
Answer: Choose a suitable AI chatbot, prepare the environment, create a scenario, provide instructions, monitor progress, and review feedback.

Q#5: What phrases should students learn for ordering food?
Answer: Key phrases include greetings, ordering food, asking questions about the menu, and expressing preferences or dietary needs.

Q#6: How do I choose the right AI chatbot for my students?
Answer: Look for chatbots with good language proficiency, a user-friendly interface, customizability, and a feedback mechanism.

Q#7: Can AI chatbots correct students’ mistakes?
Answer: Yes, some AI chatbots can provide instant feedback and corrections on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

Q#8: How can I make AI practice sessions more realistic?
Answer: Encourage students to use real menus and scenarios, and create a realistic restaurant atmosphere during practice sessions.

Q#9: What if students struggle during the AI roleplay?
Answer: Provide hints and encouragement, and remind them that making mistakes is part of the learning process.

Q#10: Are there any resources for further improving food conversation skills?
Answer: Yes, books like “English for Restaurant Workers” and websites like ESL Cafe and BBC Learning English offer additional practice materials.

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